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About Us

As a leader in the area of occupational violence prevention, the Institute serves as a center for research, consulting, training, and communication. Our mission is to educate employers, unions and employees about the growing threat of violence in the workplace and how to effectively deal with it. We focus on preventative efforts and prepare clients to respond appropriately should an incident of violence occur. The statement "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" was never truer when considering that an average of approximately 1,000 people annually have been killed on the job since 1990, up from an average of 750 in the 8O's.

The NIX Model for Preventing Workplace ViolenceTM provides a framework for our work, which is a comprehensive approach to addressing occupational violence.  The Institute's training is practical, experiential, and targeted at application on the job.  We help supervisors and managers to recognize the early warning signs so they can intervene early and reduce the likelihood of violence. We also help them know exactly what to do should an incident of workplace violence actually occur. Being prepared is your best defense.

Our business practice of consulting and training is built on the premise that in order for any structure to stand, it must be built on a solid foundation.  One critical component of every business foundation is having people who are fully competent in executing the requirements of their positions.  This requires well-developed and ongoing training.  We build this assumption into all our work, and take great pride in our ability to develop and implement practical solutions to problems.

The Institute is composed of a consortium of professionals with specialized expertise in the multiple disciplines impacting workplace violence (e.g., security, behavioral psychology, safety, human resources, law, anger management, conflict resolution, etc). Each consultant has experience working with companies of a variety of sizes and has held significant positions during their career.

Benefits of Workplace Violence Preparation

  • Risk reduction
  • Improved employee morale
  • Increased feelings of security
  • Enhanced supervisory skills
  • Early identification of issues
  • Business cost reduction
  • Improved capability to resolve conflicts in positive manner
  • Reduced legal liability
  • OSHA compliance


W. Barry Nixon, SPHR is the Executive Director, the National Institute for Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc., a company focused on assisting organizations effectively address the emerging issue of workplace violence from a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary viewpoint. Having spent over twenty years in Human Resources and Organization Development in Fortune 500 companies Mr. Nixon is well grounded in the real issues companies face and in developing practical solutions based on having been there. He successfully developed and implemented Workplace violence programs in the late eighties before this issue was identified as a top organizational issue.  As a consultant he has worked with large and small private and public organizations.

Prior to founding the National Institute for Prevention of Workplace Violence, Mr. Nixon studied 'General Management' in the Executive Management Program, University of Hawaii.  This experience exposed him to business practices and the cultures of Pacific Rim countries and enriched his knowledge of cross cultural communication.  He earned a masters degree in Human Resource Development from the New School for Social Research (New School University) and a bachelor of science degree in Business Administration from Northeastern University. Mr. Nixon also completed the Advanced Human Resource Management program at Babson College, as well as certification programs in Organization Development from National Training Laboratories, Systems Thinking from MIT, Equal Employment Opportunity & Affirmative Action from Cornell University's School of Industrial Relations, attended the highly acclaimed "Creating Competitive Advantage through Human Resources," program from the University of Michigan's School of Industrial Relations and is a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR).  He is also a trained Mediator, certified Anger Management facilitator, Security Specialist and Trauma Response Specialist.

Since becoming an external consultant his practice has focused on developing organizations and programs that deliver high levels of customer satisfaction and implementing innovative solutions to business problems .  One area he specializes in is offering 'Preventing Workplace Violence' programs.  He is the Workplace Violence consultant for the State of California and provides consulting and training for managers and employees across the state. Some of his clients include Canon USA, Beckman-Coulter, Gillette, Southern California Edison, Blue Shield Foundation, Macy's, City of Pasadena, City of Irvine, National Transit Institute, District of Columbia Water and Sanitation Authority, etc. He has gained a reputation for developing comprehensive programs that are practical in nature and which fit the needs of the client. Additionally, he teaches courses at several universities in a full array of human resource programs.

His Workplace Violence Prevention programs cover the full realm of this troubling issue helping companies to assess their vulnerability, implement readiness programs, establish crisis management teams, train employees and managers, address security issues and revise or add new policies to effectively address this critical issue. In essence, he helps organizations to implement an effective program to minimize the likeliness of a major workplace violence incidence occurring and to be ready in the event one should actually occur.

In addition, Mr. Nixon is a frequently requested speaker on the subject of Workplace Violence, has published numerous articles including appearing in the highly acclaimed Complete Workplace Violence Prevention Guide, has appeared on MSNBC, ABC, the very popular Atlanta radio show � Job Talk, United Kingdom � National Talk Radio, Wall Street Journal Radio and host the popular talk radio show - 'Workplace Violence Today."

Contact Information:

W. Barry Nixon, Executive Director
National Institute for the Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc.
Voice � 949-770-5264
Email �
Web Site �