New Study Shows 1 in 4 Angry at Work

A new study found that 1 in 4 people are angry at work, which may explain the increase in workplace violence, the Associated Press reported Aug. 11.

"In an environment where you think people are satisfied with their jobs, there is a sort of undercurrent of anger and resentment aimed at the workplace that could potentially lead to the kinds of explosions of rage we have seen," said Donald Gibson, a professor at the Yale University School of Management and a coauthor of the study.
The study, called "The Experience of Anger at Work: Lessons from the Chronically Angry," found that 11 percent of those questioned blamed the actions of supervisors or managers for their workplace anger. Nine percent responded that unproductive coworkers, tight deadlines and a heavy workload were the causes for anger.
The study, sponsored by Marlin Co., a Connecticut management consulting firm, was presented at the Aug. 11 annual meeting of the Academy of Management in Chicago, Ill.