One in 4 Have Witnessed Workplace Violence
Quebec, Canada
—One in four Quebecers has witnessed some type of violence at work, according to a study by Quebec’s reference organization for human resources development and industrial relations. The study (released 9-8-03) said 27 percent of workers have witnessed various forms of physical, psychological, verbal, sexual or racial violence at work. The violent actions could range from armed robbery to verbal conflict between workers.In 68 percent of the cases the violence occurred between employees or between managers and employees. In 22 percent of these incidents outside people, such as clients and suppliers, were involved.
The Ordre des Conseillers en ressources Humaines et en Relations Industrielles Agréés du Québec polled 625 people in August 2003 as part of the study. (Source: 9-9-03.)
The Ordre des Conseillers en ressources Humaines et en Relations Industrielles Agréés du Québec polled 625 people in August as part of the study.