Volume 8, Edition 8, August 2012

This Month’s Challenge is sponsored by:



The correct answer is (c). The best practice approach is to use a red ink pen to make corrections by drawing a line through the incorrect field and then filling in the correct information somewhere on the margin. The person making the correction should sign or initial and indicate the date in which they made the correction. White-out is expressly not allowed on an I-9 Form.

Jane Smith is correcting a Form I-9 that was prepared by another human resource coordinator. The initial List B document that was presented indicated the wrong issuing agency. What is the best practice approach in which Jane should make this correction?

a) White-out the error; then write in the correction on the same line.

b) Scratch out the error in blue or black ink; then write in the correction on the margin; initial and date the current date.

c) Line-out the error in red ink; then write in the correction on the margin; initial and date the current date.

d) Complete a new I-9 Form but only for Section 2, Part B.


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