Volume 4, Edition 3, March 2008

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Question #3

If I am assisting my employer client with the adverse action process, what is the best practice for sending a notification to the applicant/employee?

a) If it is an applicant, send two letters, one stating they are not hired along with a copy of the report, and one stating they can dispute the information in the report.

b) If they are an employee, send a letter notifying them that they are terminated from employment, but you do not need to send a copy of the report.

c) Regardless of the employee is an applicant or employee, send a copy of the report, summary of rights, and a letter telling them they are not hired or are terminated.

d) Regardless of the employee is an applicant or employee, send one letter with a copy of the report, summary of rights and information stating the company is thinking about taking adverse action and the consumer can dispute the report, then send a second letter taking the adverse action.


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