How you can stop bullying • Speak out and get adult help at school. It's not tattling when someone needs help. • Students should make an effort to include everyone. Strength is in numbers. What to do if you are bullied • Seek help from peers and/or an adult. • Look the bully in the eye and tell the bully to stop. • Respond with a remark to make the bully laugh. Let the bully know you are comfortable with yourself regardless of what the person says. • Walk away, stick together with others. • Don't react emotionally, don't excite the bully more. What to do if you hear someone might commit a crime in school or on the bus, or when you witness violence in school • Report it to your parents, a teacher, a school counselor or another adult. You can also call the school crime hot line at (800) 220-5414. The toll-free line was started by Attorney General M. Jane Brady as a resource for parents, teachers and students to call if they believed their school was not responding properly to concerns or incidents of violence. Now students are encouraged to use the number when they know something that alarms them. Source: Delaware Attorney General's Office WHAT IS BULLYING? Bullying is the continued hurting of a child, either physically or emotionally, by another child or children. It may involve fighting, shoving, kicking, name calling, playing dirty tricks, excluding a child, or spreading rumors. WHO ARE BULLIES? • They are aggressive and they like power. • They do not stop to think how their actions harm others. • They refuse to back down even on little points. • They use anger to control other people. |