C. Under
15 U.S.C. 1681i, a “consumer reporting agency shall
provide written notice to a consumer of the results of a
reinvestigation under this subsection not later than 5 business
days after the completion of the reinvestigation, by mail
or, if authorized by the consumer for that purpose, by other
means available to the agency.” This notice must be
sent regardless of whether the CRA determines that the consumer
report should or should not be revised. Note that the Code
identifies specific requirements for the notice, such as
advising the consumer of his or her right to add a statement
to the consumer file disputing the accuracy or completeness
of information. The CRA must also send a copy of the revised
report to the end-user who requested the report.
After a CRA completes a reinvestigation of a dispute, when
must it notify the consumer of the results?
A. Within 10 days of determining
that information in the consumer report is incorrect
B. Never
C. Within 5 days of determining
that information in the consumer report is either correct
or incorrect
D. A CRA only has to notify the
end-user of the results of the reinvestigation, not the