HRO’s Bakers Dozen: Screening Services
Rankings based on breadth of service, size of deals and quality
of service.

To Read The Full Article and See the Rating Charts Go To: http://www.hrotoday.com/content/4416/2009-baker%E2%80%99s-dozen-customer-satisfaction-ratings-top-screening-providers
Transportation Department Bans Drug-Screening Company
Department of Transportation's office of Drug and Alcohol Policy
and Compliance has announced that North Carolina-based Workplace
Compliance has been banned from performing drug tests for aviation
and transportation companies for the next five years. The decision
to ban Workplace Compliance from performing the drug tests, which
was made on July 31, but was not announced until Tuesday, 11/17/2009
came in the wake of an investigation that found that the reviews
of the drug tests that the company performed were done by Michael
R. Bennett, who served as a medical review officer at the company
despite the fact that he is not a licensed physician with special
New York Times (11/17/09) Cooper, Michael, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/18/us/18drug.html?_r=1&adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1258553367-unCM1nSe/JKTgnQkO3A0wg

Out The Fakers
of director and executive officer candidates will be subject to
heightened public scrutiny if the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission’s (SEC) proposed amendments for increased disclosure
requirements are adopted. Responding to events in the financial
markets during the past 18 months, the SEC seeks to provide shareholders
with additional information that will enhance voting and investment
decisions. Specifically, the SEC’s Release 33-9052 sets
forth proposed amendments to Item 401 of Regulation S-K that will
require disclosure of “qualifications, attributes or skills”
that qualify a candidate for service in a governance capacity
for a particular company, based on that company’s business
and structure. Currently, Item 401 only requires “brief
biographical information about directors and nominees.”
In light of these proposed changes, thorough background checks
will become an even more essential component of hiring than they
are now
Read The Full Article Go To: http://www.hrotoday.com/content/4415/ferreting-out-fakers

Coming for FTC
House Energy & Commerce Committee has passed amendments to
HR 3126, the Consumer Financial Services Protection Act. The committee
made several changes to enhance the powers of the FTC. A manager's
amendment, offered by Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA), would increase
the ability of the FTC to enforce statutes where there is joint
authority. But the committee did not change the language that
Rep. Barney Frank added to transfer jurisdiction of the Fair Credit
Reporting Act to the new agency. Rep. Frank did say during his
markup that he was concerned only about financial credit reports,
not background checks and other nonfinancial parts of the FCRA.
However, he didn't appear to be aware the other functions covered
by the FCRA would be affected. He did say he'd work with others
to try to fix the bill before it went to the floor. Another significant
change made by the Energy & Commerce Committee today was to
replace the single director with a commission.
Read The Full Article Click

Security Bill Will Require Security Background Checks
Friday, November 6, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R.
2868, “The Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Act of 2009.”
Of note for HR professionals is a provision in the bill that would
require security background checks of certain individuals at chemical
facilities – along with paid administrative leave for any
employee being investigated. [ More
] Under section 2115 of the bill dealing with chemical plant employees
who have access to restricted areas or a facility security plan,
employers would be required to:
Verify and validate such employees’ identity;
- Check employees’ criminal history;
- Verify and validate employees’ legal authorization to
work; and
- Identify any employees with terrorist ties
More Information Go To: http://www.shrm.org/Advocacy/GovernmentAffairsNews/HRIssuesUpdatee-Newsletter/Pages/111309_3.aspx

Judiciary Committee Approves The Personal Data Privacy and Security
sweeping new bill that would implement a national standard for
data protection and breach notification got a boost of support
today from the Senate Judiciary Committee. The committee approved
the Personal Data Privacy and Security Act of 2009 and the bill
is now headed to the full Senate for consideration. If the bill
becomes law it would require companies and government agencies
to follow specific rules for protecting sensitive and personally
identifiable data. Under the proposed law, all private and government
entities handling sensitive data would be required to implement
specific risk assessment and vulnerability testing measures. They
also would be required to deploy measures for controlling access
to sensitive data, detecting and logging unauthorized accesses
to the data, and protecting data while it is in transit and at
rest. The bill also introduces a federal breach-notification standard
under which companies would be required to notify not just individuals
affected by a data breach, but also, in some cases, credit reporting
agencies and the U.S. Secret Service. It would establish a new
Office of Federal Identity Protection within the Federal Trade
Commission and stiffen penalties for identity theft and related
fraud. If approved, S.1490 would likely preempt similar data-protection
laws that have already been passed in 46 states. Many security
analysts have been calling for such a federal bill, arguing that
it would be easier for companies to comply with one national law
rather than a patchwork of 46 state laws.
More Information Go To: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9140408/Federal_data_protection_law_inches_forward?taxonomyId=17

Privacy Commission And Facebook Face Off
recent, high-profile case demonstrating Canada’s focus on
protecting the privacy of its citizens involved Facebook, the
hugely popular social networking site. On July 16, 2009, Canada's
Privacy Commissioner ruled that Facebook was in breach of Canadian
privacy laws on several fronts, particularly with respect to the
circumstances surrounding consent to the disclosure of personal
information to third party application developers and the retention
of personal information of users who had closed their accounts.
Initially, Facebook resisted complete compliance with the Privacy
Commissioner's recommendations. However, given the Commissioner's
ability to submit the matter to the courts, Facebook ultimately
proposed solutions satisfying Canadian privacy laws.
Find Out More Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/canada/article.asp?articleid=88714

2009 Software Platform from deverus™ Selected for Munio
deverus, Inc.,
a leading provider of software and hosted support services for
background screening companies, announced today that Munio Risk
Management Services, LLC (Munio RMS) headquartered in Dallas,
TX has selected deverus’ Verocity 2009 software platform
to provide an enterprise-level solution for its vendor background
screening services and pre-employment screening division.
For more information,
visit www.deverus.com, or
contact Tony Cordaro at (888) 690-9297, ext. 333.

to the Legal Challenge Question! |
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the background screening industry continues to get more competitive
the firms that will ultimately succeed will be those that create
competitive advantage through their people by offering continuous
learning opportunities to heightened their knowledge and capabilities.
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We are grateful
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LLP for providing the expertise for this valuable endeavor.
For information regarding the answers to the Legal Challenge Questions,
please contact Pamela Devata at Seyfarth Shaw LLP at pdevata@seyfarth.com
or 312-460-5000 or visit www.seyfarth.com.
Please choose
your answer by clicking on it:

(continued) |
Idziak of Applicant Insight Promoted to CEO
Insight, Inc., a leading provider of background screening, drug
testing and forms automation, announced today that Bon Idziak
has been promoted to the position of Chief Executive Officer.
During his tenure as President, Bon has made significant contributions
to Applicant Insight's business development, growth, service offerings
and structure. "In recognition of his efforts and leadership
during these unprecedented times, it is with great pleasure that
we make this announcement," says Ai's ownership. "Since
joining Applicant Insight, Inc., Bon has been instrumental in
the creation and implementation of new business strategies and
the building of a strong foundation for continued growth and success."
To Read The
Full Article Go To: http://blog.applicantinsight.com/2009/11/20/bon-idziak-of-applicant-insight-promoted-to-ceo/#more-267

Names Catherine Aldrich Vice President of Operations
a leader in on-demand employment background and drug screening,
has appointed Catherine Aldrich as vice president of operations.
Ms. Aldrich will be based out of the Irvine, Calif., global headquarters
and report to HireRight president and CEO Michael Petrullo. Ms.
Aldrich has more than 20 years of background screening, public
records research, verification, and compliance experience and
as vice president of operations will be responsible for leading
HireRight’s service delivery functions in verifications,
public records, and customer service. Her professional background
includes serving on the Board of Directors for the National Association
of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) and she is currently
serving on the NAPBS Background Screening Credentialing Council
(BSCC). Ms. Aldrich joins HireRight from Accurate Background,
where for the past nine years she served as executive vice president.
To Read The
Full Announcement Go To: http://www.hireright.com/pressreleasedetail.aspx?dpid=51

See Stronger Revenue Outlook in 2010
Majority of
those surveyed by ERC Dataplus anticipate growth in coming year,
including headcount increases. Better times are ahead, according
to an overwhelming majority of CRAs recently polled by ERC Dataplus.
Eighty-four percent (84%) of survey respondents told ERC that
they anticipate increased revenues in 2010. In addition, 54% of
poll respondents said they plan to increase headcount next year,
in sync with increased workloads as the overall market for background
checking recovers….
For full story,
click on http://www.selectechpowered.com/documents/uploads/Oct2009CRATrendsSurveyExecSummary0.pdf

Data Retrieval Announces XML Connection with TeamScreen Solutions
Omni Data
Retrieval, leading nationwide provider of reliable public record
research, announces the successful implementation of an XML-based
integration with TeamScreen Solutions LLC, an information management
specialist for the pre-employment screening industry. The partnership
between the companies enables Omni Data Retrieval’s advanced
criminal records research to be delivered electronically to TeamScreen’s
online system. Users of TeamScreen’s MyScreen technology
platform are now able to effortlessly request public record research
and retrieve reports from Omni Data Retrieval without manual intervention.
In addition, MyScreen users have access to Omni Data Retrieval’s
high quality reporting and competitive pricing within MyScreen’s
Vendor Matrix Manager tool.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.omnidataretrieval.com/docs/pressrelease/Omni_TeamScreen_PressRelease_2009-10-29.pdf

Hires—HR's Most Costly Mistake
Are there
any HR mistakes as aggravating, time-consuming, money-losing,
and lawsuit-threatening as making a bad hire? It can mean wasted
training and coaching, disgruntled colleagues, work undone, angry
customers, and a likely lawsuit when you are forced to let the
person go. The best prevention? Meaningful background checks.The
best way to avoid bad hires is to gather as much objective information
as possible about prospective employees. However, employers have
to balance this need against the expense involved and the privacy
rights of applicants.
To Read The
Full Article Go To: http://hrdailyadvisor.blr.com/archive/2009/10/28/
Employment Trends More Positive
Conference Board’s US employment trends index (ETI) edged
up for the second consecutive month in October. The index now
stands at 89.3, up 0.7% from the revised September figure. However,
it remains 13.2% below its level a year ago. “The ETI has
likely turned a corner in September, and the historical relationship
between the index and employment suggests that job losses will
end in early 2010,” says Gad Levanon, senior economist at
The Conference Board. “
More Information Go To: http://www.recruiter.co.uk/us-employment-trends-more-positive/1003353.article

The ACFE's
"2008 Report to the Nation on Occupational Fraud & Abuse"
is available for download online at the ACFE's web site: www.ACFE.com/RTTN/2008-RTTN.asp.

You Crowdsourcing?
Few business
models have taken off the way crowdsourcing has. First coined
in an article in Wired magazine and expanded to a book by journalist
Jeff Howe, the approach — in which customers, volunteers,
debate and refine ideas about everything from marketing strategies
to product development — is becoming an R&D strategy
for companies that understand that creativity and expertise are
not limited to their employees.
As Howe defines it, crowdsourcing is “the act of taking
a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an
employee) and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large
group of people in the form of an open call.” Corporate
EVENT spoke with him about the concept, when it works and when
it fails, and how event marketers can harness the power of the
crowd to improve their next event.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.exhibitoronline.com/corpevent/fall09/the-new-mass-marketing-jeff-howe-crowd-sourcing-improve-event-attendance.asp?email=wbnixon@aol.com&s=1208Cb

for “Red Flag” Consumer Links-List Sites
By Mike Sankey
Most screening
firms stay away from the so-called consumer sites, but once in
a while firms may be fooled into thinking they are getting a great
deal on a public record search. Some consumer sites are helpful,
especially if someone is looking for a lost relative or classmate.
But some of these sites are misleading. They often try to disguise
themselves as sites used by professionals or they tout unrealistic
features. There are a few considerations to review before spending
money on public record research from certain “all powerful”
sites. If I find a site using any of the marketing schemes listed
below, a giant red flag pops up in my mind and I take a closer
To Read The
Full Article Click

2010 Budget Season!

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Contact Barry
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for more information.

Laws and Regulations Around the Globe: The Impact on Doing Business
The protection
of personal information is an important issue as business operations
become increasingly global in nature. Coupled with the Internet
enabling personal data to be distributed almost instantaneously
across the globe, privacy has quickly become a critical international
concern that can often be confusing due to a global patchwork
of laws and regulations. An organization conducting business in
multiple foreign jurisdictions must be aware privacy laws are
not equal everywhere. Unless the most restrictive regulatory regime
is adopted, country by country procedures may be necessary.
To Read The
Full Article Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/canada/article.asp?articleid=88714

Unemployment At Highest Level Since 1999
to Eurostat (the Statistical Office of the European Communities),
the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate in the euro area (EA16)
was 9.7% in September 2009, compared with 9.6% in August. It was
7.7% in September 2008. The EU27 unemployment rate was 9.2% in
September 2009, compared with 9.1% in August. It was 7.1% in September
2008. For the euro area this is the highest rate since January
1999 and for the EU27 since the start of the series in January
2000. Eurostat estimates that 22.123 million men and women in
the EU27, of which 15.324 million were in the euro area, were
unemployed in September 2009. Compared with August, the number
of persons unemployed increased by 286, 000 in the EU27 and by
184,000 in the euro area. Compared with September 2008, unemployment
went up by 5.011 million in the EU27 and by 3.204 million in the
euro area. Among the Member States, the lowest unemployment rates
were recorded in the Netherlands (3.6%) and Austria (4.8%), and
the highest rates in Latvia (19.7%) and Spain (19.3%).
To read the
full Euro indicator report please click

and US Make Progress Towards Making a Deal On Data Sharing
U.S. Department
of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says that U.S.
and EU leaders are making progress toward reaching a deal on a
binding agreement on data sharing, reports AFP. "Last week
an EU-U.S. high-level contact group identified a core set of common
principles that unite our approaches to protect personal data
while processing and exchanging information amongst law enforcement
authorities," she said during a speech to international data
protection and privacy experts on Wednesday in Madrid. "The
next step is a binding U.S.-EU agreement on data sharing and privacy,"
she added.
To Read The
Full Article Go To: http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5j698NSC0LfMwqz99DbneU92gsaWg

International Committee Update
NAPBS is on
the brink of history being made and is close to having two international
chapters formed – one in Asia Pacific Area Countries (APAC)
and the other in Europe. This is an exciting moment and an important
step forward for NAPBS becoming a global association.
If you are interested in helping NAPBS become a global association
please let us know. We would love to have you work with us. Contact
Bob Capwell at rcapwell@ebiinc.com
or Barry Nixon at wbnixon@aol.com.

Law Reforms And Privacy Regulation Simplification
The Federal
Government announced that it will overhaul the privacy laws of
Australia and implement a consistent privacy law regime. These
changes will represent the most material reforms to Australian
privacy law since the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) was introduced over
20 years ago. This announcement marks the first step in the move
towards nationally consistent privacy laws across all Australian
jurisdictions. When implemented, the reforms will:
- eliminate
overlapping standards in dealing with privacy between the public
and private sectors at federal and state /territory levels;
- simplify
the privacy regime for Australian Government agencies and private
sector organisations;
- provide
greater clarity and cut red tape in dealing with privacy issues;
- introduce
a right to privacy; and
- bring Australia's
privacy laws up to date with the information age.
reforms to the privacy laws will be announced in the form of draft
legislation in early 2010. It is imperative that businesses consider
carefully their practices and systems in dealing with privacy
issues and take steps in anticipates of the proposed privacy reforms.
To Read the
Full Article Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/australia/article.asp?articleid=88760&login=true

Introduced, Exemptions Irk Commissioner
The Albertan
government introduced amendments to the Personal Information Protection
Act this week, reports the Calgary Herald. Bill 54 modifies the
act to include breach notification and data transfer requirements.
It also makes an offence the failure to notify the Information
and Privacy Commissioner's office in the event of a privacy breach.
Service Alberta Minister Heather Klimchuk said the legislation
will "result in better protection for Albertans' information."
But Information and Privacy Commissioner Frank Work expressed
disappointment that certain not-for-profit agencies will be exempt
from the new rules. "Many of these organizations collect
highly sensitive personal information that should be subject to
legislative protection," Work said.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.calgaryherald.com/Alberta+privacy+bill+disappointing+commissioner+says/2157964/story.html

Blood Tests "Illegal," Says DPAA
German data
protection official says that the pre-employment blood tests carried
out by Daimler are illegal and that the data must be deleted,
reports DW-World.de. The tests are voluntary and the company tests
candidates only in the final stages of the job selection process,
however Marit Hansen of the Schleswig Holstein data protection
authority said the practice breaks "all existing data protection
regulations." Hansen said: "The data has to be deleted
and all those affected have to be informed." A company spokesperson
said that Daimler has submitted information about the tests to
data protection officials.
To Read The
Full Article Go To: http://www.dw-world.com/dw/article/0,,4837227,00.html

Inc To Witness 20-30% Pick Up In Hirings In 2010
MUMBAI: Riding high
on a six to seven per cent expected economic growth and with the
global economy gradually bouncing back, India Inc is likely to
hire 20-30 per cent more talent in CY 10, a top industry official
said. "In 2010 (January-December), I envisage at least 20-30
per cent increase in recruitments by companies," recruitment
consultancy firm, Fun & Joy At Work's Chief Executive Officer,
R L Bhatia, told PTI here. This would be over and above the 30
per cent dip in hiring that was witnessed last year, Bhatia said.
BPOs, bio-technology, media, telecom and finance are some of the
sectors likely to witnessing higher hirings, Bhatia said.
For More Information
Go To: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/news-by-industry/jobs/India-Inc-to-witness-20-30-pick-up-in-hirings-in-2010/articleshow/5208766.cms

In Two Indians Lie About Pay Package
Online verification
site, detective agencies and HR companies say CV, matrimonial
and education untruths are rampant. Lotus Detective Agency, a
22-year old city-based company with an online presence and branches
in Singapore, London, California and Dubai, reveals even more
alarming statistics. In 2009 alone, their all-India statistics
show that 80 per cent lied about their salary, while 60 percent
bluffed about their qualification and experience. Over 40 per
cent CVs were fabricated.
Rahul Wadhwani, Managing
Partner, Planman Consulting, a company that provides HR services
and have their own screening agency, states that once a person
is found guilty of lying about information, however minor, their
employment is terminated and their names are stored in a red report
to ensure they are not hired again. Their All India Red Report
for 2009 indicates that 50 per cent lied about their salary and
designation, 40 per cent about tenure and place of employment
and 10 per cent about educational qualifications. "The process
of verification is very slowly picking up in India as they realise
the long-term benefits. At present, only 10 per cent of Indian
companies opt for such checks."
To Read The
Article Go To: http://www.mid-day.com/news/2009/oct/291009-detective-agencies-HR-companies-CV-Tushar-Waghmare-Accenture-Wipro-Yahoo.htm

Vulnerable Groups Scheme Launched In Scotland
A new scheme aimed
at better safeguarding vulnerable groups was announced in Scotland
this week. It is separate, but aligned with, the Vetting and Barring
scheme (VBS) which was launched last month and covers the rest
of the UK. The Scottish scheme will replace the need for multiple
'one-off' checks – which currently cost £23 a time
– with a system that continually updates relevant information.
It also aims to ensure that people who become unsuitable during
their employment are quickly identified, and allow employers to
check records quickly and easily. A consultation on key elements
of the secondary legislation required to implement the Protecting
Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme was launched this week. It is expected
that the scheme will be introduced before the end of 2010, with
implementation being phased in.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.workplacelaw.net/news/display/id/24788

Over CRB Complaints
Figures obtained by
the Daily Telegraph show that complaints about the Criminal records
Bureau (CRB) have doubled since the organisation was set up in
2002. There were 1,111 complaints in 2002/3 and a record 2,509
in 2008/9. In all, 15,320 complaints about criminal records checks
have been so far upheld since 2002, the paper reports. However,
the proportion of complaints compared with the total number of
CRB checks carried out has fallen and the CRB points out that
disputes only represent a fraction of the number of checks carried
out. The spokesperson said, “This is not about the CRB making
mistakes, information released on a CRB check can be disputed
for a number of reasons. Incorrect CRB checks represent a tiny
minority of the 3.9 million checks that were carried out last
For More Information
Go To: http://www.workplacelaw.net/news/display/id/24744

Commission Takes Second Action Against UK Government
The European
Commission (EC) has taken another step in its infringement proceeding
over the UK regarding privacy laws. The commission says that Britain
has not fully implemented European laws designed to ensure the
confidentiality of electronic communications. EU Telecoms Commissioner
Viviane Reding said yesterday that people's privacy is a fundamental
right. "I therefore call on the UK authorities to change
their national laws to ensure that British citizens fully benefit
from the safeguards set out in EU law..." The EC sent a formal
notice to the UK in April following an inquiry into its handling
of citizens' complaints about ISP behavioral targeting. The UK
has two months to respond to this latest action.

Forensic Vetting
Will ‘Save Firms Thousands’
A West Midlands-based
company is introducing a new service to the UK that they claim
could save businesses thousands of pounds in insurance claims,
training costs and employment tribunal costs. Forensic Vetting
involves the use of polygraph testing. Polygraph testing, sometimes
called lie detector testing, is widely used in the USA and is
a method of testing for evidence of fraudulent behaviour and can
be beneficial when interviewing candidates for critical positions,
employment reappraisals and screening.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.recruiter.co.uk/forensic-vetting-will-%60save-firms-thousands¿/1003215.article

System Of Employment Vetting Needs Overhaul, Say Judges
The UK’s system
of employment vetting must be overhauled, according to the country’s
most senior judges. In a judgement that could have implications
for recruiters, the justices of the UK’s recently created
Supreme Court said there should no longer be “a presumption
for disclosure” as individuals’ rights could be damaged
by “unreliable” or “out-of-date” details.
The judgement goes right to the heart of the government’s
vetting and barring scheme designed to protect children and vulnerable
adults. Checks on these lists, which are maintained by the Independent
Safeguarding Authority (ISA) can now be made as part of enhanced
Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks. According to the MailOnline,
Lord Hope said that in many cases disclosing details about an
applicant’s private life “goes further than is reasonably
necessary for the legitimate object of protecting children and
For More Information
Go To: http://www.recruiter.co.uk/uk¿s-system-of-employment-vetting-needs-

Innovative Way To Escape The Growing Expense Of Providing References
Unemployment is at
its highest for over a decade and still rising fast. One unexpected
impact of this trend has been to increase the administrative burden
on Human Resource (HR) departments, whose staff are required to
provide references for the rising number of former employees who
are seeking jobs. Managing references is time-consuming and costly
for HR teams, at a time when most businesses are seeking to find
new efficiencies and save money. More and more employers are turning
to an innovative, online solution that’s able to handle
all kinds of reference requests relating to both previous employees
looking for work and current ones looking. And, perhaps best of
all, this new service, WorkPass, is offered as a complimentary
service to employers and employees. Reference-seekers instead
pay a small access fee for the benefit of getting accurate and
speedy responses to their online queries, often within seconds
– saving them time and money as well.
To help businesses
calculate the true cost of providing references – and therefore
what they could save with this new service – WorkPass has
created a quick and easy return on investment calculator. Simply
visit www.workpass.co.uk/calculator
and try it out.

International Screener Spotlight
We are adding
‘The International Screener Spotlight’ column. In
this column we will feature one International Screening firms’
owner or executive. The column will focuse on helping clients
and potential clients get to know the interviewee on a more personal
level, beyond just your products and services, because ultimately
people buy from people they know and can relate too. This is a
value added service for our Platinum Members. Click
here for more information about Platinum Membership.
The program is also available to other international screening
firms that are not members of our Platinum Club.
To learn how you can participate in The International Screener
Spotlight Column program please click
here for more information.

month we spoke with Craig Caddell, Vice President,
Prior to joining ReferencePro Craig worked for
an IT consulting firm as a Project Manager and was involved in
the initial project that started ReferencePro so he moved over
to run it for Les. Craig has been in the background screening
industry since 2000.
He had several observations about the industry
that included its rapid growth over the last ten years, watching
NAPBS’ grow into a vibrant organization and the growth in
the international arena. He spoke very fondly of NAPBS and the
friendships that he has made as a result of the organization.
As NAPBS has grown, he has been impressed with the knowledge,
expertise, commitment and hard work of the members and the fun
times that are had at the conferences. In fact, he commented that
going to the conferences is almost like going to a family reunion.
Craig explained that ReferencePro was dedicated
to wholesale verification and reference checking. He emphasized
that in their business model they have no contacts with the end
users. They have an in house call center operation and their international
checks are conducted based on US standards with the same service
level and meaningful status update on a daily basis.
He also emphasized that they use their extensive
experience and knowledge of schools and employers to access anticipated
turnaround time for each order so that clients will have a clear
expectation of the service they will receive. They are very serious
and meticulous about managing their clients expectations which
– Advising the client of the probable turnaround time and
likelihood of success
– Daily status update
– Using their sophisticated document reporting management
system to track progress and keep the client informed regarding
the status of their order.
They also have in house language speakers to facilitate
effective communications with their sources.
Some of the challenges that he believes the industry
is facing in the international arena are managing oversees vendors,
cost containment and managing clients’ expectations. He
added that more work is needed on educating clients on the difference
between verifications and investigations which have substantially
different pricing points and delivery times. He further stated
the need to have a clear and unambiguous Memorandum of Understanding
in place with overseas providers.
On the personal side, Craig has been married to
his wife Cathy for 14 years and has two children, his daughter
Nicola and son Jasper. He noted that he spent a lot of time with
his children, but when he did have some free time he enjoys kayaking,
bike riding and lots of gardening. The family eats a lot from
their garden and some of the foods they grow include garlic, chard,
collards, mustard, kale and onions. They also raise chickens for
eggs, sheep for wool and rabbit.
He shared an interesting story about raising sheep and his son
being able to take wool to school to learn how to knit. Jasper
attends the Waldorf school which has the philosophy that it is
important to educate children about how to apply their learning
to real life activities. Craig reveled in how much of a positive
experience this was for his son.
Craig is also an accomplished sailor having raced
sailboats professionally from the US to Australia. If you need
sailing tips he is the man to ask. The music genres that he enjoys
are jazz and singer writers like Jackson Browne.
His family goes on a camping vacation in the Red
Woods of northern California for two weeks every year. The camping
trip has become an event that the family looks forward to and
many of their friends and family also join them at the camp site.
Sometime there have been as many as 60 people that are part of
their group. Sounds like one big party they have every year.
Craig also shared that with all of the things
going on in his life he still enjoys taking time out to read.
He likes non fiction and true adventures. Recent books he has
read include The Horse Boy and The Amber Spyglass.
The people he would most like to meet are Abraham
Lincoln, Buckminster Fuller, Joseph Campbell and Alan Watts. He
noted that the common thread for his ‘meet list’ was
their ability to make meaning out of chaos and provide leadership.
The young man who grew up in the bay area and
graduated from Redwood High School and Domincan University of
CA has the following vision of things to come in the background
screening industry – “We will see more databases housing
information and more company consolidations, however, the necessity
for people to talk to people will actually grow and while many
of the variables that challenge us today will be solved, new challenges
will arise that will keep this an exciting industry for a long
To talk to
Craig Caddell you can reach him at ccaddell@referencepro.com.

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