You Know What Your Firm is Worth? Valuing a Background Screening
Cherie Smith Homa, Managing Director
KPMG Corporate Finance LLC
Most background
screening companies are bullish on the future growth of the industry.
In a recent KPMG Corporate Finance LLC survey (the “KPMG
Survey”) of companies in the background screening industry,
nearly all respondents expected revenue to increase over the next
12 months, and 40% expect revenue to increase more than 25%. Over
the past few years, the awareness of the value of screening has
increased substantially and more companies are requiring screening
as part of the new hiring process. In the recent KPMG Survey,
54% of all respondents have considered acquiring another company,
with over 70% of large and medium-sized companies considering
acquisitions. Current acquisition activity is being driven by
firms trying to: 1) expand and bundle complementary software and
services with screening services, and 2) expand the range of existing
business footprint via geography, services, or customer base.
The positive outlook for the industry, the fragmented nature of
the industry and the competitive benefits of being a larger company,
will result in continued consolidation.
For More Information
business surveys indicate that as much as 80 percent of
all business crime is committed by employees. Prish Pearce,
Yale University suggest employers take greater pains to
perform thorough pre-employment background checks - including
a criminal check.”
Click here for more information
"Forty-seven million Americans experience psychological
or physical aggression while on the job. Interestingly,
workers pinpoint the general public as the most significant
source of this aggression, as opposed to other co-workers
or supervisors."
here for more information |

Francisco No Longer Will Ask Job Applicants About Conviction Records
its never-ending quest to end discrimination in all shapes and
forms, San Francisco will no longer ask most city job applicants
up front if they've ever been convicted of a crime. "The
goal is not to discourage ex-offenders from applying for city
jobs that they are eligible for,'' said ever-liberal Sheriff Michael
Hennessey, who is expected to join supporters Tuesday at a news
conference outside City Hall promoting the open-arms policy for
"formerly incarcerated people.'' "Obviously if ex-offenders
are going to become law-abiding citizens, they have to be able
to get employment,"
For More Information go to: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/01/15/BAG3PGNK511.DTL
offenders the target of legislators, candidates
A get-tough
policy toward sex offenders not only tops Maryland’s General
Assembly's agenda this year, but it has also emerged as a major
campaign issue in the race for governor. The issue began receiving
attention from state leaders after the Sun reported in July that
nearly one in five of the more than 4,300 addresses recorded in
the state's sex offender registry is inaccurate.
For More Information go to: http://www.baltimoresun.com
Plea in ChoicePoint ID theft case
In Los Angeles
a Nigerian national pleaded guilty Tuesday to conspiracy and grand
theft involving identity theft that authorities say was accomplished
by accessing personal information stolen from consumer data collector
ChoicePoint Inc.
For more information go to: http://www.dfw.com/mld/dfw/business/13453531.htm

Fear of violence cited as main reason majority of companies
conduct employee background checks
two-thirds of companies surveyed by B21 engage outside firms
to conduct background checks. The main reason; concern over
hiring a dangerous person who could harm others. Another
major concern is that job candidates misrepresent the facts
on resumes. In addition, the survey showed that 27% said
cost was the reason they outsource this activity.
more information go to: http://hrcafe.typepad.com/
Police Decertification Database Will Track Previous
Officer’s Records
agencies have had limited access to their applicants’
past on-duty shortcomings, lest the applicants were convicted
of theft or assault. In many instances, a cop who abused
his or her authority or violated ethical standards could
often apply for employment out-of-state with these indiscretions
undetected. Not so anymore. The National Decertification
Database (NDD) has helped resolve this loophole by enabling
the communications efforts of interstate police agencies.
more information go to: www.iadlest.org/nddreport.pdf |
imposes $10M fine against ChoicePoint for data breach
Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) has imposed a $10 million civil penalty against
data aggregator ChoicePoint Inc. for a massive data security breach
that resulted in the compromise of nearly 160,000 consumer records
last year. In addition to the penalty, which FTC Chairman Deborah
Platt Majoras described as the largest ever levied by the agency,
ChoicePoint has been asked to set up a $5 million trust fund for
individuals who might have become victims of identity theft as
a result of the breach. As part of its agreement with the FTC,
Alpharetta, Ga.-based ChoicePoint will also have to submit to
comprehensive security audits every two years for the next 20
years. "This is an important victory for consumers,"
Majoras said. "This tells companies that they must protect
sensitive consumer information. They must guard the front door
as well as guard the back.
For more information
go to: http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2006/01/choicepoint.htm
With the holiday
season having recently passed you hopefully had a chance to take
a great vacation for some rest and relaxation. If you vacationed
in the fabulous Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas in early January
or are a member of the Marriott Vacation Club International your
personal records may have been breached. For more information
on Atlantis (see http://www.computerworld.com)
or for Marriott Vacation Club (see http://www.boston.com)
We go on vacation to get away from the realities of the world
and the last thing that we expect is that they will follow us.
Screening Works
In a recent
report released by InfoLink Screening Services, on average over
36% of job applicants had discrepancies in their reported employment
history, 14% in education records, 8.5% had criminal records and
3% tested positive for illegal drugs. The study analyzed more
than 100,000 applicants from January through June 2005.
For more information
go to: http://www.infolinkscreening.com/InfoLink/Resources/Articles/applicant_hit_ratio_2005.aspx
Please answer
the following question by choosing a single answer.
Which of the
following do you believe will become the key identifier of applicants
in the future?
- Facial
- Fingerprinting
- Retina
- Birthday
- Voice
- Hand
Palm recognition
- 3-D
- Other
(please specify)
To answer
go to https://websurveyor.net/wsb.dll/49092/Identifier.htm
Thank you
for taking the time to answer the question. The results will be
posted in the February edition.
and vendors who provide products and services to the Background
Screening Industry are an essential part of the industry and have
been integral in the growth of the industry. Our Vendor Showcase
is the only Directory on the Internet that is specifically focused
on FEATURING suppliers and vendors to the Background Screening
Industry. We are committed to your success so we are making you
an unbelievable offer - with the purchase of a Platinum membership
listing in our Vendor Showcase for the discounted
price of $400.00 we will give you a Free Platinum
ad in The Background Buzz. That is a $450.00
value for Free. This will bring your company's message to the
desk top of over 1500 background screening firms. This
offer has been extended until February 15, 2006.
Contact Barry Nixon at wbnixon@aol.com
to FEATURE your company in our Vendor Showcase,
INSIGHT: Improve Customer Relationships and Increase Sales |
Your Sales by Creating an E-zine for your Business
So you have
bit the bullet and decided to launch an online newsletter or webzine
for your business. So now you have to decide who will come up
with content ideas, do the writing, produce and deliver the webzine.
You also want to track the results to see the benefit of committing
resources and time to this endeavor. Is this starting to sound
familiar? Since we produce The Background Buzz monthly I know
first hand what is involved in committing to produce and distribute
a webzine.
Some of the
questions you have to answer when you start a webzine include:
How often should I send my webzine to subscribers? Weekly? Twice
a month? Monthly? Bi-monthly? Quarterly? Whenever you get around
to it? Needless to say to maximize the benefit and return you
will get from distributing the webzine you need to email it on
regular schedule and remember the more frequent the more work.
If you decide to include in your webzine articles that your readers
will find valuable, this will help establish you as a valuable
source for information and if you include informative articles
from your staff it will help establish your firm as ‘experts’
in your field. This latter point is ‘easier said then done’
because you are already too busy, so where do you find time to
write and produce a newsletter weekly or monthly. Fortunately,
there are some easy solutions to this problem:
- Invite
guest experts to write for you.
- Hire a
freelance writer.
- If you
want general content check out article distribution sites, (search
the web for ‘Free Web Content’ or ‘Free Articles’
or ‘Ezine Articles.’
- If you
want specific content to the background screening industry subscribe
to our Private Branded Subscription Service. We have already
done the work, the research and are knowledgeable about the
background screening industry. You can share the valuable information
from The Background Buzz that you have come to appreciate directly
with your clients (minus the ads and competitive information
and with your own personalized title/header) to build your relationship
with them, to build their confidence in you as a resource and
to cross sell your products and services. Click
here for more information
Advantage Acquires Trustar Solutions, Inc.
First Advantage Corporation
announced the acquisition of TruStar Solutions, Inc., an innovative
online talent acquisition services firm. The addition of TruStar
Solutions' services expands First Advantage Employer Services'
portfolio, which provides employers with a robust hiring solution
that now encompasses recruiting strategies, applicant tracking,
tax credits screening, background screening, substance abuse testing
and more.
For more information
go to: www.FADV.com.
acquires leading provider of information solutions to insurance
industry and government entities
USIS announced
plans to acquire Explore Information Services, a leading provider
of violation-monitoring database and related services to the auto
insurance industry and government entities. Explore’s exception-based
reporting services deliver cost-effective underwriting information
to property and casualty insurers.
For more information
go to: http://www.usis.com/commercialservices/intro.htm
Person Gets $12M
Verified Person,
the background-checking firm that got its start screening online
daters, has picked up $12 million in its second round of funding
as corporations and government agencies have bought into the technology.
According to CEO Tal Moise the money came from Sevin Rosen Funds
and Rho Capital Partners. His startup has now raised a total of
$14.5 million since it was founded two and a half years ago. He
wanted to develop a way for people to prove they were who they
said they were by pointing to a third party. Just as Verisign
authenticates web sites, Mr. Moise thought he might be able to
authenticate people. His plan: leverage the reams of personally
identifiable data available through a variety of sources into
a single, secure database. Make that database easy to use and
only give people access to a small slice of data.
For more information
go to: http://www.redherring.com
listing will include a front page listing of your logo in
both the Alphabetical and Geographic (US or International)
sections or Vendor Showcase as well as rotational placement
on the front page of the Directory.
Be sure to sign up to for this great value. Sign up now
to avoid 2006 price increase on February 15, 2006.
Provided for Platinum Members:
A listing with your firm’s name, address, telephone
number and live link to your Web site
- Direct
sales contact name, phone and instant email link so buyers
can contact you easily and quickly
- Up
to 1 page company/product description or advertisement
- 4
color company/product Logo
- Priority
positioning at the top of the page above general listings
on the first page for each alphabet and for each state
in US.
- Priority
positioning above general listings at the top of the page
for your country in the International section and at the
top of the page for the designated subcategory in the
Vendor Showcase.
- Unlimited
Free updates to your listing throughout the year
- Eligible
for logo placement on landing page for “First”
contact with employers
- Receive
referrals for business opportunities that arise from our
clients and others that come to our attention
here for more information
launches database of IT, BPO pros in India
In a
move that could effectively filter out errant employees
and reduce the risk of fraud-related activities in the IT
industry, Nasscom today launched the National Skills Registry
- the first-ever centralised database of employees of IT
services and BPO companies. "This will be a centralised
database of information about the employees' professional
and educational background. The registry, which will be
managed by National Securities Depository Ltd (NSDL), has
been specially designed to ensure authenticity of data through
independent verification and biometric identification of
individual," said the Minister for Communications and
IT, Mr Dayanidhi Maran, while launching the new database.
More Information go to: http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/2006/01/19/stories/2006011902280400.htm
India Plans to Add 1,600 Employees
India, a subsidiary of LASON, Inc., headquartered in Troy,
Michigan, USA, and one of the leading providers of Business
Process Outsourcing solutions in the world, has announced
that it has plans to add 1,600 new jobs in India to support
the growth of its business.
More Information go to: www.lason.com
Teacher Agencies Not Carrying Out Proper Background Checks
a quarter of Britain's supply teaching agencies have signed
up to a Government-backed scheme designed to keep sex offenders
out of schools. The disclosure that only 60 out of Britain's
232 supply teacher recruitment firms have signed up for
the Government's Quality Mark initiative will exacerbate
fears that agencies are not carrying out proper background
checks on staff. It is the latest disclosure to hit Ruth
Kelly, the Education Secretary, who has been at the centre
of a political storm since it emerged that a number of child
sex offenders had found work in schools.
More Information go to: http://www.telegraph.co.uk
to hire 1,400 more in India
enterprise software company Oracle says it will increase
its headcount in India to 10,000 in the next eight months,
while expanding into nine non-metro cities. The current
headcount in India is 8,600 people across six cities, which
would be increased to 10,000 in next eight months, company
president Charles Phillips said in Mumbai.
More Information go to: http://in.rediff.com/money/2006/jan/10oracle.htm
are making the prime location on the landing page
of the Preemployment Screening Directory available
to a limited number of companies to promote their
business (exclusively available to Platinum members).
We will feature your logo with a live link that goes
directly to your web site. |

here for more information about advertising in The Background
Buzz, PreemploymentDirectory.com – Sections: US Provider,
International, Vendor Showcase.
20006 Annual Employment Management Association Conference &
Exposition, March 30-April 1, 2006, Manchester Grand
Hyatt, San Diego, CA – see www.shrm.org/conferences/ema/expo.asp
2006 Annual NAPBS Conference, April 2-5, 2006,
Doubletree Nashville, Nashville, TN – see http://www.napbs.com/calendar/calendar.htm
Business Forums International, 2nd Annual European Pre-Employment
Vetting & Screening Conference - 28 April 2006 –
Copenhagen – see http://www.bfi.co.uk/
Forums International, Pre-Employment Vetting & Screening Conference
USA - 11 May 2006 -New York - see http://www.bfi.co.uk/
SHRM 20006 Annual Conference & Exposition,
June 25 – 28, 2006, Washington, DC Convention Center –
see http://www.shrm.org/conferences/annual/
Breach of Faith, Loss of Dollars, SecurityManagement,
Technofile section, page 52. Results of ‘The Report
– Lost Customer Information: What does a data breach cost
Keeping Secrets Secret, CSO Magazine, Machine Shop section,
January 2006. page 26. New approaches to protecting data at rest
(and avoiding the wrath of your customers.)