Bill Greenblatt, CEO of Sterling Testing Systems, Named Ernst
& Young’s Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2006 Award Winner
in the New York Metro Region
New York City
(June 29) Sterling Testing Systems, Inc. announced that Bill Greenblatt,
CEO, received the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year®
2006 Award in the New York Metro Region. According to Ernst &
Young, the award recognizes outstanding entrepreneurs who are
building and leading dynamic and growing businesses. Bill Greenblatt
was selected by an independent panel of judges and the award was
presented at an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year 20th
anniversary gala event on June 28 at the New York Marriott Marquis
(NYC). As CEO and Founder of Sterling Testing Systems, Bill Greenblatt
is one of the nation's top experts in the field of pre-employment
screening, drug testing and background checking. With more than
30 years of experience in the field, Greenblatt is passionate
about helping organizations create a safer workplace environment
by supplying better information through technological innovation.
Under his leadership, the company has enjoyed a 99% customer-retention
rate among its 6,000 clients, deploys the most advanced client-support
technology, provides an ever-growing roster of services, and doubled
its size in the past two years.
Click Here
for More Information: http://www.sterlingtesting.com/news/default.aspx
We help you maintain a drug free environment by
helping you with policy development, training, MRO
review, and random testing at a price that ensures
Rapid turnaround, high standard review process, and
integration technologies make us your drug screening
company of choice.
We handle your back office with full service technology—from
policy development, training, and flexible data exchange,
to billing. Devote your resources to maintaining and
growing your business. |
Grow your company by adding or enriching your drug
testing programs. Florida Drug Screening, Inc.’s
personal customer service, flexibility, rebranding,
and integration technologies mean your clients get
the services they want from you instead of someone
Florida Drug Screening, Inc. helps you fulfill your
DOT requirements with policies, training, high quality
review, randoms and required MIS reports. Personal
service and advice when you need it keep you in compliance. |
For immediate emergency testing, one time or periodic.
With over 10,000 collection sites, we have a drug
testing facility convenient to you.

The Registry
now has the complete 50 States participating with South Dakota
and Oregon coming on board. The Registry provides real-time access
to public sex offender data nationwide with a single Internet
search.This Web site is provided as a public service by the U.S.
Department of Justice. Using this Web site, interested members
of the public have access to and may search participating state
Web site public information regarding the presence or location
of offenders, who, in most cases, have been convicted of sexually-violent
offenses against adults and children and certain sexual contact
and other crimes against victims who are minors.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.nsopr.gov/
Terrorist Emerge
The June 22
arrests of six men in Miami and one in Atlanta for plotting to
destroy Chicago's Sears Tower and public buildings elsewhere provide
the latest case in point. The band of alleged terrorists - which
the government says pledged fealty to Al Qaeda, but had no actual
contact with it - has been characterized as "homegrown"
because five of the suspects are US citizens. Many of those arrested
were not seen as threats by those who knew them. In an earlier
case in Lackawanna, N.Y., the six men who ultimately pleaded guilty
to providing material support to terrorists grew up watching football,
played sports, and enjoyed barbecue. In the Miami case, one of
the suspects is a musician who also worked at an Abercrombie &
Fitch store. "These folks have various jobs, including ice-cream
truck driver. A lot of them are students, a lot of them are Muslim
converts or their parents came from Middle Eastern countries,"
says Oren Segal, director of the Center for the Study of Left-wing
and Islamic Extremism in New York.
For more information
go to: http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0626/p01s01-ussc.html

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Call us today to find out how we can help 888.690.9297
First Extended Workforce Screening Solution
Platinum Member HireRight Inc. has announced the Extended Workforce
Screening Solution, the industry’s first robust software
solution for managing the background screening of vendor and partner
employees, temporary employees and independent contractors who
have access to a company’s facilities, data, personnel and
information systems. Most large enterprises today screen full-time
employees, but these other categories of the workforce generally
do not undergo the same security procedures, representing a major
security gap. In fact, a recent study conducted by HireRight found
that vendor employees were 92 percent more likely to have a felony
record than permanent hires of the same companies, and were approximately
50 percent more likely to have a misdemeanor record or drug history.
For More Information
Go To: www.hireright.com
A Company that Certifies the Truth of Resumes
checks are routine at many larger companies, but they usually
come after the employee has been hired. Jared Flecther thinks
that is backwards and started a firm, ResTrust to certify the
information contained in an applicants resume. Under the plan,
job seekers would send their resumes to ResTrust online and pay
about $40.00 to have the company verify their education, career
and criminal past. ResTrust would outsource the actual screening
to one of the large data aggregating companies, but once it got
the all-clear, it would send the document back to the client via
e-mail with a tamper-proof digital seal and unique ID number verifying
that it’s fib-free.
This article
appeared in MiamiHerald.com on June 16, 2006 and can be accessed
thru their archive at https://verify1.newsbank.com/cgi-bin/ncom/MH/ec_signin
Thoughts on Determining the Frequency of Publishing Your Webzine
One of the
most frequent questions that we get when discussing webzines is
‘how often should we publish?” With today’s
overloaded email boxes webzine publishers are very conscious about
not getting caught up in the online version of the proverbial
‘file 13’, better known as the delete key. To avoid
this fate it is critical to determine the right frequency so that
your readers view your information as bringing them value and
not as an intrusion. Overwhelming your readers could result in
many of them unsubscribing or worse, just not reading your webzine.
look at some of the key considerations. First of all, is your
news or information perishable? If your information is date sensitive
or must be acted on quickly then sending it next week will not
serve any purpose. Accordingly, ‘time sensitive’ information
needs to be sent in short intervals. An example would be if your
webzine deals with travel discounts and a major airline announces
it has a three day sale on tickets from New York to London. You
need to get that information out today so your readers can receive
value from the information. On the other hand if you website focus
is ‘quotable quotes’ it is not likely that it has
the same sense of urgency for publishing the information.
Another key
consideration is resources and their utilization. Needless to
say to produce a daily webzine requires more commitment of resources
and time, then to produce a quarterly webzine. Consider the following:
Here to Read the Full Article
resumes of people with industry experience and industry employers
seeking industry experience.
- your one stop source to quickly and easily find people in the
background screening industry. Go to backgroundscreeningjobs.com

- You are
provided a full page to display your marketing message.
- Your web
site URL appears with your listing and is linked to your web
site so potential clients can go directly to you.
- You get
an automatic pop up email to connect visitors directly to your
sales staff.
- Your logo
will be placed at the top of the page along with other Platinum
member’s logos in the alphabetical and geographical (US
or International) sections. In addition, Your logo will rotate
on the front page giving you a substantial advantage over non
Platinum members.
- On your
specific alphabetical and geographical (US or International)
page your firm’s logo will appear at the top ahead of
all other non platinum listings.
- You can
update your ad copy at no charge if you introduce new products
and services or your marketing campaign changes.
The Fakes From The Fabulous
Kingdom - Job applicants who augment degree results on their CVs
or fake references have reason to fear Eyal Ben-Cohen. The entrepreneur
runs Verifile (a PreemploymentDirectory.com Platinum Member),
a company that checks the CVs of its clients’ prospective
employees. “We make sure a person is who they say they are
and that there are no skeletons in the closet,” Eyal says.
“Our basic checks include verifying that applicants have
the qualifications that they purport to have and that they have
taken part in all the work experience listed on a CV,” he
says. This can be time-consuming because he will not settle for
certificates. “They can be faked,” he says. “We
go back to the source.” Verifile can also check financial
and criminal records. All applicants must give permission for
such checks, but last month it emerged that thousands of job-hunters
were being subjected to over rigorous background checks by employers.
While those working with children or in positions of financial
responsibility have to undergo in-depth checks, applicants for
unrelated jobs were also being checked to the same extent, which
is illegal. Eyal says: “Our role here is to help the employers
we work with to comply with the law. We know which checks are
appropriate for which jobs.”
Read Full Article Go To: http://business.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,8213-2217377,00.html
Now Use Anything Up To Seven Different Methods Of Checking Up
On Job Applicants
United Kingdom - According to a survey
in the current issue of IRS Employment Review employers take seriously
the threat of identity theft, and the steps they are taking to
ensure that candidates do not slip through the legal net intended
to safeguard children and vulnerable adults from dangerous carers.
Alongside the use of references from current and former employers,
recruiters now typically carry out Criminal Records Bureau checks
for relevant posts (See www.crb.gov.uk
for further information), and seek to verify professional and
academic qualifications. Most want documentary proof that the
candidate is who they say they are, and will probe further where
there are gaps in an applicant's CV. The survey of 100 employers
found that, although criminal records checks were thought to be
the most useful tool available to potential employers, they were
most likely to follow up discrepancies or other warning signals
identified in job references (see tables below). Most employers
also investigate further if there are gaps in employment or if
the information candidates give at interview does not match up
with that in their CV or application form. The survey found that
while all the organisations taking part in the research would
still accept references by post, three out of ten were now happy
to obtain an email reference. Four out of ten prefer to rely on
telephone references.
See More Results of Survey Go To: http://www.irser.co.uk/DisplayArticle.asp?ArticleId=67418&ArticleType=NewsFeed
Dangers for Hiring in China
The employment market in China is
great news for professionals, but for companies it offers only
challenges. In China the biggest corporate problem by far is hiring.
If you are looking at surviving in the China market you had better
understand the challenges that you face as you try to build a
talent pool of excellent people. Frank Mulligan, Talent
Software shares some insightful perspectives about
doing business in China covering topics such as New Generation
of Workers, Skill Flow, Retention, Worker Shortages, Surplus of
Graduates and Culture Collapse. For example, People with strong
skills in China are moving East. Unfortunately, for cost reasons,
companies in China are moving West and with the rapid turnover
of staff in China, companies are finding it extremely hard to
maintain any semblance of a corporate culture and it gets worse.
. .
Read Full Article Go To: http://www.talent-software.com/private/online_hiring_china/060412
Faking It
As opportunities
for U.S. based business continue to abound in China, the struggles
companies face in finding homegrown talent in that region have
been well-documented. Now adding to the problems plaguing this
crucial market, comes a further complication, one that makes finding
and choosing truly qualified employees even tricker: the increasing
number of “diploma mills,” or unaccredited institutions
that bestow false degrees and certifications upon graduates regardless
of their abilities. While such schools are not a new phenomenon
in China, they seem to be growing in number. Authenticating academic
qualifications is a concern for business in any country. What
makes the problem unique in China is the country’s largely
paper-oriented verification process in most universities as well
as companies.
See Human Resource Executive, June 16, 2006 edition
Merger Creates One of Asia’s Largest Pre-employment
Screening Service Providers
KONG,– Hill & Associates Limited (a PreemploymentDirectory.com
Platinum Member), Asia’s largest risk management & business
intelligence consultancy firm, today announced that it has reached
a definitive agreement with Quam Limited an integrated financial
services group listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, to merge
their respective pre-employment screening operations and form
a leading Asian pre-employment screening business. The merged
entity will trade as Verify Screening Solutions (Verify) and will
hold leading market positions in all substantial markets throughout
Asia, thereby offering a ‘one-stop-shop’ screening
& credit data verification service to multinationals across
the region. In addition to providing customers with more resources
and expertise, both units will complement each other geographically
given Verify’s strong footprint in Singapore, Malaysia and
India, and Quam Data‘s leading status in Hong Kong, China
and Taiwan.
For More Information Go To: http://www.hill-assoc.com.
Monster Employment Index UK Surges in June
Online job recruitment activity and
related employment opportunities across the United Kingdom rose
sharply in June, as the Monster Employment Index UK showed a surge
in online hiring activity, ending a downward trend observed during
the previous three months. The Index climbed 17 points to 125
in June, driven by a greater number of opportunities for workers
in sectors such as marketing, PR & media; public sector, defense
and community; sales; and engineering. Only the research and development;
and arts, entertainment, sports and leisure sectors saw a decline
in offers. Year-on-year growth of the Index was twenty points,
or 23 percent.
For More Information Go To: http://www.onrec.com/content2/newsimages/monster00.pdf
Post-Employment Screening: A Risk Management Tool
South African - Any company would
be very mistaken to think that screening and due diligence stops
or is complete once a person has signed their contract of employment
and started working, considering research shows that a high percentage
of individuals who have held positions over a long period are
implicated in serious fraud. A KPMG survey in 2005, on fraud in
South African businesses, showed 55% of these crimes were performed
by junior to middle management, 42% were employed for 2 - 5 years
and only 17% had been with the company for less than a year. Yet
it is very uncommon that companies think to check employees that
have been with the company for an extended period of time. Pre-employment
screening reduces the risk of a bad hiring decision, post employment
screening minimises the risk to which a company is exposed over
the long term. For More information
To: http://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/22/10885.html
International Information?”
We have greatly
enhanced our International Resource Center to be a valuable resource
for anyone looking for information on doing international background
verifications, vetting or verifications. It includes information
on EU countries data protection and other laws, Canada, terrorist
searches and much more. Also included is very practical information
on time zones, locating cities, etc. Check it out and I am sure
you will want to Bookmark it so you can use it over and over.
To view the International Section go to www.PreemploymentDirectory.com
and look under the line in the middle of the page:


Barry Nixon at (949) 770-5264 today to join the exclusive
Platinum Club
or Click Here to start
enhancing your Sales Opportunities Today
Raises average under 4 percent
for fourth straight year
Annual pay raises should average only 3.5
percent this year and are expected to remain at approximately
the same level through 2007, according to projections
released by The Conference Board. This marks the fourth
year in a row that annual salary increases will be less
than 4 percent as employers try to keep a tight rein on
their budgets. And Conference Board compensation analysts
project that annual pay raises for 2007 in all industries
and for all three employee categories (non-exempt, exempt
and executives) will continue to hover around 3.5 percent.
Pay raises for executives will average slightly higher than
those of the other groups, at 3.8 percent, the salary survey
revealed. For More Information
Go To:
Costs of Hiring Mistakes:
According to a survey of 444 North American organizations
conducted by Right Management Consultants the top 5 consequences
of bad hiring and promotion decisions are:
68% Lower
66% Decreased productivity
54% Lost customers/market share
51% Higher training costs
44% Higher recruitment costs
For More Information Go To: http://www.corporate-ir.net/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=rht&script=410&layout=0&item_id=849080
Background Buzz MEDIA RATES: |
here for more information about advertising in The Background
Buzz and PreemploymentDirectory.com (Sections: US Provider, International,
Vendor Showcase.)
for Human Resource Management (SHRM) - For Details on
State Conferences, go to http://www.shrm.org/conferences/state/CMS_004287.asp
FALI Professional Investigation Conference, August 31,
2006 -- September 2, 2006, Orlando, Florida. http://www.2006fali.com/
Security China 2006, Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition
Centre, Shenzhen, China, 5 - 7 September 2006, http://www.globalsecchina.com/docs/GSC-brochure.pdf
Forums International's HR RISK SUMMIT 2006, September
5, 2006, London W6, http://www.bfi.co.uk
ID World’s Managing the Decentralization of IDENTITY,
September 11-13, 2006, Santa Clara, CA, http://conference.digitalworld.com
Forums International's Global Employee Vetting Conference,
September 22, 2006, New York Hilton, New York, NY http://www.bfi.co.uk
International’s 52nd Annual Seminars and Exhibits,
San Diego, CA, September 25-28, www.Asisonline.org
Annual HR Technology Conference, October 4-6, Chicago.
Go to for special invitation and to register - http://www.hrtechnologyconference.com
York, November 10, 2006, http://www.bfi.co.uk