Volume 6, Edition 10. October 2010

This Month’s Challenge is sponsored by:



ANSWER: D. NJ law does not classify offenses and misdemeanors and
felonies, but rather "indictable" and "non-indictable" offenses. Under
New Jersey law there is no right to indictment for offenses with a
maximum penalty of six months or less. As such, while a non-indictable
offense can be reported it cannot be reported as a criminal conviction.
In addition, a non-indictable offense cannot be used by an end-user to
disqualify an applicant. As such, they are not considered "crimes"
and employers cannot use them in making employment decisions. CRAs
should consider whether they report only "criminal" history/information
(namely those offenses that rise to the level of crimes) or all offenses.

Are there prohibitions on CRAs reporting criminal offense records in New

A) none other than abiding by the FCRA
B) yes; a CRA can only report indictable offenses
C) yes; a CRA can only report felonies
D) no; there are no restrictions on what a CRA can report under NJ law,
however, non-indictable offenses cannot be reported as a conviction.


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