Volume 6, Edition 12, December 2010

This Month’s Challenge is sponsored by:



Under Section 611 of the FCRA, if you are made aware of a consumer dispute by the consumer or an end user, you should initiate a dispute. But, in order to gain specific information about a dispute, the best practice is to contact the consumer to confirm what they are disputing and then reinvestigate within 30 days and notify the applicant and client of the results of the invesigation.

If a client notifies you that a consumer has contacted them regarding inaccurate information in a consumer report that your firm provided you need to . . .

a) contact the consumer of the disputed CRA report

b) investigate the dispute and report the results to the applicant

c) investigate the dispute and report the results to the applicant and the client

d) (a) and (b)

e) (a) and (c)

f) do nothing, the matter is between the applicant and the client since they were notified directly.


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