Volume 8, Edition 1, January 2012


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Beginning July 1, 2011 in Russia, new requirements began applying to all individuals and legal entities that process or organize the processing of personal data. The new requirements are therefore applicable to the vast majority of legal entities in Russia and are in many respects stricter than in a majority of European countries. Which one of the following is a newly enacted requirement:

A. All personal data operators that are legal entities must appoint at least two people responsible for organizing the personal data processing. Such person is internally responsible for the observance of Russian legislation with respect to personal data, and is accountable to the executive body of the operator;

B. Operators that performed personal data processing prior to July 1, 2011 must provide the Russian Data Protection Authority with information on persons responsible for the organization of the personal data processing;

C. Information systems that process personal data and do not meet the requirements applicable to the respective level of protection may be temporarily shut down by the Russian government within 48 hours of discovery of a protocol breach.

D. The persons responsible for organizing the personal data processing may be subject to jail time for breaches of their duties that lead to data privacy violations.


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