
Resource Center
Data Protection Laws and Information:
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents
To learn
how to comply go to http://privacy.org.nz/how-to-comply-with-the-privacy-act/
You can view the full Privacy Act 1993 on ttp://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1993/0028/latest/DLM296639.html
United States
- International
Data Protection Legislation Matrix compiled by US Department
of Commerce
- Safe
Harbor Overview
- U.S.
Network for Education Information
U.S. Network for Education Information
International Students and Professionals, information
and links about coming to the United States, recognition
of foreign qualifications, accredited U.S. institutions
and programs, avoiding frauds, and financial aid.
International Educators and Officials, information
about the U.S. education system, U.S. accreditation and
quality assurance, recognized institutions, avoiding fraudulent
providers, and related resources.
U.S. Students, information about studying abroad,
financial aid, and links to official information about education
in other countries.
U.S. Educators, information about international
education, other education systems, teaching overseas and
the recognition of foreign education within the United States.
U.S. Human Resources Professionals and Officials,
information about foreign education systems, recognized
foreign institutions, and U.S. credential evaluation for
foreign degree-holders.
- WES-DimplomaMill
Click Here to go Find an International
Background Investigation firm
World Information Center:
Here to go Find an International Background Investigation firm
- Specially
Designated Nationals (SDN) and Blocked Persons
16 June 2004, revised 2 May 2005. The U.S. Treasury Department,
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) publishes this list
of individuals and companies controlled by targeted countries.
The list includes "individuals, groups, and entities,
such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers designated under
programs that are not country-specific. Collectively, such
individuals and companies are called 'Specially Designated
Nationals' or 'SDNs.' Their assets are blocked and U.S. persons
are generally prohibited from dealing with them."
- List
of Parties Debarred for Arms Export Control Act Convictions
21 June 2004. The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls of
the U.S. Department of State provides two lists--one statutory
and one administrative--of companies and individuals convicted
of violations involving the Arms Export Control Act (AECA)
or the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). Both
lists are alphabetical and include a Federal Register citation,
although not a link to the relevant issue. (et)
- Entity
16 June 2004, revised 2 May 2005. The U.S. Bureau of Industry
and Security (BIS) maintains this list of foreign individuals
and companies, which "have been determined to present
an unacceptable risk of diversion to developing weapons of
mass destruction or the missiles used to deliver those weapons."
Changes to the list appear officially in the Federal Register.
The following
lists may be relevant to your export or re-export transaction.
Persons List
A list of individuals and entities that have been denied export
privileges. Any dealings with a party on this list that would
violate the terms of its denial order is prohibited.
A list of parties where BIS has been unable to verify the end
use in prior transactions. The presence of a party on this list
in a transaction is a “red flag” that should be
resolved before proceeding with the transaction.
A list compiled by the State Department of parties who are barred
by §127.7 of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations
(ITAR) (22 CFR §127.7) from participating directly or indirectly
in the export of defense articles, including technical data
or in the furnishing of defense services for which a license
or approval is required by the ITAR.
Several lists compiled by the State Department of parties that
have been sanctioned under various statutes. The Federal Register
notice imposing sanctions on a party states the sanctions that
apply to that party. Some of these sanctioned parties are subject
to BIS’s license application denial policy described in
§744.19 of the EAR (15 CFR §744.19).
Here to go Find an International Background Investigation firm
offences legislation
Here to go Find an International Background Investigation firm
Over 2,000 institutions, including 45 of the world’s 50
largest financial institutions and hundreds of government agencies,
rely on the World-Check database of known heightened-risk individuals
and businesses to efficiently screen their customers, associates,
transactions and employees for potential risk. This highly-structured
database is updated daily in real-time by World-Check's international,
research team and is derived from hundreds of thousands of public
sources. It is this unprecedented commitment to ongoing research
that has established World-Check as the industry standard. No
other service replicates the quality of intelligence in this
market-pioneering database.
Here for an up to date list of resources.
Fraud Prevention Resources

CIFAS is the UK’s Fraud Prevention Service with 270 Members
spread across banking, credit cards, asset finance, retail credit,
mail order, insurance, savings and investments, telecommunications,
factoring, and share dealing. Members share information about
identified frauds in the fight to prevent further fraud. CIFAS
is unique and is the world's first not for profit fraud prevention
data sharing scheme.
The UK's Fraud Prevention Service - CIFAS research study on
Employee Fraud
To see research study results go - http://www.cifas.org.uk/default.asp?edit_id=658-57
Visit CIFAS online at http://www.cifas.org.uk/
Verification and Validation Resources
Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center
Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center
(CDGDC) is responsible for evaluating and appraising the academic
degrees and graduate education and researching the degree
equivalency between China and foreign countries, mainland
China and its special regions Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan,
providing the counseling for reciprocal degree acknowledgement
agreements in this area.
Education Verification
States - Information about foreign education systems,
recognized foreign institutions, and U.S. credential evaluation
for foreign degree-holders.
- For
International Students and Professionals
, information and links about coming to the United States,
recognition of foreign qualifications, accredited U.S. institutions
and programs, avoiding frauds, and financial aid.
- For
International Educators and Officials , information
about the U.S. education system, U.S. accreditation and
quality assurance, recognized institutions, avoiding fraudulent
providers, and related resources.
- http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ous/international/usnei/edlite-index.html
- WES-DimplomaMill
General Administration Organization - Office of Special
Investigations - Report on Diploma Mills
Summary of US Federal Government investigative findings of
Diploma Mills. http://www.quackwatch.org/04ConsumerEducation/dm4.html
/ Validate / Verify College Degrees and other Educational Qualifications
Validation or Verification of College Degrees and other educational
qualifications is regularly used by headhunters, employers,
and other verifiers. This report verifies educational qualifications*
and degrees of any person. This Information is generally verified
through the schools or universities. If you do not know an individual's
educational qualification, you can search those possible qualifications
through this search. You can also find out if the degrees are
genuine or fake or have been awarded through diploma mills.
For USA education searches can be run by state or nationwide
and returns possible colleges or universities attended or degrees
Click here for education and college degree verifications
outside the USA . http://www.abika.com/Reports/Samples/Verifycollegedegree.htm
Fake-Degree Burns By Researching Academic Credentials
The Federal
Trade Commission (FTC), the Department of Education, and the
Office of Personnel Management (OPM) have teamed up, putting
new tools in place to help you weed out bogus academic credentials
and insure the integrity of your hiring process.
Out Credential Abuse With Accredibase™
At a time when unaccredited educational establishments, diploma
mills and unrecognised accrediting agencies are on the rise,
Accredibase™ offers you an invaluable new resource.This
searchable global database brings together powerful information
on bogus institutions from a variety of sources with the purpose of
helping employers, educators and background screening
companies secure only the best candidates with bona fide qualifications.
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