Effective: 7/1/1997 |
Revised: 7/1/1999 |
SPP 814: Violence in the Workplace |
To provide a safe workplace through enforcement of a zero-tolerance policy with regard to acts of intimidation, threats of violence, and acts of violence in the workplace
University policy
Classified, service professional, and administrative staff
Any act of intimidation including menacing and harassing behaviors, threat of violence, and acts of violence committed against any person in the workplace is prohibited.
All weapons as defined by the Arizona Revised Statutes are banned from the premises of ASU unless written permission is given by the ASU Department of Public Safety (ASU DPS).
Any person experiencing or observing imminent violence in the workplace should call ASU DPS at 911.
Any ASU employee who is the subject of, or witness to, a suspected violation of this policy should report the violation to ASU DPS immediately.
Employees must notify their supervisors and ASU DPS of any restraining orders against individuals (employees or nonemployees) that include the workplace.
Any ASU supervisor, manager, or individual in authority who receives a report of a suspected violation of this policy shall document and report the suspected violation to the appropriate authority.
Employees found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Any employee who intentionally brings false charges will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination (see SPP 809, "Discipline").
Employees and supervisors may contact ASU Human Resources, the Employee Assistance Program, ASU DPS, or an ombudsperson for assistance in maintaining a safe work environment.