Volume 9, Edition 2, February 2013

This Month’s Challenge is sponsored by:



Answer: (d).
Section 609 provides that upon request, a CRA must disclose to the consumer all the information in the consumer's file at the time of the request. The term “file” is defined to mean all of the information on a consumer that is recorded and retained by a CRA regardless of how the information is stored. The CRA, however, need not disclose information concerning credit scores or any other risk scores or predictors relating to the consumer for free or internal processing notes.

Under section 609 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, when a person requests a free file disclosure, a CRA must provide:

(a) A copy of the consumer report.

(b) A copy of everything the CRA has about the person, except for internal notes.

(c) A copy of the disclosure and authorization form and the consumer report.

(d) Nothing if the company is not a Nationwide Specialty Consumer Reporting


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