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Kelly E. Riddle review of Background Screening and Investigations: Managing Hiring Risk from the HR and Security Perspectives

The book, “Background Screening and Investigations” is an extremely comprehensive publication dealing with all aspects of the background screening industry. The authors provide great expertise and insight as they guide the reader through the policies, procedures and legal issues surrounding background checks. Written to provide even the most well-informed with the inside facts regarding how the screening industry operates, this book is a must for human resource directors, investigators and those with a true need to know. There is no doubt that the authors conducted professional research to collaborate their decades of experience in the industry and the readers certainly benefit from these efforts. As a private investigator with thirty-years of experience, I was pleasantly surprised by such a well-rounded and extremely well-written book and intend to include this as a mandatory read for my staff.

Kelly E. Riddle; TCI, TPLI
President: Kelmar and Associates, Inc.
Director: The PI Institute of Education

Available at - Background Screening and Investigations: Managing Hiring Risk from the HR and Security Perspectives