Environment for Background Screening Companies
The fourth
quarter of 2008 marked a change not only for background screening
providers but for every company, employee and consumer in the
US. However, two years after the collapse of the financial system,
the background screening industry is in a much more stable environment.
This article discusses the overall environment for background
screening companies including an overall market update, an overview
of the industry landscape and an outlook for 2011 and beyond.
The background
screening industry is highly fragmented and can be characterized
by a barbell shape. There are a handful of larger participants,
a limited number of mid-sized players and hundreds of small, privately-held
providers. In 2010, there are four providers with screening revenue
greater than $100 million, five to 10 providers with revenue between
$20 and $100 million, 40 to 50 providers with revenues between
$5 and $20 million and hundreds with revenue less than $5 million.
The total market, which is estimated to be between $1.6 and $2.2
billion, has decreased 15 to 25 percent since its peak in 2007/2008.
The chart
below highlights the year-over-year quarterly revenue growth for
the companies that publicly report background screening revenues.
Hiring and screening revenue declined substantially beginning
in the fourth quarter of 2008 when the revenue of service providers
declined over 25 percent on a year-over-year basis. This challenging
environment persisted for four consecutive quarters. While the
trend has been improving since the fourth quarter of 2009 and
annual quarterly growth returned in 2010, the growth is tempered
by the fact that revenues were so depressed in 2009.
During the
third quarter of 2010, KPMG Corporate Finance spoke with over
20 background screening providers in an effort to gauge the industry
outlook. Every background screening provider is experiencing 2010
revenue growth and expects revenue to exceed 2009 by 10 to 50
percent, with the growth largely fueled by increased hiring among
their existing customer base. Not surprisingly, the service providers
that experienced the largest 2009 declines are experiencing the
highest 2010 growth. That said, very few companies expect their
2010 revenue to exceed their 2008 revenue. They are still off
their peak but the outlook for 2011 remains positive. Approximately
half of the screening providers interviewed expect to achieve
their highest revenue ever in 2011.
With the
downturn in top line revenues, providers made substantial changes
to their businesses. Providers have been able to maintain margins
as they re-negotiated rates with vendors and have focused on process
improvements. Although technology is no longer a differentiator
in the market, it does continue to drive efficiencies. In addition
to technology enhancements, providers reduced headcount on average
30 to 50 percent. Although some providers are hiring again, the
hiring represents only a fraction of what was let go. Companies
may achieve their peak revenues in 2011 but they will do so with
20 to 30 percent less staff. The silver lining in the downturn
is that screening providers believe that they operate much more
efficiently today. That should position the providers better for
the future.
information is based on a presentation made at the Pre-employment
Screeners Conference in November 2010 by Cherie Smith Homa, Managing
Director, KPMG Corporate Finance LLC.
To read the
full article click
here and to to get a full copy of the presentation please
contact Cherie at
Background Screening Trends of 2011 from EmployeeScreenIQ
Since 2007, the global employment screening company
has developed an annual list for HR professionals and executives.
This year's trends are designed to equip hiring professionals
with advance information on crucial screening topics before they
become everyday news.
To read the
nine hot topics that hiring professionals need to watch during
2011visit .

Public Comments on Proposed EEOC Credit Report Alternative
Laura Randazzo,
Chair, National Association of Professional Background Screeners
(NAPBS) wrote NAPBS welcomes this opportunity to provide public
comment to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC)
proposed alternative to credit reports, which was suggested for
employers to use in making hiring decisions during the Commission's
October 20, 2010 meeting on Employer Use of Credit History
as a Screening Tool. Rather than obtain credit history on
an applicant, the suggestion was made for an employer to pose
the following questions to an applicant's prior employers as a
standard reference check:
1) Did the
employee perform adequately?
2) Did you
have any concerns about the employee's integrity or reliability?
3) Would
you re-hire this employee?
a trade association in which most members are consumer reporting
agencies, as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA or
Act) and presently regulated by the Federal Trade Commission.
We are committed not only to our own compliance responsibilities
under the FCRA, but also to assisting our end-user customers and
consumers with understanding their rights and obligations under
the Act. We also counsel our end-user customers of consumer reports,
which may include credit reports, to adhere to not only FCRA but
also Title VII.
To read the
full commentary made by NAPBS visit
The following
information was released by the House Committee on Education and
the Workforce: A new government report released today found that
individuals with histories of sexual misconduct were hired or
retained, in at least once instance, breaking existing state laws
that prohibit offenders from being near children or on school
grounds. The report, issued by the Government Accountability Office
(GAO) and conducted at the behest of U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA),
chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, highlights
15 cases of public and private schools hiring or retaining teachers,
support staff, coaches and volunteers who had histories of sexual
misconduct. In at least 11 of the cases, the offenders who were
hired or retained had previously targeted children. In at least
6 of the cases, the offenders abused more children after they
were hired.
"This report
is horrific and incredibly troubling. It is very clear from GAO's
work that there was a major breakdown in the schools highlighted
in this report - and quite possibly, in many more schools across
the country," said Miller. "Our schools have a fundamental obligation
to children and parents that all students are safe at school at
all times. What we see here is a major violation of that trust
and very poor judgment by some school officials.
To read the
full article go to:
Set To Talk Privacy, Terror With U.S.
Justice ministers
in the European Union said they approved the start of talks with
U.S. officials on privacy protection issues tied to bilateral
crime and terrorism prevention activities. "Protection of personal
data is a fundamental right for EU citizens," said EU Justice
Commissioner Viviane Reding. "To guarantee this right, we need
to be ambitious in our approach to personal data protection --
both at home and abroad." The aim of the talks, the European Commission
said, was to make sure personal information is protected during
overseas transfers of information.
To read the
article go to:

States: Massachusetts Agency Releases Guidance on Interpretation
of "Ban the Box" Legislation
The Massachusetts
Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD), the agency responsible
for enforcing the "ban the box" provisions of that legislation,
has now issued a fact sheet in the format of frequently asked
questions to explain how it interprets the new law. . Click
here to view the fact sheet. Importantly, the MCAD's interpretation
appears to expand the new legislation in two key ways. First,
the MCAD interprets the phrase "initial written job application"
to mean any written communication with applicants before the interview.
Second, the MCAD seems to interpret the law as covering applications
received by candidates in Massachusetts even where the position
for which they are applying is located elsewhere. Indeed, the
fact sheet explains "[a]ny employer that does business in Massachusetts
and takes applications in Massachusetts is subject to [the law]."
The fact
sheet is not formal regulation and it does not carry the force
of law. It is important guidance for any employer hiring in Massachusetts,
however, because the MCAD is the agency responsible for enforcement
of this law. This means that the MCAD is the
agency where applicants will lodge complaints that they were unlawfully
asked about criminal history during the hiring process. The agency
can investigate, hold a public hearing and assess damages where
the MCAD determines-based on its own interpretation of the law-that
an employer has violated the "ban the box" requirements.
To read the
full article go to:
Check Lawsuit Signals Potential New Wave of Class Actions
Close on
the heels of the EEOC's October 20, 2010, public meeting on the
use of credit checks by employers, LoudyAppolon filed a putative class action
against the University of Miami and the Leonard M. Miller School
of Medicine alleging that the schools utilized credit checks in
a manner that discriminates against African American and Latino
The complaint
alleges that in 2009, Appolon, an African American, applied for
a senior medical collector position with the University of Miami,
Miller School of Medicine. She received a conditional offer of
employment, contingent on a background check. Prior to beginning
her employment - but after she quit her employment with North
Shore Medical Center - the University withdrew its offer of employment
as a result of her credit report. The credit report on which the
University relied contained errors. Appolon corrected the errors
with the credit reporting agencies. She also attempted to notify
the University of the errors to no avail. According to Appolon,
the corrected report showed she had no active credit problems
or other problems relevant to the senior medical collector position.
To read the
full article go to:

to the Legal Challenge Question! |
Sponsored By:

the background screening industry continues to get more competitive
the firms that will ultimately succeed will be those that create
competitive advantage through their people by offering continuous
learning opportunities to heightened their knowledge and capabilities.
We believe that having employees that are very knowledgeable about
the legal landscape of background screening is essential to continued
We are grateful
to Pam Devata, Seyfarth Shaw
LLP for providing the expertise for this valuable endeavor.
For information regarding the answers to the Legal Challenge Questions,
please contact Pamela Devata at Seyfarth Shaw LLP at
or 312-460-5000 or visit
Please choose
your answer by clicking on it:

Subsidiary Of The American Bankers Association Endorses Lexisnexis
Screening Solutions
The Corporation
for American Banking - a subsidiary of the American Bankers Association
- is now exclusively endorsing LexisNexis Screening Solutions,
which includes fingerprint channeling to the FBI. As part of this
strategic alliance, the ABA fingerprint service will be sold to
LexisNexis Screening Solutions, an authorized FBI channeling agent.
The transfer of technology and intellectual property will expand
the ABA's existing alliance with LexisNexis Screening Solutions.
"We decided
to transition our fingerprint service to LexisNexis Screening
Solutions because they are the leader in background screening
solutions for the financial services industry," said Edward L.
Yingling, ABA president and CEO. "LexisNexis Screening Solutions
can offer our members a more comprehensive suite of screening
services that goes beyond fingerprinting."
To read the
full article go to:
Kroll Chairman William Bratton Honored As One Of 2010's Most Influential
People In The Security Industry
magazine has selected Kroll
Chairman William J. Bratton as one of 2010's most influential
people in the security industry. In a special feature in its December
issue, the magazine published its list of those top leaders who
"positively impact the security industry, their organization,
their colleagues, and their peers." This is the second time that
Mr. Bratton has been honored by the magazine, which had selected
him as one of the most influential security executives in 2008.
Leaders in the security industry are nominated by their colleagues
and are chosen by Security magazine's Executive Council based
on the nominees' leadership qualities and the positive impact
that their security projects, programs, or departments have on
their organizations, colleagues, and the general public.
Mr. Bratton
joined Kroll, an Altegrity
company, in November 2009, after serving as Chief of the Los Angeles
Police Department (LAPD) for seven years.The only person ever
to serve as head of the LAPD and the New York Police Department
(NYPD), Mr. Bratton established an international reputation for
re-engineering police departments, improving relations with minority
communities, and using cutting-edge technology to fight crime
and terrorism.
To read the
full announcement go to:

- Continued |
Used by More Than 10% of Hospitals
Inc. has announced that Ashland Community Hospital in Ashland,
Oregon and Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare in Elmhurst, Illinois
are among more than 200 hospitals and health systems that rely
on SkillSurvey's candidate assessment and sourcing solutions.
SkillSurvey's Pre-Hire 360 and Passive Candidate Compiler are
now in use by more than ten percent of hospitals that have adopted
the Planetree model of patient-centered care.
For more
information about SkillSurvey go to:

Land Jobs As Debt Collectors
often lie to get into the debt collections industry. Despite a
Minnesota law, rapists thieves and other offenders are cleared
to work as collectors -- with access to financial data. Lee Song
had already been caught forging checks when she swindled her former
employer out of $127,122 by submitting phony payment vouchers.
Yet, less than four years later, the Minnesota Commerce Department
cleared Song to work as a debt collector -- a job with access
to people's private financial information. Song is one of at least
743 criminal offenders in Minnesota who have been registered as
debt collectors since 2005, a Star Tribune investigation has found.
When offenders
filled out state applications to be debt collectors, 75 percent
of them lied about having a criminal past. The Commerce Department,
which regulates collectors, routinely approves criminals to work
in the collections industry without conducting background checks.
"The system in this state for screening collectors is broken,"
said Patrick Hayes, a consumer attorney in Minneapolis. "These
are people who can find out where you bank, where you live, even
where your friends and relatives live, and the state doesn't seem
to care if they are hardened criminals. Why even register collectors
if you register criminals?"
To read the
full article go to:
Releases Privacy Report
The U.S.
Federal Trade Commission has released its long-anticipated staff
report on consumer privacy. The report,
"Protecting Consumer Privacy in an Era of Rapid Change: A Proposed
Framework for Businesses and Policymakers," is the culmination
of the FTC's "privacy rethink" project and includes preliminary
recommendations. "The report appears to address the key themes
that [the commission] previously had indicated would be covered,"
said Hunton& Williams partner
Lisa Sotto. "Industry leaders undoubtedly will pay close attention
to the FTC's pronouncements." One of the major themes of the 122-page
report is the need to reduce the burden on consumers by simplifying
choice, embracing privacy-by-design principles and making privacy
policies more consistent across the board.
To read the
full report go to:
To Effectively Guard Against Employee Theft
Most business
owners never think their employees would steal from them. However,
some workers do. "All employers should be aware that they can
be the victims of fraud," said Allan Bachman, education manager
with the
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners . "Everyone seems
to think that it can never happen to them. Obviously, they are
wrong." Fraud exists in virtually all sizes of organizations,
and costs U.S. companies about 7 percent of gross revenues. That's
equal to a loss of about $994 billion in 2008, according to the
ACFE's Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud and Abuse. Business
owners can take a variety of steps to help guard against employee
theft. Some of these steps include: doing a thorough job of hiring
employees in the first place by conducting background checks,
Interviewing and calling references, having a written policy on
ethical behavior that employees must sign; . . .
To read about
more steps to prevent fraud and go to:
US Department of Commerce Releases Draft Privacy Green Paper,
Adding to Federal Examination of Privacy Protections
consumer privacy online and thereby bolstering consumer trust
in the Internet is essential for businesses to succeed online
according to the
just-released Department of Commerce Green Paper entitled
"Privacy and Information Innovation: A Dynamic Privacy Framework
for the Internet Age." The Green Paper says there is a "compelling
need to provide additional guidance to businesses, to establish
a baseline privacy framework to afford protection for consumers,
and to clarify the U.S. approach to privacy to our trading partners
- all without compromising the current framework's ability to
accommodate new technologies."
Like the
FTC Report, the Commerce Green Paper proposes an expanded set
of Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPs), yet it goes farther
by directly raising the question of whether the FTC should be
given rulemaking authority to implement privacy principles (which
it now lacks under Section 5 of the FTC Act). The Green Paper
also suggests a safe harbor provision in any legislation, for
companies that adhere to "voluntary, enforceable codes of conduct."
A key role for the new Privacy Office would be to bring together
the many different parties that are necessary to help develop
privacy practices." Mutual international recognition of and respect
for privacy frameworks also is mentioned in the Green Paper, a
reference to the EU's persistent finding that the U.S. lacks "adequate
protection" of personal data, thus requiring cumbersome legal
mechanisms for the cross-border transfer of data.
The Green
Paper is being published in the Federal Register with a period
for public comment and input.
To read the
full article go to:

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Confidence in Hiring Offers Brighter Employment Outlook in the
First Half of 2011, Find Dice Holdings' Survey
After ten consecutive months of private sector employment growth,
half of employers and recruiters anticipate more professionals
will be hired in the first half of 2011 than the previous six
months, according to a new survey byDice
Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: DHX),
a leading provider of specialized career websites for professional
communities. This result closely mirrors findings six months ago
which are being reflected in the general labor market - with private
employers adding 132,000 jobs per month on average since July,
as compared to just 98,000 new positions per month in the first
half of 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.Evidence
is mounting that the pace of hiring is being impacted by a shortage
of skilled professionals to fill the available positions. When
hiring managers and recruiters report the time to fill positions
is lengthening, the majority (52%) say the inability to find qualified
professionals is the number one reason. This is a reversal of
six months ago when caution related to the economy anchored the
top spot. "The labor market is improving, but employment is still
not growing as quickly as in previous recoveries," said Scot Melland , Chairman, President
& CEO of Dice Holdings, Inc. "However, with skills shortages
starting to emerge and voluntary departures on the rise, 2011
will likely be a busy year for hiring managers and employers."
For additional
information go to
Half of CFOs Say Firms Adding Staff
A survey
of CFOs by Bank of America Merrill Lynch found that 47% said they
expect their companies to hire additional employees in 2011. That
compares with 28% who forecast the same in last year's survey.
Only 6% expect layoffs compared with 9% last year. The survey
included 801 executives.
To the full
article go ' Click Here .'

Much Should You Charge For A New Product?
Charge too
much and it won't sell -- a problem that can be fixed relatively
easily by reducing the price. Charging too little is far more
dangerous: a company not only forgoes significant revenues and
profits, but also fixes the product's market value position at
a low level. And as companies have found time and again, once
prices hit the market it is difficult, even impossible, to raise
them. In our experience, 80 to 90 percent of all poorly chosen
prices are too low.
consistently undercharge for products. Many companies take an
incremental approach to pricing: they use existing products as
their reference point. If a new offering costs 15 percent more
to build than the older version does, for instance, they charge
about 15 percent more for it. Particularly in consumer markets,
they might set the price slightly higher or lower than that of
their main competitor. The incremental approach often underestimates
the value of new products for customers. By using an existing
product as the reference point, the company can undervalued a
revolutionary product.
To read the
full article go to:

How Long have you been in the background screening industry
and what led you to join the industry?
was first hired by SJV in 2000. I was required to do an
internship with a local business, and found out about
SJV. I thought it would be pretty cool to find out if
someone had a criminal record, so I pursued the internship.
I continued to work seasonally, as attended an out of
state college, and only returned to Georgia for holidays
and the summer months. Once my education was completed,
Scott approached me with a great opportunity at SJV, as
the company had grown tremendously while I was pursuing
work in an unrelated field.
If you could meet any one regardless of whether the person
is alive or not who would you want to meet and why?
would want to meet one of my heroes, Walter Payton. He
is famously known for being one of the greatest professional
athletes of all-time, and he unfortunately passed away
in 1999 from a rare disease. He was one of, if not the
best at what he did professionally, yet he didn't have
the typical skill set that coincided with succeeding.
He wasn't that tall, very big, or particularly faster
than other running backs, but he was still the best. He
found great success in the way he went about his daily
personal and professional life, while also inspiring others
around him to be the best they possibly could be. His
motto was simply, 'never die easy.'
is an accomplishment that you are especially proud of?
many people in our industry are aware that I obtained
my Master's Degree in Exercise Science in 2006, while
working full-time as an Assistant Strength and Conditioning
Coach at a Division 1A University. It was a very demanding
job in terms of the hours and responsibility of coaching
over 1,200 athletes. Being able to complete Graduate School
and publish my Master's Thesis, while having a positive
impact on the lives of so many young people, is something
I am especially proud of.
is important about your company that it is important for
people to know?
think the biggest thing about SJV that people should know,
is that we really, genuinely care about not only our employees,
but also all of the workplaces that we are helping to
keep safe. We're very aware of what is going on in our
industry in general, and in mirroring the goals of our
clients we sought and obtained an ISO Certification for
our Quality Management System. We don't want to just talk
about how important quality is…we want to set the
bar by proving our efforts as well. If we didn't care,
we wouldn't put forth the kind of effort needed to maintain
this certification.
If you had a Crystal Ball and could look into the future
what do you see happening in the background screening
industry 10 years from now?
down the road it's easy to speak about technology, and
the amount of advancements that are on the way. I'm sure
we'll see more automation of processes, but I think there's
an inevitable bounce back coming in the area of public
records. More and more counties and states are becoming
aware of how identity theft can occur, and the movement
by several states to provide an online resource of criminal
records has all but ceased. I see tighter restrictions
being placed on who can obtain public records, and specifically,
how they obtain it. CRAs want more and more information
from a background check, they want it fast, and they want
it cheap. Unfortunately public records systems across
the nation don't have the same infrastructure as Comcast's
On-Demand system. So again, I think the bounce back is
coming, concerning expected demands vs actual supply.
Company Name: SJV & Associates
Development Manager
Undergraduate Name: Kentucky Wesleyan College
School: Utah State University
City: |
Family Portrait:
Name:Kristin Ham
Interest: |
Favorite Musical Group or Artist: Alice In Chains
Sport Team(s):
Chicago Bears
Food: Greek, Italian, or Panamanian
Vacation: |
Location : Anywhere with a nice beach!
Favorite: There are great outdoor activities
to do near a beach, like volleyball, surfing, knee boarding,

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- New Year Hiring Plans Indicate Progress Towards Recovery
Results for
the first quarter 2011 global Employment Outlook Survey released
today by staffing agency Manpower Inc. suggest a more positive
start to the new year for the global labour market. Data reveals
improved hiring expectations from 12 months ago in 28 out of 39
countries and territories, including the G7 countries of Canada,
France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United
States, where hiring plans are stable or improved from both the
fourth quarter of 2010 and this time last year.
Despite continued mixed results across Europe, German employers
are reporting their strongest hiring plans since early 2008. Meanwhile,
hiring intentions among U.S. employers remain modest but signal
the most optimistic first-quarter outlook in three years. Job
prospects continue to be robust across the Asia Pacific region
with Chinese and Indian employers reporting the most optimistic
hiring intentions globally.
To read the full survey please click here

Fraud On The Rise: Strategies For Prevention, Detection And Response
KPMG's latest
Fraud and Misconduct Survey released on 8 November 2010 found
that, between 2008 and 2010:
- the amount
of money lost to fraud increased by 13% to a total of $345.4
- the average
loss from fraud doubled between 2008 and 2010 to a total of
$3 million, and
- fraud
continues to predominantly affect larger organisations, particularly
those in the finance and insurance sector.1
The largest
frauds, and 65% of all frauds, were committed by employees (so-called
'inside jobs'). Employee fraud was reported to be generally the
work of non-management employees acting alone, with the main motivators
being greed and lifestyle factors.
To read the
full article Click Here .

Until Proven Guilty
face a complex situation when attempting to respect a "record
of offences" as a ground for human rights protection. Two recent
decisions from the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario provide useful
guidance in this regard. Section 5 of the Ontario Human Rights
Code1 prohibits discrimination in employment for, among other
grounds, "record of offences."
The Criminal
Records Act2 distinguishes between pardons and discharges and
this is a common source of confusion. The Criminal Records Act
allows convicted persons to apply to the National Parole Board
for a pardon in respect of a particular offence, and if granted,
the conviction will be expunged entirely from that person's record.
The purpose of a pardon is to restore the person to the same social
status he or she would have had but for the conviction. In contrast,
a discharge is given in lieu of conviction, usually for minor
offences, and remains in a person's record, albeit on a confidential
basis. A discharge may show up on a background check depending
on how much time has lapsed since the offence.
To read the
full article Click Here

Concerned Over Ongoing Privacy Fraud In U.S.
data concerning European citizens and companies is not safe in
the U.S., legal experts warn. Many U.S. companies are wrongfully
claiming they are certified to store and process data from Europe,
a practice that has been going on for about 10 years. The federal
government in Washington, D.C., does not provide meaningful oversight,
and the European Commission is ignoring the swindle, say the experts.
Moreover, a research report highly critical of the fraudulent
practices has been withheld for months. The European Commission
must clarify and rectify this situation, according to Sophie in
't Veld, a Member of the European Parliament, where she sits with
the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe.
To read the
full article go to:

Of Ex-Offenders Transform Their Lives Thanks To Successful Employment
People Development Group (PPDG) has been working in partnership
with the Prison and Probation Services since January this year
to deliver the National Offender Management Service (NOMS), European
Social Fund CFO programme. The National Offender Management Service
is working hard to tackle the root causes of reoffending. Gaining
employment can contribute to the rehabilitation process and reduce
re-offending, protect the public and prevent people from becoming
the victims of tomorrow. Engaging the expertise of independent
organisations, businesses and charities is vital to changing people's
lives and stopping the revolving door of crime.
Between January
and October, PPDG has successfully placed more than 160 ex-offenders
into employment across the North East - more than double the target
of 80. Employment coaches have engaged with more than 1350 candidates
- more than 35pc ahead of the required 1000 and, so far, almost
100 of those have progressed into further learning or work-based
education. Speaking about the success, PPDG operations manager,
Mark Harrison, said: "The crucial aim of this contract is to help
people into employment, something PPDG has years of expertise
in. "Ex-offenders often have to deal with some of the hardest
barriers to employment to deal with and we're absolutely delighted
with the results. This is no mean feat and we are keen to mention
much of it has been made possible by the support and the very
close working partnership we have with the NOMS, The Prisons and
Probation Services.
To read the
full article go to:
- Businesses Predict A Brighter 2011
from 70,000 European companies via the latest Economic Survey
conducted by the Association of European Chambers of Commerce
and Industry (Eurochambres) indicates that business confidence
for 2011 is significantly higher than it was last year, albeit
with marked differences between countries. More than half of respondents
anticipate that the favourable climate which started in 2010 will
continue next year, and 30% believe that it will improve even
further. Swedish businesses are the most upbeat about the economic
climate for 2011, while pessimism prevails among Greek respondents.
Alessandro Barberis, Eurochambers' President said "these results
are encouraging for Europe's economic growth. Although they remain
wary about the possibility of further turbulence, businesses are
broadly optimistic for the year ahead."
The recovery
in business confidence is linked to better forecasts for total
turnover, employment and investment.
To read the
full report please click

Commission Review of Data Retention Periods Could Result in Reductions
The European
Commission is planning a review of the Data Retention Directive,
which could include harmonisation and a reduction of the periods
when public authorities can access citizens' private electronic
data for security reasons. The main EU level legislative instrument
governing this field is the Data Retention Directive, which was
adopted in November 2006 after long debates on its scope. The
directive has been in place since 2006 and sets out a legal framework
on the collection, storage and use of electronic private information
for security reasons. It obliges telecommunications providers
to store various data regarding their customers, including telephone
numbers contacted, Internet connections, locations at the moment
of the connection and personal information given for subscriptions.
However, the content of the communications is not recorded.
Periods of
retention are indicated in the directive, albeit in a vague manner.
The text says that personal data must be "retained for periods
of not less than six months and not more than two years from the
date of the communication". As a consequence of the directive's
indefinite wording, member states opted for
different retention periods in applying the text at national
level. Only six members adopted legislations limiting retention
to a minimum period of six months set out in the directive: Germany,
Spain, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Cyprus and Lithuania. "This raises
the question [of] whether the provisions should be made more precise,
to ensure that we strike the right balance between law enforcement
needs and privacy concerns in all member states," she added.
To read the
full article go to:

Security, Client Privacy Biggest Challenge For BPOs: Study
The biggest challenge facing the BPO industry today is addressing
the data security and privacy governance of their clients, but
most Indian companies have already embraced the processes required
to deliver secure outsourcing services, according to a survey.
KPMG and the Data Security Council of India (DSCI) jointly surveyed
50 organisations in association with CERT-In to assess the data
security and privacy practices adopted by the Indian BPO industry
and gain insights into how the industry is addressing security
and privacy-related concerns. In addition, more than 75 per cent
of the firms involve process owners and lines of business as part
of data security initiatives. The study stressed that the maturity
of the Indian BPO industry is reflected by the fact that most
organisations treat security as a 'hygiene factor', rather than
a competitive issue.
To read the full article go to:

Changes To New Zealand Credit Reporting Reguation
Privacy Commissioner
Marie Shroff announced changes to credit reporting regulation
today with a new amendment to the Credit Reporting Privacy Code.
Amendment No.4 is the result of a two year review of the code,
and included an extensive consultation process with a reference
group of consumer and industry representatives. Amendment No.4
brings in two key changes. Credit reporters will be able to collect
and use more information about people and, for the first time,
credit reporters may collect drivers licence numbers to be able
to match people's credit information more accurately. "Given the
substantial increase in sensitive financial information that will
become available to third parties...Amendment No. 4 also has strong
new controls to protect privacy," Commissioner Shroff said in
a press release.
A copy of
Amendment No.4 is available at along with
an information paper.

Privacy Measure To Bolster BPOs In Philippines
MANILA-The Philippines is expected to solidify its position as
global leader in business process outsourcing (BPO) activities
once Congress passes a special law securing personal data privacy,
House Deputy Majority Leader and Pasig City Representative Roman
Romulo said in a news release over the weekend. "We are absolutely
confident that more companies around the world will subcontract
their business support jobs to Philippine
providers once the proposed Act Protecting Individual Personal
Data in Information and Communications
Systems is decreed," said Romulo, the bill's author.
Romulo was
referring to House Bill 1554, which seeks to regulate and establish
fair practices in the gathering and use of an individual's personal
details in information-technology (IT) systems. "We are very hopeful
the bill will be passed soon, at least by the House initially,"
Romulo said. He said the measure would provide adequate safeguards
against the potential misuse or mishandling of personal facts
in IT-enabled services such as customer care and electronic data
processing. "This will sharpen the country's competitive edge
in BPO activities, besides reinforcing consumer trust and user
confidence in electronic commerce ," Romulo said. "Naturally,
their principals wish to be assured that we have definite, predictable,
and enforceable personal data privacy rules," he said.
To read the
full article go to:

Tuition Fees To Boost Fake Degrees
Eyal Ben
Cohen, Managing Director of Verifile Limited, CV verification
and background screening expert announced ahead of the House of
Commons vote on tuition fees his concern that an increase in tuition
fees will lead to an increase in bogus universities and push more
people to buy fake degrees from the criminals who run these organisations.
Eyal added " using their proprietary Accredibase™, the world's
largest database of fake universities or "degree mills" they have
seen the number of confirmed bogus institutions** claiming to
operate from the UK, rise by an alarming 24%, taking the number
of degree mills to 337 in the UK alone. In addition, a further
219 institutions are suspected mills and are currently under investigation."
He fears that pushing up the cost of UK education will only increase
the demand for fake universities and encourage more people to
use their bogus 'degrees' as a way to improve chances of employment."
To the full
article go to:

Magazine - Total PI Magazine to Launch in January
A new online
and .pdf delivery magazine for the private investigator industry
is about
to be launched called "Total Pi Magazine." The anticipated launch
date is for 1st January 2011. The magazine will cover a myriad
of subjects across our industry with news features, articles,
technical reviews, case studies, law, investigations specialist
areas and much more.
To learn more go to:

- World Federation
of People Management Associations:
- Chartered Institute for Professional Development:
- Business Forums International:
- Symposium Events:
Featured Course:

Document Verification for non-UK National Employees Workshop -
London - January 2011
Here to View full list of 2011 Events) – Updated Monthly

We can help
you have a high quality e-newsletter to help nurture your relationship
with your clients and attract new clients. Our customized newsletter
service will take over your newsletter task or create a new one
for you. We can manage the creation of your newsletter for you.
We are constantly
researching information to use for The Background Buzz and
you can put our research to use for you. Using the information
rich content from The Background Buzz (minus the ads
and competitors information) we will create a custom newsletter
for you.
Use your staff’s
time to do more valuable work and save all the hassle of researching
or writing articles, formatting and managing all the other ezine
tasks with our customized ezine process.
Contact Barry
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for more information.

that time of year... BUDGET time!
your budget to industry trends.
According to the 2010/11 Trends in HR Marketing
Report, a sizable majority of HR suppliers are
optimistic about 2011 and plan to increase
their marketing budgets.
that budget money going? Here are the
top three budgeted marketing activities reported
to get the biggest increases in 2011:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
2. Direct Marketing - e-mail
3. Create original content (e.g., white papers)
Learn more about the Trends in HR Marketing report
and download it with no registration required.

Screening Jobs |
the Job Board for the Employment and Tenant Screening Industry.
Here you will find resumes of people with industry experience
and employers seeking applicants with experience in Employment
and Tenant Screening and related businesses.

2011 Events (Click
Here to View full list of 2011 Events)

Featured Webinar:
to Reduce Costs of Screening Through Automated Background Search
Abstract: In 2010,
Premier Employment Screening Service implemented several new techniques
for data access and retrieval. Not only was Premier able to save
money but we were able to increase our business and improve client
satisfaction. Despite the economic climate, our company saw tremendous
growth in business, and using improved data retrieval methods
helped us scale up for the more than 70% growth we experienced.
More importantly we were able to deliver quicker service to our
clients by cutting online retrieval time from hours to minutes.
Premier will share the process, methodology and lessons learned
during this 60 minute webinar.
Presented by: Jerry
Thurber, President, Premier Employment Screening Services and
Fetch Technologies
Date: January 27th,
Time: 10:00 AM PST/11:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Register: Register
About Fetch
Fetch Technologies
helps you access accurate candidate data in seconds-automatically.
Our candidate background screening software, Fetch for Background
Checks, was designed specifically to help screening companies
find and deliver the most accurate candidate information quickly
and reliably. Fetch for Background Checks automatically accesses
more than 300 online data sites and over 1600 jurisdictions nationwide.
The system then filters and aggregates background data and effortlessly
integrates it with your existing candidate databases.