You chose the correct answer.
Either (b) or (d) are correct.
625 of the FCRA, 15 U.S.C. §1681t, sets forth certain
instances where the FCRA may preempt state law, such that
the FCRA governs. With respect to information contained
in a consumer report (regulated by Section 605), Section
625 states that "no requirement of prohibition may
be imposed under the laws of any State with respect to any
subject matter regulated under . . . section 605 [§1681c],
relating to information contained in consumer reports, except
that this subparagraph shall not apply to any State law
in effect on the date of enactment of the Consumer Credit
Reporting Reform Act of 1996."
Accordingly, to determine whether the FCRA limitations regarding
what a CRA can report in a consumer report apply, or a more
restrictive state law, a CRA must determine: 1) if a state
has a law regulating information that a CRA can report in
a consumer report, and, if it does, 2) when the state law
went into effect. If the section of the state law relating
to this limitation was signed into law prior to September
30, 1996, the date the federal Consumer Credit Reporting
Reform Act of 1996 was effective, then the state law is
NOT preempted by the FCRA. If, however, the section effecting
a consumer reporting agency’s ability to report specific
information was passed after September 30, 1996, then the
FCRA preempts the state law and a CRA is bound by its limitations.