Ranks AS 169th Fastest Growing Technology Company in North America
on 2006 Deloitte Fast 500
23, 2006 - Irvine, California - HireRight today announced
that it ranked number 169 on Deloitte’s 2006 Technology
Fast 500, a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology, media,
telecommunications and life sciences companies in North America.
Rankings are based on percentage revenue growth over five years,
from 2001-2005. HireRight grew 1,034 percent during this period.
In addition to ranking on Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500,
HireRight ranked 7th on the 2006 Technology Fast 50, which is
a regional ranking of the 50 fastest growing technology firms
based in Orange County, CA.
Click Here
for More Information: http://www.hireright.com/release_details.asp?id=52
Magazine Reveals its 25th Annual List of America's 500 Fastest-Growing
Private Companies
Ranks No. 427 on the 2006 Inc. 500 With Three-Year Sales Growth
of 343.6%
28, 2006 - New York, New York - Inc. magazine has announced
its 25th annual Inc. 500 ranking of the fastest-growing private
companies in the country and has ranked HireRight, a leader in
on-demand employment screening solutions, No. 427 on the list,
with a three-year growth rate of 343.6 percent. This year’s
list is the first to include businesses that started up immediately
before and after September 11, 2001 – including the No.
1 company and 20 companies in the top 50 – as well as many
companies that had to raise capital after the dot-com bubble burst.
In total, 104 companies listed on this year’s Inc. 500 were
started after 2000.
Click Here
for More Information: http://www.hireright.com/release_details.asp?id=49

Firm Not So Secure
In the headlines
recently is the sordid story of an alarm installation gone bad.
The case is set in Riverhead, N.Y., just south of the Long Island
Sound. It began with a high-end residential install that featured
motion detectors and a home CCTV system that featured tiny, hidden
cameras. The job was performed by a local firm, Safeguard Alarm
Co., and installed by Daniel Pelosi, who is now accused of murdering
the multimillionaire banker whose home he had recently "secured."
More twisted than that, Pelosi then wed the widow of the murdered
While Pelosi
hasn't been convicted yet -- he is currently on trial, it underscores
the value of knowing who your employees are. SecurityInfoWatch.com
shared this story with Louise Urbanek, vice president of human
resources for Pittsburgh-based Vector Security, which provides
services for both residential and commercial security. We recently
spoke with Urbanek to get her thoughts on employee background
screening. From what she tells us, you'd be foolish not to do
extensive checks on all your employees.
Click Here
for More Information http://www.securityinfowatch.com/article/article.jsp?id=1766&siteSection=314

screening has become a fast-growing multibillion-dollar industry.
But beware: The process could cause more headaches than it relieves.
Employers are worrying a lot about the possibly checkered pasts
of employees and prospective new hires. As a result, the background-screening
business is thriving. "Employment screening is the front
line of defense, your first and best opportunity to eliminate
candidates who are dangerous, dishonest or have a history of poor
work performance," boasts one large screening firm in a pitch
to employers. But the boom in screening services could be another
reason in itself for employers to lose sleep: Heavy and insufficiently
critical reliance on these sleuths could trigger different headaches
and legal problems, experts warn. The forces fueling the growth
of screening services are clear and compelling: the advent of
"negligent-hiring" and "negligent-retention"
litigation following workplace violence incidents, post-9/11 terrorism
jitters, new legal mandates for background checks for employees
in certain sensitive positions and industries (e.g., health care
and transportation), a wide recognition that many prospective
hires will brazenly lie about their employment history and employers'
own self-defeating refusal to share meaningful reference information
on past employees. The advice to HR in all this, then, would be
to pick your screening companies wisely and be sure to keep an
eye on them along the way.
Click Here
to Read the full Article http://www.hreonline.com/HRE/story.jsp?storyId=4295589&sub=false

and dishonest employees continue to steal in record numbers from
U.S. retailers.
The recently
completed 18th Annual Retail Theft Survey, which covers 24 major
retail companies, representing 13,313 stores, with retail sales
exceeding $519 billion (2005), reports thieves stole over $5.8
billion from these retailers in 2005. Even though the survey participants
practice true loss prevention strategies, this group of retailers
still apprehended over 670,000 shoplifters and dishonest employees
in 2005, and recovered more than $127 million from those apprehensions,
a 17.3% increase over their 2004 recovery dollars. The recovery
dollars were amazing this year, as recoveries from both shoplifters
and dishonest employees were up over 16% each from 2004 (16.85%
and 17.87% respectively). The dollar recoveries (per case) are
staggering as well, with an average shoplifting case value of
$126.87 (up 21.5% over 2004), and an average dishonest employee
case value of $724.15 (an increase of 5.72% over 2004).
Click Here
to see some of the highlights from our 18th Annual Retail Theft
Survey: http://www.securityinfowatch.com/article/article.jsp?siteSection=382&id=9567

You Ready to Extend Your Product & Service Reach by adding
a Highly Profitable Drug Testing Business to Your Portfolio?
Drug Testing firms with excellent industry reputation that have
been in the business for over 10 years are now available. These
highly profitable operations include a customer base with firms
like Coca Cola, Anheuser-Busch and locations
are available on west coast, east coast as well as in southeast
and Alaska.
- Drug &
Alcohol Testing/DOT and Non-DOT
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Abuse Policy Development
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- OSHA Program
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Health Clinic
- Proprietary
Tracking Software & State-of-the-Art Data Base
Contact Ken
Will, AdMed Consulting Inc., 3821 Signal St., Bismarck, ND 58504,
701-258-7127, kenwill@btinet.net
for more information and/or to open a dialogue regarding this
exciting opportunity.


Business Bureau creates The Privacy Planner from
BBBOnLine to Provide Tools for Small Businesses to a Data
Security and Privacy Plan
& Privacy Reality Check
- Do you
transact business on the Internet?
- Do you
collect names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses or
- Security
numbers or other personal information about your customers or
- Do you
accept credit or debit cards?
- Do you
share customer information with other companies?
- Do you
engage in direct mail marketing or telemarketing?
you storing customer information for any period of time?If you
answered “yes” to any of these questions, your small
business is in serious need of a data security and privacy plan.
The Privacy
Planner from BBBOnLine can help you generate a simple,
but solid online privacy policy for your business http://www.privacyplanner.com.
Click Here
for more information about security and privacy tools and resources
for small businesses: www.bbb.org/securityandprivacy

Breaches and Identify Fraud: Misunderstandings Could Fail
Consumers and Burden Businesses
While public
data breach notifications in 2005 reached into tens of millions
of accounts annual identify fraud only increased four percent.
The large number of data breaches and the publicity they
have received has created the misperception that fraud resulting
from data breaches is prevalent. Javeline data indicates,
however, that only six percent of all known identity fraud
is generated from data breaches. The percentage of consumers
who go on to suffer a fraud as a result of a data breach
is only 0.8%, or eight out of every 1,000. Strict automatic
data breach notification laws ‘regardless of risk”
to the victim will saddle businesses with costly and unwarranted
requirements, while providing little protective value of
Here to For More Information: http://www.javelinstrategy.com/research

Claims Of Security Awareness, Many Remote Workers Engage In Risky
Online Behavior
A global third-party study commissioned by Cisco
Systems recently revealed that while most remote workers say they
are aware of security issues, their behavior -- which includes
sharing work computers with non-employees, opening unknown emails,
and hijacking neighbors' wireless networks -- suggests otherwise.
Designed to better understand how teleworkers'
perceptions and behavior heighten security risks for the global
network community, information technology organizations and the
businesses they support, the study revealed responses from more
than 1,000 teleworkers in 10 countries. Conducted this summer
by an independent market research firm, the study consisted of
end-user surveys involving at least 100 respondents in each of
the following countries: the United States, United Kingdom, France,
Germany, Italy, Japan, China, India, Australia, and Brazil. It
spotlights the challenge that behavioral and cultural tendencies
create for IT security teams as more employees work outside of
traditional offices -- a business practice that can enhance productivity
yet jeopardize corporate and personal security.
Click Here
For Summary Article on the Study http://www.stevenspublishing.com
or to Read the Full Study go to: http://www.cisco.com/application/pdf/en/us/guest/netsol/ns413/c654/cdccont_0900aecd8054581d.pdf

Employment Outlook Survey Finds that U.S. Employers Plan to Stay
the Course with Steady Hiring During Final Months of 2006
U.S. employers
expect to close out 2006 the same way it began - with steady hiring
plans - according to the seasonally adjusted results of the latest
Manpower Employment Outlook Survey, conducted quarterly by Manpower
Inc. "Eleven quarters of consistent survey results show that
the job market in the U.S. is not prone to radical swings at this
stage. Even the economic pressures of 2006, such as rising interest
rates, energy costs and inflation, were not enough to rattle employer
confidence. Employers are also experiencing difficulty in finding
skilled people, which is contributing to the moderate hiring plans,"
said Jeffrey A. Joerres, Chairman & CEO of Manpower Inc. Of
the 14,000 U.S. employers surveyed, 28% expect to add to their
payrolls during the fourth quarter of 2006, while 8% expect to
reduce staff levels. Fifty-eight percent expect no change in the
hiring pace, while 6% are undecided about their hiring plans for
September - December. Hiring activity in seven of the 10 industry
sectors surveyed is expected to remain relatively consistent with
third quarter projections, according to seasonally adjusted data.
Those sectors include Construction, Durable and Non-Durable Goods
Manufacturing, Transportation/Public Utilities, Wholesale/Retail
Trade, Services and Public Administration.
Click Here
for More Information: http://investor.right.com/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=RHT&script=410&layout=0&item_id=904410
of the true test of any association or organization is the
added value it gives to its members. In today’s fast
pace environment busy professionals have to make choices about
how to spend their time and which organizations they want
to be associated with. The following is one person’s
experience that clearly demonstrates the value that NAPBS
has contributed to her. |
How I Benefit
by Being a Member of NAPBS
The networking
with the vendors and other background screening businesses has
helped my business grow and provide better resources for me. The
NAPBS provides us with a voice in Washington and I enjoy the networking
with my peers.
Beth Miller,
DataCheck, Inc.
to Find Out More About Joining NAPBS

One of the most common questions asked by companies interested
in conducting email marketing campaigns is this: "How
often should I be mailing to my various lists?" The
answer to this question is almost always returned with more
questions. That's because there is no single answer for
determining the right frequency for every organization.
Depending on your audience, your content, and your email
marketing goals, the optimal email frequency will vary.
To determine the most effective frequency for your email
marketing campaigns, start with a quick review of your email
objectives and then consider the following five points:
Here to Read the Full Article: http://www.smartbiz.com/article/articleview/1636/1/53

we can help you create a webzine to send to your clients
and/or prospects that will uniquely reflect your company’s
brand and image by creating a private label version of The
Background Buzz just for your. Contact Barry Nixon at wbnixon@aol.com
or at 949-770-5264 to discuss how we meet your marketing

resumes of people with industry experience and industry
employers seeking industry experience.
- your one stop source to quickly and easily find people
in the background screening industry. Go to backgroundscreeningjobs.com

Trends in State Courts: A Focus on Identity Theft, Social
Security Numbers, and the Courts
article examines the interest by federal policymakers to
tackle the problem of identity theft by restricting the
display of Social Security numbers in public documents.
Social Security numbers are replete in court records such
as probate files, land records, divorce documents, and other
family-related court documents. Recent incidents in which
Americans’ confidential information has been compromised
are making Congress take another serious look at legislation
to prevent identity theft. In 2006 a staff person at the
Department of Veteran Affairs staff reported that his laptop,
which held confidential data for about 26 million veterans,
had been stolen. In 2005 ChoicePoint, a Georgia-based information
broker, revealed that personal information of more than
100,000 customers in all 50 states had been compromised.
Again in 2005, Bank of America said that it had lost tapes
containing the records of 1.2 million federal employees.
Congress will likely use the above incidents to push longstanding
legislation to restrict the display of Social Security numbers
(SSNs) on public records, including those found in court
documents. A surge of identity-theft cases has added fuel
to the growing fear of misuse of personal information. According
to a Javelin Strategy and Research survey, in 2005 there
were nearly nine million identity theft victims with estimated
losses totaling almost $57 billion.
Here to Read the Full Article: http://www.ncsconline.org/WC/Publications/Trends/2006/SSNTrends2006.pdf

of Security Breach State Laws
is aware of California’s security breach notification
legislation, however, there are 31 states that have some
form of security breach laws on the books. Click on the
link below to see a comprehensive listing of the state laws
for security breaches.

a Platinum Member and Join the Success Brigade
Pricing for Platinum Membership in Effect Until November
30, 2006

House of Commons - Corporate Manslaughter
and Corporate Homicide Bill
United Kingdom - New laws on corporate manslaughter
are introduced. They will create a new offence of corporate
manslaughter, which would allow organisations to be prosecuted
for management failures that lead to the deaths of employees
and others. The new offence would apply when an individual
has been killed because the senior management of an organisation
has grossly failed to take reasonable care for the safety
of employees or others. It would be an offence committed
by organisations rather than individuals and would therefore
carry a penalty of an unlimited fine rather than a custodial
sentence. The Bill can be viewed on the Parliament website.

Monster Employment Index UK Dips
Slightly in September, Yet Remains at Elevated Level
Online job recruitment activity and related
employment opportunities across the United Kingdom dipped
in September, according to the Monster Employment Index
UK, which despite edging downward remained near its highest
level on record set in August. The Index dropped three points
to 125 last month, driven by a drop in online job offers
for workers across a number of industry sectors including
education, training and library; hospitality and tourism;
and sales.
Despite the slight dip in September, a number
of sectors showed growth including healthcare, social work
and personal care; and accounting, audit and taxes. Year-on-year
growth of the Index now stands at 25 points, or 25 percent.
All UK regions showed reduced online recruitment activity
of various degrees, with Wales and the South West exhibiting
the strongest drop. Meanwhile, online offers in London and
the South East remained relatively stable in September.
Here for More Information: http://www.onrec.com/newsstories/13842.asp

Background Checks Go Global
It is challenging to verify the credentials
and background of job applicants within a single country.
How might enterprises reasonably manage this challenge globally?
How might employers protect themselves against fraud and
criminal conduct without running afoul of an increasingly
complex web of data privacy protections in Europe, North
America, and beyond? International labor mobility and global
sourcing strategies (outsourcing, offshoring) are factors
that have brought attention to the need for background check
and credential verification approaches that work internationally.
High-profile cases of CV fraud also have focused attention
on the problem. For example, a presidential appointee at
NASA, the CFO of Veritas (ironically meaning truth), the
CEO of Radio Shack, the Chairman and Chief Executive of
Bausch & Lomb, the communications director for Manchester
United, a hospital chief within the UK’s national
health system, a Hong Kong Tycoon and chairman of an Asian
telecom giant, and the chief of an oversight office within
South Africa’s military.
Here for More Information: http://www.hr-xml.org/blog/?p=75

Australian Research has shown 43
per cent of resumes contain bare-faced lies
Australia - Access Management Consultants
senior recruitment consultant Jenny Eager says her research
has shown only 59 per cent of human resource managers verify
the authenticity of candidate qualifications, only 78 per
cent verify employment experience and less than 50 per cent
check a candidate's criminal history. So if everybody knows
that resumes are more sales pitch than an accurate account,
why aren't employers conducting thorough background checks
to ensure they aren't being lead up the garden path? Ms
Eager says time constraints are the main reason background
checks are not carried out on potential staff. "There
is no doubt that verifying a person's history is a lengthly
process and often employers just don't have the time,"
Ms Eager says. "People also like to trust their own
judgment. Employers feel if there was something suspicious
about the applicant, they would have sensed it." But
Ms Eager says just because someone is friendly and likeable
does not mean they are honest and trustworthy. She warns
that the costs of replacing a dishonest employee once they
are hired are significant -- sometimes up to 200 per cent
of the person's salary.
Here for More Information: http://www.news.com.au/sundaytelegraph/story/0,,20391484-5001081,00.html

Market Growing Fast in China
The recruiting of staff is the greatest
challenge that HR practitioners in China face. But turn
the turtle on its back and we see that recruiting is big
business. There is a lot going on underneath. A mulititude
of players offer everything from executive search to Applicant
Tracking Systems (ATS).The graphs (go to http://www.the1.com/
to view graphs) tell an interesting story. They are based
on a large scale study of international companies who offer
some form of solution for recruiting. They illustrate well
how the investments in the recruiting space have shifted
from Hong Kong to Mainland China, and specifically to Shanghai.
China is taking off, with Hong Kong flat. The study was
done by a London-based MandA specialist called The1, and
if you want to know more go
here and click on ’Research’.
Here for Summary http://www.onrec.com/newsstories/13937.asp
or go to http://www.the1.com
For the Research Report

We have
greatly enhanced our International Resource Center to be
a valuable resource for anyone looking for information on
doing international background verifications, vetting or
verifications. It includes information on EU countries data
protection and other laws, Canada, terrorist searches and
much more. Also included is very practical information on
time zones, locating cities, etc. Check it out and I am
sure you will want to Bookmark it so you can use it over
and over. To view the International Section go to www.PreemploymentDirectory.com
and look under the line in the middle of the page:

Institute for Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc.
Launches New Consulting Practice – Infinity
Screening Solutions |
With ‘Continuous
Employee Screening’ tools now becoming available we believe
this will be an invaluable tool to assist firms to better manager
their risk by knowing important information about their employees
and will also help to prevent negligent retention. This tool will
help firms to be able to identify whether mandatory licenses or
professional certifications are current as well as derogatory
issues such as DUI’s, criminal warrants, convictions, etc.
that could have an impact on an employee continuing to qualify
for their position or a proposed one.
a continuous screening program will require careful consideration
by organizations because of a number of potential employee relations,
organizational and legal issues that need to be addressed. To
begin with it will be critical that firm’s have a comprehensive
background screening policy in place that addresses how problem
situations will be handled. In addition, the need to have pre-identified
‘sensitive jobs’ with clear qualifications and prerequisites
included in job descriptions will become even more important than
ever. Each company will need to develop a decision tree regarding
how potential issues will impact employees. Because of these issues
the National Institute for Prevention of Workplace Violence,
Inc. has
established Infinity Screening Solutions, a new consulting practice,
specifically focused on addressing these issues and helping firms
to implement continuous screening
Since overwhelming
employers use outsourced background screening firms to conduct
their background checks, we have decided to primarily offer this
consulting service through background screening firms. This will
be a value added service that you can offer to your clients when
you are selling them your ‘continuous screening’ tool.
We have developed a proprietary implementation process for assisting
firms with continuous screening that you can offer to your clients.
Contact Barry Nixon at 949-770-5264 or online at wbnixon@aol.com
for more information.
Barry Nixon at (949) 770-5264 today to find how the Continuous
Employee Post Hire Screening consulting can contribute to increased
sales, revenue and increased customer satisfaction

The Bruce Berg Report on 2006 ASIS International
Annual Conference
This was another great ASIS International Annual
Conference and Expo. There were 34,000 attendees reported. While
the exhibits at ASIS International are more hardware than services,
the employment screening industry was again well represented,
with 18 Retail Background Screening companies, 4 companies offering
databases (criminal, address and other), one drug testing, one
pre employment assessments company and one missing in action.
This year more than before, the portion of companies with CEOs/owners
in attendance seemed to be higher. The trade show is, of course,
about interacting with existing clients and meeting prospects,
but it is also very much about interacting with the other exhibitors
to do a little corporate intelligence and to share information
and talk about industry problems. Be sure to read the full article
and get Bruce’s insights on each company that was in attendance
along with new products coverage.
Click Here
to Read the Full Report http://bergconsulting.web.aplus.net/id41.html

Extended Workforce Screening Solution Named HR Product of the
Year by Human Resource Executive Magazine
4, 2006 - Irvine, California – HireRight, Inc,
a Platinum Member of PreemploymentDirectory.com, the leader in
on-demand employment screening solutions, today announced that
the company’s recently released Extended Workforce Screening
(EWS) Solution has been named one of the Top HR Products of the
Year by Human Resource Executive (HRE) Magazine. Selected from
a record number of entries, the HireRight Extended Workforce Screening
Solution was chosen after thorough evaluation by the HRE editorial
staff. The HireRight Extended Workforce Screening Solution is
the first available software solution for managing the background
screening of vendor and partner employees, temporary employees
and independent contractors who have access to a company’s
facilities, data, personnel and information systems.
Click Here
for More Information: http://www.hireright.com/release_details.asp?id=50

Alerting the Industry to Terrorists and other High-Risk Entitities
Well Before Government Authorities
LONDON, September
13th, 2006. World-Check, the leading provider of risk-related
intelligence on heightened risk individuals and entities, is proud
of its record of being ahead of the sanction-list curve. During
the last 18 months, the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign
Assets Control (OFAC) augmented the OFAC List with some 330 individuals
and entities. Through its continued research and expertise, World-Check
had identified 89 of these prior to their inclusion on OFAC. Of
even further note, 21 of these 89 are in relation to terrorism.
Once again World-Check has proven its worth as an early-warning
system in protecting the financial community from adverse risk.
Over 2,000 institutions, including 45 of the world’s 50
largest financial institutions and hundreds of government agencies,
rely on the World-Check database of known heightened-risk individuals
and businesses to efficiently screen their customers, associates,
transactions and employees for potential risk.
database, compiled entirely from open source information, often
identifies individuals as heightened- risk before they appear
on the lists of sanctioning organizations, such as the Bank of
England and OFAC. An example is the case of Radulan Sahiron, a
leader of the terrorist organization Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG). Sahiron
was, profiled on World-Check in August 2002, more than three years
ahead of OFAC adding him to its list of Special Designated Terrorists
in November 2005. World-Check not only profiled Sahiron, but also
identified and linked a number of other senior members of the
same terror group, notably Isnilon Hapilon and Hamsiraji Sali.
Several of these individuals are still not listed in OFAC.
Click Here
for More Information:

Check: Automating Medical Credentialing at a Major Medical Center
The university medical center is made up of five hospitals, a
college of medicine and public health, two research institutes,
and a network of more than 30 medical facilities throughout its
home state. Its largest hospital contains approximately 1,000
beds. The medical center’s three main hospitals alone total
more than 2,000 doctors and residents. The medical credentialing
department at the medical center is responsible for verifying
the records and checking the backgrounds of every one of those
doctors. That department is also charged with maintaining medical
school alumni records and the credentialing documents and official
files of all the doctors previously employed at one of the three
hospitals. Considering that public health is one of the most important
concerns in our society, these records are very extensive and
can be quite a lot to manage properly.
The systems administrator for corporate credentialing at the medical
center is part of the team accountable for the proper maintenance
of doctors’ records and the credentialing process. In the
summer of 2004, she began looking for an imaging system that would
enable her department to manage their multitude of doctors’
records electronically. Her initial search was for an electronic
document management system (EDMS) that could integrate with their
existing software applications and eliminate a lot of their hard-copy
files. After preliminary discussions with a locally based EDMS
provider, she began working with another department within the
university that had experience with EDMS and Optical Image Technology,
Inc.’s DocFinity® software suite. Together, they discovered
that DocFinity could assist the medical center’s credentialing
department in ways far beyond imaging.

LobbyGuard Strengthens School Security
Wake County
Schools have added five units of LobbyGuard Solutions' visitor
management product LobbyGuard. In an effort to strengthen school
safety and security, LobbyGuard instantly checks all campus visitors
against national and state sex offender registries and other criminal
databases. It then notifies appropriate school and district personnel
if a match is made. LobbyGuard is designed to keep sexual predators
off school grounds, addressing school security needs in three
major areas:
Click Here
for More Information:
Ready for Selling Your Company.
are some things you can do to maximize your value and minimize
your pain when you decide to sell. While you may not be
ready today to sell your company, if selling is even in
your long-term goals, now is the time to get ready. Begin
immediately by keeping your books clean, clear and reflective
of your business. Here are some tips that will help you:Click
Here to Read the Full Article: www.bergconsultinggroup.com

2006 Background Buzz MEDIA RATES: |
here for more information about advertising in The Background
Buzz and PreemploymentDirectory.com (Sections: US Provider, International,
Vendor Showcase.)

Get a free
Comprehensive Guide for Selecting a Background Screening Firm
– Everything you need to know to select a firm that will
help you to avoid bad hires. Learn about industry best practices
and standards.


Society for Human Resource Management
(SHRM) - For Details on State Conferences,
go to http://www.shrm.org/conferences/state/CMS_004287.asp
World Federation of Personnel Management
Associations (WFPMA) For Details on International events
by date go to http://www.wfpma.com/dates.html
Events (Click
Here to View full list of 2006 Events)
Events (Click
Here to View full list of 2007 Events)