University of North Carolina at Charlotte Workplace Violence Policy
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte is committed to provide a workplace for its employees and students which is safe, secure and respectful -- an environment that is free from violence. Behaviors and actions which inappropriately represent violence are potentially damaging to University employees, students and property. Violent behavior is a violation of University policy and will not be tolerated in the University community. It will be dealt with promptly by the University administration.
Definition of Workplace Violence
Workplace Violence includes, but is not limited to, intimidation, threats, physical attack or property damage.
Intimidation: Includes but is not limited to stalking or engaging in actions intended to frighten, coerce, or induce duress.
Threat: The expression of an intent to cause physical or mental harm. An expression constitutes a threat without regard to whether the party communicating the threat has the present ability to carry it out and without regard to whether the expression is contingent, conditional or future.
Physical Attack: Unwanted or hostile physical contact such as hitting, fighting, pushing, shoving or throwing objects.
Property Damage: Intentional damage to property which includes property owned by the State, employees, students, visitors or vendors.
It is a violation of this policy to engage in workplace violence as defined herein or use or possess an unauthorized weapon during a time covered by this policy. By law, weapons are prohibited on campus except for law enforcement and military personnel carrying out their official duties, and for ceremonial or educational uses specifically authorized by the Chancellor (See Policy Statement #32).
Responsibilities and Appointments
A. General
It is the responsibility of all employees and students in the University to conduct themselves in such a way as to contribute to an environment that is free of violence. University administrators and supervisors have a special responsibility to create and maintain such an environment. Should an administrator or supervisor have knowledge of conduct that creates violence or receives a complaint of violence under his or her administrative jurisdiction, immediate steps must be taken to deal with the matter appropriately. Taking positive steps to educate and sensitize employees and students with respect to this issue is also a responsibility of University administration.
B. Responsible Institutional Officer
The Director of Human Resources shall serve as Coordinator and have overall responsibility for implementation of policies and procedures dealing with Workplace Violence. The maintenance of records and preparation of requested reports on Workplace Violence shall be the responsibility of the Coordinator.
C. Workplace Violence Education and Awareness
The Coordinator shall have the responsibility to coordinate the design and presentation of training and education of supervisors regarding the signs of potential workplace violence. Advice and assistance will be solicited from other University resources on the contents of the training and education program, to assess the effectiveness of the program, and to determine revisions as necessary to the policy.
To address incidents of workplace violence in your work area and to insure speedy and effective resolution of these incidents, the University has established the following process.
Inquires from the media about any incident of workplace violence should be directed to the Office of Public Relations.
Critical Response Team
The University has in place a team of administrators to respond to critical incidents of Workplace Violence that affect the University community and has precedence over those previously identified in this policy. The team may respond to Workplace Violence that has been identified as critical in nature and as life-threatening situations (i.e. death, hostage, bomb).
The Coordinator will first notify the University Police Watch Commander who has the responsibility for directing the response and making appropriate notification about the critical and or emergency situation. The University Police Watch Commander will immediately notify the Critical Incident Response Team Person on Call.
Remedial Action
Remedial actions will depend on the severity of the incident. University authorities may direct a faculty member or a staff member who violates this policy to the Employee Assistance Program, or may refer the matter for disciplinary action in accordance with University procedures applicable to the individual's status as student, or to the employee's category of employment. Disciplinary action may include discharge from employment or expulsion of a student.
Retaliation Prohibited
Employees and students who act in good faith by reporting real or implied violent behavior or violations of this policy will not be retaliated against or subjected to harassment.
Source: University of North Carolina at Charlotte