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The National Institute For The Prevention Of Workplace Violence


We offer a wide range of services for human resources departments, real estate owners and managers and non-profit organizations. Our data helps organizations recruit the best, most reliable employees, select the best residents and tenants; and accept the best volunteers. IntelliCorp’s online system gives you instant access to billions of public records – exactly the data customers need to make the best possible choices in their hiring, renting and recruiting decisions.

With IntelliCorp, you will…

• make informed decisions.
• choose the best individuals for your organization
• protect employee, customer, or resident safety
• improve efficiency of your screening processes
• prevent theft, fraud and inventory shrinkage
• support best business practices

Jump-start your screening process today. Our products and services have the flexibility to meet your needs at every phase.
IntelliCorp…information for better decisions. For your peace of mind.