Dear Pre-Employment Screening Service Provider: This is an exciting time for providers of pre-employment screening services. The industry is experiencing record growth and companies’ demand for screening is at an all time high since the tragic events of September 11th that has awakened employers to the critical need to know who they are hiring. To assist you in taking full advantage of this unprecedented opportunity the National Institute for the Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc. would like to offer you a unique marketing opportunity to increase your visibility and revenue earning opportunities. The National Institute for the Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc, is one of the leading providers of workplace violence prevention consulting and training in the country. In January, we celebrated our tenth anniversary as the premier firm helping employers create violence free work environments and to be prepared for workplace crisis. Our flag ship website www., which is the #1 site on the web for information regarding workplace violence, is launching an ambitious effort to promote pre-employment screening services and we have developed the most comprehensive listing of pre-employment service providers that exists in one place anywhere. Our intent is to provide employers a ‘one stop’ source to identify and source pre-employment services. We are planning an aggressive marketing campaign to promote the listing and anticipate that the web site will become one of the primary sources for employers seeking pre-employment screening services. You are invited to take advantage of this unique and extremely affordable marketing opportunity to increase the visibility of your company’s services. You can choose the options that most appropriately fits your marketing strategy and budget. Choose from the attached listing options to reserve your space in the new listing. For more information, please contact W. Barry Nixon at . Thank you for joining us in making the American workplace a safer place for everyone. Sincerely, W. Barry Nixon |