Volume 9, Edition 3, March 2013

This Month’s Challenge is sponsored by:



Answer: (c) Filter the data to comply with section 605 and state law.
Section 605 of the FCRA details certain categories of information that must be excluded from consumer reports. It specifically states that adverse item of information other than records of convictions, may not be reported if they are older than seven years. Accordingly, motor vehicle record information that may be adverse should not be included if it is older than 7 years. This could include items such as non-conviction information. Additionally, if state law has additional limits on the types of information that may be reported, the CRA must filter the data so as to only provide the information that it is permissible to disclose under the FCRA and applicable state law.

When reporting motor vehicle records that contain information over seven (7) years old, a CRA must:

(a) Filter the data so as to only provide conviction information.

(b) Not filter the data because it is information coming directly from the state.

(c) Filter the data to comply with FCRA section 605 and state law.

(d). Not filter the data because the CRA is only a conduit of information.


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