Companies Notified Of Possible Debarment For Knowingly Hiring
Illegal Aliens
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has announced that it
has notified seven companies of potential debarment from federal
contracting because each has been found to be unlawfully employing
persons without work authorization. Such notification has the
following effects. Each company's name has been entered into the
Excluded Parties List System (EPLS), a web-based system that identifies
parties suspended, debarred, proposed for debarment or otherwise
excluded from receiving federal contracts, certain subcontracts,
and certain types of federal financial and non-financial assistance
and benefits. (The EPLS is at www.epls.gov) Each company is immediately
prohibited from competing for new government contracts.
More Information Go To: http://www.jacksonlewis.com/legalupdates/article.cfm?aid=1505

That Ban Cell Phones While Driving
cell phones have become a necessity for today’s business
professional and many of you travel across state lines we thought
you would be interested in knowing those states that have banned
the use of a cell phone when driving unless used with some form
of hands-free kit. Hopefully this knowledge will keep you out
of hot water with the law and more importantly keep you free of
view the complete list go to: http://www.cellular-news.com/car_bans/

Fall Conference - Report from Bruce Berg and Evan Zatt
attendance at the conference grew by 15% over last year to 345
attendees. Originally, this mid-year conference was mostly an
organizational meeting for the Board, the committees and the committee
members, but has grown far beyond that to really become almost
as much as the Spring conference. Sure there is time for the business
part of NAPBS, but there were also two days of education tracks
that were all very well attended. And, of course, networking,
networking, networking; with other companies and with the 25 or
so exhibitors who help support NAPBS and care enough to be there
for NAPBS members. There was also some very effective after-hours
social networking which is so much fun and so informative as well.
Read the Full Report Go To: http://bergconsultinggroup.com/id67.html

Identity Systems Helps Springfield State Bank Comply with Red
Flag Regulations
State Bank, a bank serving Washington County, Ky., has signed
Secure Identity Systems to help the bank move towards Red Flag
compliance in time for the FTC's Nov. 1 deadline. As part of this,
SIS will conduct an Initial Risk Assessment, develop a customized
Policies & Procedures Manual, and provide New Account Authentication
and Change of Address Verification for all consumer accounts.
With the Initial Risk Assessment and Policies and Procedures Manual,
Secure Identity Systems will evaluate Springfield State Bank's
current identity protection strategies, as well as Bank Secrecy
Act (BSA) requirements, information security, and identity theft
risk factors. They also will outline the measures the bank must
implement to detect, prevent, and mitigate fraud. Secure Identity
Systems' New Account Authentication will help Springfield State
Bank take authentication beyond the standard two forms of ID.
When a customer attempts to open a new account, SIS's solution
instantly consults a series of databases, including the Social
Security Administration, credit bureaus, and local property databases,
for the most accurate and current information to authenticate
the identity of the new account holder. SIS also provides USA
Patriot Act compliance, checking customer ID information against
OFAC and multiple other government watch lists. Secure
Identity Systems is the only company in the United States to offer
financial institutions a complete, end-to-end solution for Red
Flag compliance.
more information about Secure Identity Systems' array of ID fraud
protection services, including New Account Authentication, Anti-phishing
Detection and Take-down, and mConfirm Authentication, visit www.SecureIdentitySystems.com.

on Mergers & Acquisitions in These Challenging Financial Times
By Ken Will
financial world is in turmoil and of course this is impacting
the M&A market. If you are considering an acquisition, or
selling, you must be asking whether this is the worst of times
to make a move — or perhaps the best.
picture I see, as an M&A Consultant, is a fascinating mixture
of good and bad. Here are a few things I see happening:
Instead of selling, companies under financial threat may seek
mergers with other victims of the crisis. I am seeing
- quiet
talks between struggling competitors, looking for ways to wring
out the costs and create a new, stronger entity.
Banks, not long ago, were pressuring struggling companies. However,
recently, there’s been a dramatic reversal of attitude.
The last things banks want today is a number of collapsing companies.
You’ll find a more liberal attitude right now.
- The
right acquisition can dramatically accelerate your company’s
most important benefit of a judicious acquisition or merger can
be to “recalibrate” your business. Every healthy business
has to redefine itself over and over again to flourish in a changing
world. Acquisitions – mergers - and divestitures –
can be a swift and powerful way to positively reinvent your company
to meet new pressures and leverage new opportunities.
confidential conversation regarding mergers, acquisitions and
sales in the background screening/drug testing/occupational health
industry contact Ken Will, AdMed Consulting at kenwill@btinet.net
or 701-258-7127.

to the Legal Challenge Question! |
Sponsored By:
the background screening industry continues to get more competitive
the firms that will ultimately succeed will be those that create
competitive advantage through their people by offering continuous
learning opportunities to heightened their knowledge and capabilities.
We believe that having employees that are very knowledgeable about
the legal landscape of background screening is essential to continued
We are grateful
to Pam Devata, Seyfarth
Shaw LLP for providing the expertise for this valuable
endeavor. For information regarding the answers to the Legal Challenge
Questions, please contact Pamela Devata at Seyfarth Shaw LLP at
or 312-460-5000 or visit www.seyfarth.com.
Please choose
your answer by clicking on it:

Budget Season is Here! |
Specialize in Promoting the Products and Services of businesses
in the Background Screening Industry. Advertise with us
in 2009:

Member - HireRight, Inc, Named One of Human Resource Executive®
Magazine’s Top 10 HR Products of 2008
Resource Executive Magazine Names HireRight Enterprise 2008
Top HR Product of the Year
HireRight, a leader in on-demand employment background and drug
screening, today announced that HireRight Enterprise™, a
screening management solution designed specifically for the needs
of large organizations, has been named one of the 2008 Top HR
Products of the Year by Human Resource Executive® magazine.
Selected from a record number of entries, HireRight Enterprise
was chosen after thorough evaluation by the Human Resource Executive®
editorial staff.
Their winning product is HireRight Enterprise which is an enterprise-wide
screening- management solution that allows users to request and
oversee criminal-records searches, employment and education-history
verifications, I-9s and credit reports, motor-vehicle records
searches, drug tests and more. Searches can be international or
state-specific. The dashboard -- a first for management of screening
activities -- displays summaries and real-time progress on all
requests, offers a library of letters and e-signatures for compliance
and provides workforce analytics. The application can be integrated
with other applicant-tracking systems.
To Read The Full Article Go To: http://www.hireright.com/newsdetail.asp?dpid=1205867

Member - Verifications, Inc. Named to Inc. 5000 List of Fastest-Growing
Private Companies for Second Consecutive Year
Inc., (VI) appears on the recently released Inc. 5,000 list of
the fastest-growing private companies in the country for a second
consecutive year. VI ranked seventh among Minnesota business services
companies with three-year growth approaching 150%. VI finished
in the top half of the Inc. 5000, a direct result of the company's
continued organic growth. "Our inclusion in the Inc 5,000
for a second straight year is attributable to the dedication of
the VI team, our comprehensive hiring process solutions and a
single-minded commitment to our clients," explains Curt Marks,
Verifications' Chief Executive Officer and President. "With
the release of VI Applicant Manager, our unique web-based solution
that enables employers to select, hire and onboard from a single
platform, we're poised to continue our rapid growth." The
2008 Inc. 5000 list measures revenue growth from 2004 through
2007. To qualify, companies must be U.S.-based and privately held,
independent - not subsidiaries or divisions of other companies
- as of December 31, 2007, and have had at least $200,000 in revenue
in 2004, and $2 million in 2007. More information about the 2008
Inc. 5000 can be found at www.inc.com/inc5000.
More Information Go To: http://www.verificationsinc.com/newsletter/08082008/inc-5000.html?6350

& Aithent Announce Partnership to Provide Integrated Producer
Licensing & Background Screening
ServicesAithent Inc. ( www.aithent.com)
and General Information Services, Inc. (GIS) ( www.geninfo.com)
announce the launch of a strategic partnership between the Aithent
Regulatory & Compliance Solutions (ARCS) group and the GIS
Pangea for Insurance platform. Aithent and GIS will combine their
leadership positions in the insurance licensing, onboarding and
background screening markets to provide the industry with integrated
products that will enable insurers, brokers, and agencies with
a streamlined process to manage insurance licensing, background
checks and appointments from a single compliance dashboard.
at GIS are delighted to be working closely with Aithent, the leader
in the insurance regulatory and compliance software market, to
deliver a powerful and flexible licensing solution to our clients
and to the broader insurance compliance market." stated Raymond
Conrad, CEO of GIS. "The time for user-friendly, integrated
compliance tools has arrived and Aithent and GIS are proud to
provide the first end-to-end solution that supports the ways in
which our clients actually do business."
more information about GIS and their products and services, please
visit www.geninfo.com.
General Information Services, Inc.

Applicant Tracking and Hiring Automation Technology Revolutionizes
Hiring for School Districts
WinOcular Hiring Automation and Applicant Tracking system will
allow Region 10 to provide a nationally and regionally focused
hiring portal for applicants to view postings and apply for jobs
in all 80 school districts and charter schools served by the Regional
ESC. “The focus on the applicants needs is a unique perspective
offered by WinOcular,” states Dr. Williams. “Job seekers
complete just one application and are immediately able to apply
for jobs in every one of our Districts. This will save them time
and improve their chances of being hired in Districts that meet
their preferences.” WinOcular then integrates with an automated
background checking systems to further qualify each applicant
More Information Go To: www.winocular.com
or call Paul T. Montgomery, Director of Marketing, Combined Computer
Resources, Inc. at 800.956.1866 x107

Response to Comments and Decision on Procedures for Transportation
Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs
considered the comments, the Department remains convinced that
conducting all return-to-duty and follow-up tests under DOT is
the most prudent course from the viewpoint of safety. It is the
method we have available today to deter and detect attempts to
cheat, pending the availability of less intrusive alternative
specimen testing methods. Under 40.67(b), there are no individuals
who will be directly observed who have not already been subject
to being directly observed under previous versions of Federal
safety requirements by refusing to test, using illegal drugs,
or otherwise breaching the rules. By this conduct, each of these
individuals has shown a willingness to endanger public safety.
Individuals in this category have a greater than average likelihood
of using illegal drugs in the future and a higher than average
motivation to cheat on a test. Under these circumstances, the
Department is justified in regarding these individuals as having
a reduced legitimate expectation of privacy, compared to covered
employees in general. Given the increased availability of cheating
products, compared to twenty years ago when Part 40 was first
issued, the Department can properly adjust the balance between
safety and privacy by making DO collections mandatory, rather
than optional, in follow-up and return-to-duty testing.
More Information Go To: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2008/E8-25102.htm

International Releases Research Report on Strategies to Detect
and Prevent Workplace Dishonesty
By Read Hayes, PhD
ASISEstimates reveal that between 40% and 50% of all
business losses can be attributed to employee theft. Employers
cannot afford to ignore this large-scale problem and should do
everything in their power to create a workplace atmosphere that
promotes honesty and encourages and rewards good behavior. They
need to make it clear that dishonest behavior will be quickly
detected and severely punished. This report provides research-informed,
practical strategies to reduce counterproductive workplace behaviors,
including thefts and frauds of all types. It describes factors
that can lead to these behaviors, describes common employee theft
and fraud methods, and analyzes selected prevention techniques,
policies, and technologies. Regardless of their motivation, many
employees are more likely to stray from acceptable behavior when
an opportunity presents itself. If an employee perceives little
chance of being caught, he or she may be more inclined to steal.
This report provides employers in all types of businesses with
ways to discover counterproductive and criminal employee behaviors
and to prevent employees from even thinking of swaying from acceptable
workplace norms. When implemented, the numerous strategies documented
through research can prevent problems from occurring—and
For Read The
Full Report Go To: http://www.asisonline.org/foundation/dishonesty.pdf
PROTECTION (continued): |
Issues Comprehensive Data Security Regulations
Massachusetts issued comprehensive regulations relating
to the law, which will impose a significant compliance obligation
on virtually all businesses with employees or customers
in Massachusetts. All businesses which hold or transmit
personal information of their customers and employees must
review their existing policies and employee handbooks to
ensure compliance with these new regulations. The regulations
impose two broad requirements. First, the regulations require
every business that holds personal information to implement
and maintain a comprehensive, written "information
security program." While the regulations make it clear
that the program should be tailored to the particular business
or industry, all programs must address the following issues:
To Read
The Full Article Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=68230&email_access=on

Shows Dismissed IT Staff Will Steal Your Secrets –
If You Let Them
A survey
into “Trust, Security & Passwords” conducted
at Infosecurity 2008 – Europe largest IT security
event amongst 300 IT security professionals has revealed
that 88% of IT administrators, if laid off tomorrow, would
steal valuable and sensitive company information. The target
information includes the CEO’s passwords, the customer
database, R & D plans, financial reports, M & A
plans and most importantly the company’s list of privileged
passwords. Only 12% would be honest enough to leave empty
handed. The privileged password list provides the keys to
unlock access to every piece of information that’s
on the network, of the 88% that said they would take valuable
information with them a third of devious IT administrators
would take the privilege password list which would give
them access to all the other sensitive and valuable documents
and information such as financial reports, accounts, salaries
and other privileged and highly sensitive information. If
the looming recession means redundancies at your workplace,
exercise extreme caution when it comes to dismissing your
IT guys - that’s the stark warning from privileged
identity management specialist firm Cyber-Ark.
More Information Go To: http://www.itrportal.com/absolutenm/templates/article-printhard.aspx?articleid=5198&zoneid=21


Background Screening and Investigations
Managing Hiring Risk from the HR and Security Perspectives
By W.
Barry Nixon, SPHR and Kim Kerr, CPP
352 pages 16 ills
Copyright 2008
USD 49.95, Reference
ISBN: 978-0-7506-8256-5
To Order
Go To www.PreemploymentDirectory.com
and click on the book cover

Safe Hiring Audit: The Employer’s Guide to Implementing
a Safe Hiring Program, Authors: Lester S. Rosen,
Michael Sankey
To view
table of contents go to - Visit www.brbpub.com/books/toc/
or For More Information and To Order Go To: www.brbpub.com |

can help you have a high quality e-newsletter to help nurture
your relationship with your clients and attract new clients. Our
customized newsletter service will take over your newsletter task
or create a new one for you. We can manage the creation of your
newsletter for you.
are constantly researching information to use for The Background
Buzz and you can put our research to use for you. Using the
information rich content from The Background Buzz (minus
the ads and competitors information) we will create a custom newsletter
for you.
your staff’s time to do more valuable work and save all
the hassle of researching or writing articles, formatting and
managing all the other ezine tasks with our customized ezine process.
Barry Nixon at 949-770-5264 or at wbnixon@aol.com
for more information.

Place! Many Suppliers! |
for the Top Suppliers in the Industry? Need to find a new Supplier?
Visit PreemploymentDirectory.com’s
VENDOR SHOWCASE which features suppliers to the
Background Screening Industry (go to www.PreemploymentDirectory.com,
click on ‘Click Here’ and then scroll down to Vendor
Showcase for Background Screening Industry Suppliers)

Are you interested
in keeping up with the latest developments on the world wide web
and with web site technology from a business owner or business
development perspective? If so you may want to sign up for Web
Site Magazine. It is complimentary and written in a straightforward,
easy to read and understand manner. It is published in hardcopy.

Rules for Visiting the United Kingdom on Business
The United
Kingdom Government has announced new rules for people who wish
to visit and work in the UK for a period of six months or less.
In a move intended to “safeguard the visitor route into
the UK from abuse,” such individuals will now be required
to apply for a dedicated new business visa, and provide proof
that they will be carrying out specific activities during their
stay in Britain. Those who wish visiting the UK on business for
up to six months will now be required to:
- attend
meetings or conferences;
- arrange
deals, negotiate or sign trade agreement or contracts;
- undertake
fact-finding missions, check details or goods; and
- conduct
site visits and promotional activities.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.workplacelaw.net/news/display/id/17115

That Ban Cell Phones While Driving
The global
trotting in the international marketplace has become an increasing
reality for professional background screening firms and the use
of cell phones is ubiquitous. Accordingly, we thought it was important
for you to know those countries that have banned the use of a
cell phone when driving unless used with some form of hands-free
kit. Hopefully this knowledge will keep you out of hot water with
local law enforcement and more importantly keep you free of injuries.
To view the
complete list go to: http://www.cellular-news.com/car_bans/
Drug Testing In The Workplace
Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC) has recently
foreshadowed significant developments in how employers should
test employees for drug and alcohol use. On 25 August 2008, Senior
Deputy President Hamberger of the AIRC determined a dispute between
an employer (Shell) and a union (CFMEU) regarding drug and alcohol
testing at the employer's oil refineries. His Honour concluded
that the core issue is which test is more likely to indicate actual
impairment and effect on the employee's performance at work, consequently,
implementation of a urine based random drug testing regime would
be unjust and unreasonable since it measured longer term effect
which was less of a job related issue. This decision in the Shell
case appears to foreshadow a shift in what is viewed by the AIRC
as a reasonable method of testing for drug and alcohol impairment
in employees.
More Information Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=67276&email_access=on

We have
enhanced our International Resource Center to be a valuable
resource for anyone looking for information on doing international
background verifications, vetting or screening. It includes
information on international data protection and other laws,
terrorist searches and much more. Also included is very
practical information on time zones, locating cities, holidays
in different countries, etc.
New Information Added:

website's mission is to provide our visitors with comprehensive
and up to date information on how to dial internationally
from the USA, Canada or from any other country. Telephone
country codes and international area codes are displayed
by country, with additional info featured such as city and
cellular codes, telephone books. In addition we provide
a comprehensive list
of country and exit codes.
International Training Resources
We have added International
Training Resources to the International Resource Center.
We update this section monthly. Bookmark this valuable resource
so you can quickly find the information you need.
To view the International Section go to http://www.preemploymentdirectory.com/
look in the middle of the page for the gray bar like the
one below.

Fraud What Employers Can Do About It
fraud is estimated to cost Australian businesses about $18
billion each year. But there are ways for businesses to
curtail fraudulent conduct by employees and remedies to
be taken when fraud occurs. Employee fraud has again hit
the media spotlight with recent cases such as the rogue
trader, Jerome Kerviel, who cost French bank, Société
Générale, a record US$8.2 billon through unauthorised
trades. Recently in Australia, senior staff at RailCorp
in New South Wales allegedly defrauded the business of at
least A$20 million and in another case, a St George Bank
employee has been charged with defrauding the bank of A$1.4
million over eight years. The major challenge with corporate
fraud is that the people doing the defrauding are experts
in their field. They know their companies inside out. They
know the computer systems and they know exactly what to
do and how to hide it. The failure of companies to demonstrate
a hard line on fraud and control the problem, creates added
temptation for employees who are convinced they can succeed
in their fraudulent activities.
should take specific steps to deter, detect and address
fraud including recognizing the very real threat that fraud
poses to the business; addressing fraud prevention as a
strategic corporate issue; establish a clear policy focused
on reducing, as much as possible, employee fraud.
More Information Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?
articleid=67008&email_access=on |

Stop, thief?
you think your business is unlikely to endure a criminal act,
think again. Across Canada last year, businesses reported 69,000
break-and-enters alone. Identity theft costs companies and consumers
an estimated $2 billion annually, according to the Canadian Council
of Better Business Bureaus. Cybercrime—including hacking,
“phishing” and the use of spyware—is growing
exponentially as thieves realize the value of sensitive information
on the black market. In May, the Canadian Association of Police
Boards, which represents police-oversight boards, said its own
surveys of the public and police plus numerous other studies suggest
that cybercrime is close to becoming the No. 1 crime category
in Canada. To make things worse, the bad guys (and girls) are
increasingly operating in teams and deploying modern technologies
to more effectively relieve small businesses of everything from
scrap metal to credit-card numbers. Although there’s no
definitive figure for the cost of crime to Canadian companies,
it clearly runs into the many billions of dollars—even before
the cost of ruined corporate reputations is factored in. The first
step in breaking free of such dangerous complacency is to admit
that it’s not a question of if, but when your firm will
be a target. Police and security analysts recommend a layered
approach to security, so that you’re not counting on just
one or two barriers to do the job.
More Information Go To: http://www.canadianbusiness.com/entrepreneur/technology/article.jsp?content=20

At Risk Of Recession
prospects are being revised downwards, industrial production is
shrinking and unemployment is likely to rise, according to The
Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 from the World Economic
Forum (WEF). The global financial crisis will have profound effects
on Europe and its consequences on the real economy are still unfolding,
according to a new report from the WEF. The report highlights
that the contagion effects of the financial meltdown will affect
the real economy of the region. In Western Europe, growth prospects
are being revised downwards, industrial production is decreasing
in several countries and unemployment is likely to increase. The
report examines the global risks most pertinent to Europe, Russia,
Eastern Europe, Turkey and Central Asia.
More Information Go To: http://www.strategicrisk.co.uk/story.asp?source=srbreakingnews&storycode=374964
or to http://www.weforum.org/pdf/GCR08/GCR08.pdf

Criminal Records Information System Needs Solid Infrastructure
Says European Data Protection Supervisor
16 September 2008, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
adopted an opinion on a proposal for a Council Decision on the
establishment of an electronic European Criminal Records Information
System (ECRIS). The Decision is part of a package designed to
help EU Member States to share the criminal records of their citizens
and exchange information on past criminal convictions. Peter Hustinx,
Supervisor, says: "The processing of personal data relating
to criminal convictions is of a sensitive nature, and the confidentiality
and integrity of criminal records data sent to other Member States
must be guaranteed. It is therefore paramount that high standards
of data protection be applied to the functioning of the system,
which should ensure a solid technical infrastructure, a high quality
of information and an effective supervision."
More Information Go To: http://www.publictechnology.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=17359

Stoy Hayward Releases 5th Annual Fraud
January 2008 saw the release of the fifth edition of FraudTrack,
the annual report based upon extensive research conducted throughout
2007 by BDO Stoy Hayward compared with the experiences of their
own fraud investigation team. As predicted, the economic tide
has turned. Whilst challenging market conditions aren’t
good for the economy, they are certainly great for fraud investigators.
Key findings so far in 2008:
Reported fraud cost UK businesses over £705m – 74
per cent increase on the same period last year.
- Fraud
in the Financial Services sector accounts for more than £636m,
90 per cent of the total cost and a 15 fold increase on sector
fraud levels last year.
- Employee
fraud increased from 2.5 per cent to 11 per cent of all fraud.
- Management
fraud accounts for 46 per cent of fraud cases and third-party
fraud accounts for 32 per cent, costing businesses a total of
- At
36 per cent, greed is still the main motive for fraud. Debt
is a close second at 25 per cent followed, interestingly, by
gambling at 24 per cent.
- The
value of reported fraud in April 2008 alone was £317m.
The combination of spiralling personal debt and desperate employees
spells real danger for business. Businesses need to be extremely
diligent in their recruitment processes ensuring they have a solid
first line of defence against fraud. This is not to say that common
motives won’t corrupt the most trustworthy employees, keep
appraised of any strange or unusual changes in an employee’s
To Read The Full Report Go To: www.bdo.co.uk/Fraudtrack
or for more information contact Simon P Bevan, Partner, Head of
Fraud Services Unit at simon.p.bevan@bdo.co.uk


we have the privilege of talking with Page Arrington, Vice
President of Marketing for G.A
Public Records Service, Inc.
not working, Page has a variety of activities to keep her
busy. For the past two years, Page has been moonlighting
as a wedding planner. "I have done five in the past
two years and I really enjoy it. It is a very interesting
industry and I would not mind doing it full-time one day.
I love to create a unique situation for the couple.
can be the same and I like to create something really different
that the bride can enjoy and remember for the rest of her
life," states Page.
is also a huge college football fan and her favorite team
is Texas A & M. The marketing executive is diverse to
say the least. She's played the viola for the past 17 years
and loves classical music. With a big smile Paige says "I
love country music and I am a country girl."
recently traveled to Switzerland and shared that she likes
to take at least one major vacation a year. While in Switzerland,
she hiked to the top of a mountain and told us it gave her
an incredible view of Zurich. She said “everything
was so lush and green, it was amazing."
On the
business side of things, Page got started in the business
after I graduating from high school. A friend worked at
and got her in. Page says “I fell in love with the
job and have been here ever since. I have been with GAPRS
for ten years now." Paige has worked hard and has been
very instrumental in the success of the company. Having
risen to be V.P. of marketing she is responsible for the
face of the company and bringing in clients.
added that GAPRS
provides quality, on-site, criminal record searches throughout
the country. "One of the main reasons a company would
utilize our services is to provide them with tenant or pre-employment
screening," says Page. Her day- to-day duties involve
a lot of customer service interaction, stating, "Handling
the needs of our clients is what allows us to stay competitive
in this industry. We also make sure that we are competitively
priced, have very high standards and operate with integrity."
In response to a question about where she sees the industry
going, Page took a moment to think about the industry and
stated that she sees the industry continuing to grow, noting
that business has really picked up over the years, particularly
with 911 and the way things are with security, I don't see
things slowing down at all – and with the energy,
enthusiasm and hard work apparently in her genes we don’t
see Page slowly down either.
Page Arrington can be reached at parrington@gaprs.com,
or for more information about GAPRS please go to www.gaprs.biz



Events (Click
Here to View full list of 2008 Events) – Updated Monthly
State Conferences, visit http://www.shrm.org/conferences/state/CMS_004287.asp
and Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA), 2008 Training
Course Schedule, visit http://datia.org/
Federation for Personnel Management, Events, http://www.wfpma.com/dates.html