"Embedding Crime Prevention in State Policy and Practice"


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This age old adage has been

applied to maintaining good personal health but not necessarily sound

community health. Many states spend more money on corrections than they do on

higher education. The National Crime Prevention Council has pledged to work

with six states - Arizona, California, Connecticut, Iowa, Kentucky, and

Oregon - over the next five years to identify, promote, and anchor prevention

as the policy of choice for reducing crime, violence, and other drugs. This

initiative, Embedding Prevention in State Policy and Practice, will be funded

by The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Annie E. Casey Foundation,

the Florence V. Burden Foundation, the General Mills Foundation, the

California Wellness Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Justice (Office of

Justice Programs). The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the William T.

Grant Foundation are also seriously considering funding this pathbreaking

initiative. Their decisions are imminent.


NCPC Launches New Initiative: Embedding Prevention in State Policy and

Practice Initiative, represents the logical if not moral extension of our

work begun in neighborhoods. By Jack Calhoun, President and CEO


what works:


The Patterson Juvenile Justice Village Initiative is modeled after Operation

Night Light which has been credited with greatly reducing juvenile homicides

and probation violations in Boston.