Fluff And Convictions Are Up During Economic Slump
falsifications are on the rise and are expected to increase as
the country continues to slog through economic doldrums, according
to trends data recently released by several employment background
screening firms. Accu-Screen Inc. has kept records for 14 years
on resume falsification data and has recorded “spikes”
correlating with economic downturns and weak labor markets. According
to the company’s most recent data, approximately 43 percent
of resumes and job applications could contain false information.
Kevin Connell, Accu-Screen, Inc.’s CEO further suggested
that the recent increase in unemployment figures combined with
a weakening economy will prove to be leading indicators of even
more resume falsifications. “We want to get the word out
to employers and job-seekers,” he said. “Employers
need to be especially vigilant during these periods. Job seekers
must know that more employers than ever use rigorous background
screening procedures to vet the information contained on their
resume.” J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc., has discovered
outright lies on resumes or applications when conducting pre-employment
background or reference checks. Cleveland-based employment screening
company employeescreenIQ
also that the state of the current job market could lead some
individuals to stretch the truth in order to secure employment.
Resume “fluffing” isn’t the only area employers
need to focus on, however, according to the report. Conviction
rates among job applicants are also on the rise. Now more than
ever, hiring professionals need to be sure their employment screening
firms are conducting thorough, detailed, background checks.
More Information Go To: http://www.shrm.org/ema/library_published/nonIC/CMS_026257.asp#TopOfPage
(may only be available to SHRM members)

Secures Contract to Expand Biometric Database
FBI yesterday announced the award of a $1 billion, 10-year contract
to Lockheed Martin to develop what is expected to be the world's
largest crime-fighting computer database of biometric information,
including fingerprints, palm prints, iris patterns and face images.
Under its contract to build Next Generation Identification, the
Bethesda contractor will expand on the FBI's electronic database
of 55 million sets of fingerprints and criminal histories used
by law enforcement and other authorities. The aim is to make the
query and results process quicker, more flexible and more accurate.
Lockheed built and maintains the fingerprint database. "NGI
will give us bigger, better, faster capabilities and lead us into
the future," said Thomas E. Bush III, assistant director
of the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division.
More Information Go To: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/02/12/AR2008021202777.html

Safety Checks Lagging; Backlog Delaying Scrutiny of Educators'
Criminal Histories:
of longtime Ohio educators whose criminal histories
haven't been examined in years, if ever, will return to their
classrooms in the next few weeks without background checks, the
state says. The state didn't even require fingerprints to be submitted
until Sept. 5, after the start of school in most districts, but
a backlog in federal background checks means it could take much
longer before the Ohio Department of Education examines the results.
In addition, the department's priority is to check the background
of new licensees before looking to see whether longtime school
workers have criminal records. All school workers must be fingerprinted
for state and federal background checks under a state law enacted
last fall. The new law, the first of two enacted in response to
the Dispatch series "The ABCs of Betrayal" about the
state's educator-discipline system, requires checks of both licensed
employees, such as teachers, and unlicensed workers such as secretaries,
bus drivers and food-service workers. "When you're doing
100,000 (checks) a month, there's always going to be instances
where it takes longer," Potts said, noting that most FBI
results are now complete within 30 days. The backlog didn't solely
stem from teachers, she said. Medical workers, foster-care workers
and camp employees all must undergo checks, too.
More Information Go To: http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2008/08/17/slowchecks.ART_ART_08-17-08_B1_KFB22ON.html?sid=101

States: Transportation Workers Face Tougher Drug Testing Procedures:
Observed Collections Designed
than 8 million regulated workers in the transportation and pipeline
industries face more stringent drug testing collection procedures
that went into effect August 25, 2008. The new rules, which are
included in and modify 49 C.F.R. Part 40, address "specimen
validity" and seek to deal with what appear to be widespread
efforts by workers to "beat" drug tests. The new final
rules include various mandatory laboratory-based tests intended
to improve the detection of samples that have been adulterated
by masking agents or diluted by water. Concern about the proliferation
of mechanical devices designed to be worn by an individual to
simulate the act of urination while delivering a "clean"
urine sample has also triggered new, broader requirements for
observed collections. Commencing with the rule's effective date,
all return-to-work and follow-up urine collections must be observed
collections. Affected workers will be required "to raise
their shirts, blouses, or dresses/skirts above the waist, and
lower their pants and underpants, to show the observer, by turning
around, that they do not have a prosthetic device on their person.
After this is done, they may return their clothing to its proper
position," and produce a specimen "in such a manner
that the observer can see the urine exiting directly from the
individual into the collection container." Observed collections
will continue to be monitored by same-gender collection site personnel.
Read The Full Article Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=64574&email_access=on
(The new regulations can be found in the Federal Register
at 73 Fed. Reg. 33735 (June 13, 2008) and are effective August
25, 2008.)

to the Legal Challenge Question! |
the background screening industry continues to get more competitive
the firms that will ultimately succeed will be those that create
competitive advantage through their people by offering continuous
learning opportunities to heightened their knowledge and capabilities.
We believe that having employees that are very knowledgeable about
the legal landscape of background screening is essential to continued
We are grateful
to Pam Devata, Seyfarth
Shaw LLP for providing the expertise for this valuable
endeavor. For information regarding the answers to the Legal Challenge
Questions, please contact Pamela Devata at Seyfarth Shaw LLP at
or 312-460-5000 or visit www.seyfarth.com.
Please choose
your answer by clicking on it:

Budget Season is Here! |
Specialize in Promoting the Products and Services of businesses
in the Background Screening Industry. Advertise with us
in 2009:

Test or Not to Test: The ADA and Pre-Employment Drug Tests
business professionals, well aware of the high costs associated
with employee turnover, know that they can ill afford to make
hiring mistakes, especially in a volatile business climate in
which belt-tightening is the norm. Thus, organizations are pulling
out all the stops to vet applicants properly, even as fewer dollars
are allocated to recruiting and training new employees. Verifying
experience and educational credentials, as well as confirming
employment histories and checking references, have been staples
of the recruiting process. However, in light of some disturbing
revelations about illicit drug use in the workplace, many employers
demand that applicants submit to pre-employment drug tests. OSHA
found that 12.9 million (74.8 percent of illicit drug users) were
employed either full or part time and employees who abuse drugs
bring their problems with them to work in the form of lower productivity,
increased absenteeism and turnover, increased health care costs,
and a higher incidence of workplace theft and violence. However,
before instituting a drug testing policy employers should be aware
of how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) views pre-employment
drug tests.
More Information Go To: http://www.hrtutor.com/en/news_rss/articles/2008/08-14-ADA-Pre-Employment-Drug-Tests.aspx

5 Steps For Stopping The Insider Threat
threat of insider fraud appears to be increasing. Insider
data theft accounted for nearly 16 percent of all data breaches
in 2008, up from 6 percent a year earlier, according to
a study by the Identity Theft Resource Center. And perhaps
more alarming, customer data stolen by an employee is misused
more frequently than data obtained through an external breach,
a recent study by ID Analytics reveals. Phil Neray, VP of
database security company Guardium, says there are two main
reasons for the rise in the insider threat: Demand for sensitive
corporate data has increased, and there is now a thriving
black market where fraudsters can buy and sell this type
of data. "Also, most corporations have spent the last
10 years focusing on tighter controls around the perimeter
of networks," Neray adds. "It's getting harder
to break into firms from the outside in traditional hacking
attacks, so the bad guys are focusing on how to use insiders
to get to the data." So what can companies do to prevent
the insider threat? Neray offers the following five steps:
More Information Go To: http://www.wallstreetandtech.com/advancedtrading/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=NCFY

Get Into Identity Theft
theft is soaring in California, and street gangs are angling
for a piece of the action. Recent cases point to an interest
in identity fraud by organizations as diverse as a Long
Beach chapter of the Crips, the Armenian Power gang and
the prison-based Mexican Mafia, according to law enforcement
officials and fraud experts. Gang members sometimes recruit
corporate insiders, said Linda Foley, co-founder of the
Identity Theft Resource Center, a San Diego nonprofit group.
They visit restaurants and other hangouts, listening for
people complaining about money troubles, then offer cash
in exchange for information they can use in identity theft.
Credit card fraud is the most common form of the crime in
California, as it is in the nation. Employment-related fraud
is No. 2. In California, that category tops the U.S. rate,
which the study attributes to undocumented workers using
stolen Social Security numbers. The value of that nine-digit
identifier has risen, because new laws are making it riskier
for businesses to employ illegal immigrants.
More Information Go To: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/valley/la-fi-idtheft12-2008aug12,0,5321183.story

Eyes Inc. Teams with e-VERIFILE.COM To Get the EVI-Advantage
Inc. (EVI), a leading provider of Web-based people management
solutions, announced today that California-based Private
Eyes Inc., has signed up to participate in the EVI-Advantage
Partnership Program. Private Eyes participation makes
it the second company to join e-VERIFILE’s program since
it was launched in May. “The addition of the Applicant Tracking
System enhances our Pre-Employment Screening Suite of Services.”
said Sandra James, President of Private Eyes. “In our research
to partner with an ATS Company we found e-VERIFILE to be user
friendly and cost effective for our price conscious clients,”
James added. As an EVI-Advantage Partner, Private Eyes will be
able to offer its clients private-label versions of e-VERIFILE’s
Web-based administrative support solutions such as talent recruitment
and applicant tracking, workplace credentialing and more. Each
solution is web-based and requires no additional equipment or
More Information Go To: www.privateeyesinc.com.

Gives View of Criminal Convictions of Your Neighbors
You can get
some insight into the criminal quotient in your neighborhood on
several Web sites that turn government data into interactive guides
of criminal activity. For home buyers, these sites can be a tempting
tool to discern whether a neighborhood is rife with crime, or
a great place to raise the kids. But how accurate are the pictures
they portray? One newer site is CriminalSearches.com.
Created by the folks behind PeopleFinders.com, the new site crunches
monthly government data down to the state and county level, says
Bryce Lane, president and chief operating officer of PeopleFinders.com.
"What we're really good at is establishing connections across
all these different data sets, linking it back to a particular
person," Lane said, acknowledging, however, that some data
might be missing. The company also doesn't tap into federal crime
data. Punch in the details and the site generates a map showing
small squares that represent each person who resides -- or previously
resided -- in the area and was convicted of a crime at some point.
In some cases, the site will turn up people who were arrested,
but never convicted. Click on an individual square and you can
get the exact address for the person and a description of their
violation, among other details.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.criminalsearches.com/default.aspx

Breach Notification Laws, State By State
Five years
after California's landmark SB 1386, our interactive map shows
you which 38 states have passed laws requiring companies to notify
consumers whose personal information has been compromised. [UPDATED
7/28/2008] This map will help you sort them out the varying requirements
of these laws. Click on any state to see highlights from that
state's law. (The gray states do not yet have disclosure laws
- exceptions noted above.) For more explanation, see the text
below the map.http://www.csoonline.com/article/221322/CSO_Disclosure_Series_Data_Breach_Notification_

Issues Guidance on Discrimination During Employment Verification
The Department
of Justice’s Office of Special Counsel (OSC) warns that
an employer who receives a no-match letter from the Social Security
Administration and terminates employees without attempting to
resolve the mismatches, or who treats employees differently “or
otherwise acts with the purpose or intent to discriminate based
upon national origin or other prohibited characteristics,”
may be charged with discrimination.
additional guidance on the Justice Department’s discrimination
policy from the OSC
web site. Employers may contact the agency at 1-800-255-8155
(1-800-237-2515 for the hearing impaired).

AB2918 - Employment: Usage Of Consumer Credit Reports.
bill would prohibit the user of a consumer credit report, with
the exception of certain financial institutions, from obtaining
a consumer credit report for employment purposes unless the information
is (1) substantially job related, meaning that the information
in the consumercredit report relates to the position for which
the person who is the subject of the report is being evaluated
because the position has one or more specified characteristics
is a highly compensated or managerial one, or (2) required
by law to be disclosed to or obtained by the userof the report.
The bill also would extend the exemption from liability for the
maintenance of reasonable procedures to ensure compliance with
the provisions specified in state law to encompass the new prohibition.
More Information Go To: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/07-08/bill/asm/ab_2901-2950/ab_2918_bill_20080626_amended_sen_v95.pdf

Screening and Investigations
Managing Hiring Risk from the HR and Security Perspectives
By W.
Barry Nixon, SPHR and Kim Kerr, CPP
352 pages 16 ills
Copyright 2008
USD 49.95, Reference
ISBN: 978-0-7506-8256-5
To Order
Go To www.PreemploymentDirectory.com
and click on the book cover

Sales Are Sagging and Times Are Tough What Can A Small Business
Owner Do?
a company's best source of sales is the existing customer base.
studies have shown that it is up to seven times more costly to
replace a customer than it is to keep one. Previous customers
have already "qualified" your business and deemed it
worthy of patronage. It should not be as hard to get them to become
repeat customers because you've already impressed them with your
operation the first time (haven't you?). And this management of
customer relationships--which in the past was more of an art form
based on personality--has been transformed into a science with
the advances of the digital age. CRM companies employing high-tech
solutions, such as Constant Contact and others, have made customer
relationship management accessible to the small business community.
And the Internet has made it cost-effective as well. It's as easy
as sending email. In fact, if your small business is not using
a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) program (includes deploying
an ezine), it is falling behind, because so many small businesses
now use email marketing as a normal part of business operations.
CRM keeps you in contact with your best customers--so you know
what they need, and they know you're out there and ready to help.
More Information Go To: http://www.toolkit.com/news/newsDetail.aspx?nid=08-233crm

can help you have a high quality e-newsletter to help nurture
your relationship with your clients and attract new clients. Our
customized newsletter service will take over your newsletter task
or create a new one for you. We can manage the creation of your
newsletter for you.
are constantly researching information to use for The Background
Buzz and you can put our research to use for you. Using the
information rich content from The Background Buzz (minus
the ads and competitors information) we will create a custom newsletter
for you.
your staff’s time to do more valuable work and save all
the hassle of researching or writing articles, formatting and
managing all the other ezine tasks with our customized ezine process.
Barry Nixon at 949-770-5264 or at wbnixon@aol.com
for more information.

Place! Many Suppliers! |
for the Top Suppliers in the Industry? Need to find a new Supplier?
Visit PreemploymentDirectory.com’s
VENDOR SHOWCASE which features suppliers to the
Background Screening Industry (go to www.PreemploymentDirectory.com,
click on ‘Click Here’ and then scroll down to Vendor
Showcase for Background Screening Industry Suppliers)

Are you interested
in keeping up with the latest developments on the world wide web
and with web site technology from a business owner or business
development perspective? If so you may want to sign up for Web
Site Magazine. It is complimentary and written in a straightforward,
easy to read and understand manner. It is published in hardcopy.

Background Screening
the right background information about job candidates can reduce
the likelihood of employment-related litigation, bad hires and
excessive recruiting costs. But on a global scale, it also requires
knowledge of local screening regulations. As a result, background
screening has become a mission critical endeavor, not only with
U.S. multinationals changing talent recruiting and verification
practices, but also with locally based companies striving to reduce
the high costs of turnover in a business environment growing more
competitive and resource strained by the day. Roughly a third
of companies conduct some form of international screening either
for U.S. hires with an international component, or for local hires
in foreign offices.
In many
countries, no standardized requirement exists for releasing information
across regions, leaving pronounced gray areas for companies to
try to find their way through. In Malaysia, the lack of a clear
process for releasing criminal records often means government
departments make internal decisions as to who may and may not
have access to criminal records. The lack of consistency in this
approach makes working through this process challenging to say
the least. In other words, it is critical for companies to understand
country-specific national and cultural differences when conducting
verifications. For example, it is not legal to check criminal
backgrounds in Hong Kong. Therefore, those companies that offer
this information may be obtaining it illegally.
Read The Full Article Go To: http://www.talentmgt.com/recruitment_retention/2008/August/704/index.php

Checking And Job Applicant Testing Outside The US: A Guide To
Multinational Pre-Hire Screening
screening methods in the US have proven helpful for keeping firms
from hiring a criminal, someone with a bad work or credit history,
an uncredentialed resume liar or an applicant whose skills or
aptitudes don’t meet our needs. Perhaps our business case
for screening out these bad applicants is every bit as strong
overseas, where terminations are so complex and expensive. And
if our business case for screening is global, why not align our
practices globally? There is good news and bad news for US-based
multinationals striving to align pre-hire screening globally.13
The good news is that multinationals can indeed craft a globally-aligned
approach to pre-employment screening. The bad news is that doing
so requires clearing some high legal and cultural hurdles, and
adapting American methods for use abroad. Laws overseas that reach
pre-employment screening are complex and varied. They reach background
checks and written applicant tests in surprising ways. To craft
a workable, globally-aligned approach to applicant screening,
a multinational should take four steps: (a) Choose tools, (b)
get local guidance, (c) adapt aspirations to foreign realities
and (d) launch proactive Speaking broadly, the lesson here is
that US-based multinationals might well be ahead of their overseas
counterparts in appreciating the need to screen applicants by
gathering information going beyond what the applicants themselves
volunteer. But laws abroad, especially data privacy laws, erect
compliance hurdles. Launching a global background-checking or
pre-hire testing initiative takes patience, resources and a carefully
considered strategy. In the end, though, the effort will quite
likely produce valuable results.
view all formatting for this article (eg, tables, footnotes),
please access the original here. http://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=15b96adc-a907-47ec-8254-d73a320782f0&l=6J3E6N2

Off The Cookie Jar, Or Pay
A 2004
study found an astounding 79% of employees admit to stealing or
considering doing so from their employers. One in five has already
done so by providing inflated expense accounts, cooking the books
or pocketing money from cash sales. From purloined paperclips
to the more audacious embezzlement of corporate funds, Canadian
employers lose more than $120-billion a year to employee theft
-- a problem identified as the cause of 30% of business failures.
But can the cost consequences of such theft more fairly redound
on the workplace thief? Increasingly employers are suing the theives,
sometimes laying charges, and even settling cases in return for
both money and videotape evidence incriminating fellow miscreants.
More Information Go To: http://www.canada.com/theprovince/news/story.html?id=6c053aab-e7f2-4879-aba6-ae4bef293003

You Be 80% Ethical?
A recent
report shows trends that reflect today's values. The report was
based on a study conducted across twelve Indian cities and the
respondents were executives at the entry and middle levels.
About 55% said it was OK to fudge expense accounts.
· Another 60% found nothing wrong in carrying office stationery
to their homes
· 62% considered offering someone a bribe "normal
and ethical" behavior.
findings along with others from several major cities and across
different industry sectors, inevitably lead to the question, "Are
we witnessing the downside of ethics in the workplace?" More
worrisome is the rationale of the respondents - when top management
can charge millions on the expense account, what's wrong with
our doing it at the level of hundreds or thousands? Thus, the
effect of leadership on organizational culture is also brought
into sharp focus.
More Information Go To: http://www.indiaprwire.com/pressrelease/other/2008073011591.htm

Case Highlights Dangers To Business Reputation
The recent
libel case surrounding the publication of information about an
individual and his business on social networking site Facebook
has again highlighted how damaging inappropriate use of such sites
can be for a business' reputation. For employers, the case illustrates
the importance of communicating the company's policy on social
networking sites - given that employees frequently discuss details
of their employment online, and disgruntled employees or ex-employees
might be less than positive about the organisation!
Read the Full Article Go To: http://www.workplacelaw.net/news/display/id/15840(The
law firm CMS Cameron McKenna discusses the details of the case)

Kingdom: Providing References For Employees
In today's
highly competitive job market, obtaining a good reference from
a former employer is increasingly important. However, as a general
rule there is no obligation for employers to provide a reference
for past employees - one exception to the general rule is that
employers who are regulated by the Financial Services Authority
have to give a reference for an FSA registered employee.
are a number of potential legal pitfalls surrounding the provision
of a suitable reference. The employer owes a duty of care to former
employees when it comes to providing a reference, which means
that an employer can be sued in negligence for including false
or misleading information in a reference which subsequently causes
the employee to suffer a loss.
if an employer deliberately or negligently includes information
in a reference which causes a potential employer to believe that
an employee is substantially better than he or she really is,
and the new employer can be shown to have suffered a loss as a
result, then the original employer could be liable to pay damages
to the new employer.
More Information Go To: http://mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=65118

Are Making Illegal Criminal Candidate Record Checks
are making illegal criminal candidate record checks on spent convictions
that should not be disclosed. Certain jobs such as work with children
or vulnerable adults are eligible for Criminal Records Bureau
(CRB) checks. However, BBC Radio 4's Face the Facts programme
has found requests to CRB for jobs such as train drivers, gardeners
and bricklayers. Under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974,
non-custodial offences and those that carry a prison sentence
of less than 30 months become spent after set periods of time
free from any further convictions meaning that after the rehabilitation
period has passed, reformed offenders are not obliged to disclose
those spent convictions when applying for most types of jobs.

From Employer Highlights Need For Anti-Fraud Measures
of a manager that stole more than £8,000 from his
employer highlights the importance of having anti-theft
measures in place. Tony Cowles, 39, took the money whilst
in charge at Costa Coffee in Newmarket, Ipswich Crown Court
heard. Cowles, who pleaded guilty to theft from an employer,
claimed that he had been under pressure at work when he
“snapped” en route to a managers’ meeting
in Ipswich on 24 June 2008.With takings amounting to £8,195
still in the boot of his car he fled, and reached as far
as New Zealand, but was refused entry to the country. Statistics
show that 80% of the £40m lost to fraud each day in
the UK involves an employee.Moreover, figures suggest that
whilst many employers may feel that they have a loyal workforce,
90% of fraudulent employees have been with their employer
for more than a year. In the instance mentioned, Tony Cowles
had worked the company for four years, and had been manager
at the Newmarket branch since March 2007. CIFAS, the UK’s
fraud prevention service, sets out a number of warning signs
that could indicate that employee fraud is taking place,
To Read
The Full Article Go To: http://www.workplacelaw.net/ne

Harbor Announces A Certification Mark
Commerce Department’s International Trade Administration
(ITA) has developed a certification mark for the U.S.-European
Union (EU) Safe Harbor Framework. The mark may be used by
companies on their websites to signify that they have self-certified
compliance with the provisions of the Safe Harbor Framework.
The Safe Harbor Framework facilitates secure, uninterrupted
transfers of personal information that support billions
of dollars in trade from the EU to the United States. By
displaying this certification mark, participating companies
can more easily illustrate their commitment to ensuring
that EU citizens’ data is secure, which is critical
to the U.S.-EU trade relationship. In order to display the
certification mark, participating U.S. companies must follow
specific instructions developed by ITA. Only those organizations
that have self-certified and are listed on ITA’s official
Safe Harbor Program list will be allowed to use the mark
in an appropriate manner. Continued use of the mark is contingent
on companies maintaining their status in the program. More
than 1,500 U.S. companies participate in the Safe Harbor,
which is managed by ITA’s Manufacturing and Services
unit. As the program has grown, it has achieved global recognition
as one of the best ways to meet the requirements of the
EU’s Data Protection Directive. For additional information
about the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework, please contact
Damon Greer at: (202)482-5023; damon.greer@mail.doc.gov.

have enhanced our International
Resource Center to be a valuable resource for anyone looking
for information on doing international background verifications,
vetting or verifications. It includes information on international
data protection and other laws, terrorist searches and much more.
Also included is very practical information on time zones, locating
cities, holidays in different countries, etc.
Information Added:

International Training Resources
We have added International
Training Resources to the International Resource Center. We
update this section monthly. Bookmark this valuable resource so
you can quickly find the information you need.
To view the International Section go to http://www.preemploymentdirectory.com/
and look under the gray line like below in the middle of the page:

We invite
you to pull up a chair, take a break and join us in the Background
Bistro to sip a latte and chat with this weeks guest:
week we have the pleasure of talking with Mike Sankey, CEO
of BRB Publications,
Inc. Although work keeps Mike very busy, he certainly
finds time to enjoy outside interests and his family. Mike
has been involved with horse racing for the past twenty
years and noted that at one time he owned as many as twenty-three
horses, but never made it to the Kentucky Derby. He also
did some breeding for a while and is down to four horses
which he races at Turf Paradise in Phoenix. In addition
to being into horse racing Mike also is really into baseball.
He has been a die hard Cleveland Indians fan since 1958.
son is following in his dad’s footstep and loves baseball
too. Mike coached him in Little League and he now plays
center field at his high school and plans on continuing
his baseball career in college. Mike beams when he talks
about his son and his whole family. Every summer the whole
family including his wife Lynn, daughter Kristen and son
Max pack up and head to cooler surroundings to take a break
from the heat in Arizona. He reminisced for a moment about
times "when the kids were little and times when the
family would hop in the R.V. and travel across the country.
They would stop by the local stock car racetracks. This
thought led Mike to exclaim, that he is a huge NASCAR fan
and loves Dale Earnhardt. He added that they recently have
traveled to Australia, Italy and Iceland, and by far Australia
was his favorite.
On the
business side BRB
Publications, Inc. is one of the country's largest publishers
of source books for public records. Their resources provide
access to over 26,000 government agencies, and 3,500 vendors.
Prior to forming BRB,
Mike owned a company that supplied driving records to the
insurance industry. He sold the company in 1988 and decided
to start BRB
with his brother Mark. "The motor vehicle industry
used to be my industry, but once I was done with that I
composed all of the information that I was asked about all
of the time and that is how BRB
got started, " states Mike.
In addition
to BRB,
Mike, and his brother Mark, own an embroidery and silk-screening
company located in Tempe. "We have an 8,000 square
foot operation and do contract work for resellers and provide
direct orders to the general public. We also produce all
of the T-shirts for the NAPBS," says Mike.
shared that running a company that is an industry leader
and staying on top of things can be a real challenge. He
sees a big part of his role as CEO to "Stay in touch
with customers and let them know that I am always there
for them. Because of the Internet, things are different
in the way information and public records are both accessed
and provided. In addition to that, the government is changing
and we have to make our data correspond to those changes
as well." As far as the future goes for both his company
and his industry, Mike feels that there will be less print
products, stating, "I think the demand for print products
will diminish considerably. I think that the demand for
a more efficient way to deliver information through technology
will increase."I am sure with Mike’s leadership,
industry expertise and customer orientation BRB
will continue be leaders in their industry and who knows
maybe one of those horses may become a triple crown threat
to put Mike on top of the racing world too.
next time... If you would like to contact Mike Sankey, you
may do so at www.brbpub.com or at 1-800-929-3811.



Events (Click
Here to View full list of 2008 Events) – Updated Monthly
Consortium’s Global Partnering And Integration Summit 2008
Join fellow
industry partners, technologists and analysts for the inspiring
and educational Global Partnering and Integration summit 2008
delivered to you by the HR-XML Consortium on October 13th &
14th in Chicago, IL at the McCormick Hyatt Regency. This annual
event offers a multitude of topics and break-out sessions to help
your organization streamline and optimize its business processes
as they relate to HR management. Delve into the topics of ensuring
business system agility, enablement of e-business interaction
between arms-length HR service providers, which span the entire
field of HR including benefits enrollment, assessments, recruiting,
payroll and background screening. As a colleague, customer or
partner of an attending HR-XML member you will receive over 20%
off the regular non-member price, a savings of $200.
For More Information
Go To: www.partneringsummit.org

Recruitment Conference and Expo 2008
The Onrec.com
Online Recruitment Conference & Expo brings together a unique
mix of online recruitment leading thinkers and commentators, with
HR practitioners and leading industry suppliers. Visitors will
have the opportunity to hear their thoughts on the development
growth in the US and globally, of the adoption of online recruitment
and implementation, now central to so many companies' recruitment
process. Todd Owens, General Manager, Screening Services, Intelius
will be making on presentation on Background Checks An
Emerging Differentiator Among Staffing Firms?
To Read More
About The Session and onrec.com's third annual Online Recruitment
Conference & Expo Go To: http://www.onrec.com/conferences/090908/topics.html

State Conferences, visit http://www.shrm.org/conferences/state/CMS_004287.asp
and Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA), 2008 Training
Course Schedule, visit http://datia.org/
Association for Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS),
2008 Webinar Schedule, visit http://www.napbs.com/content.php?id=289
Federation for Personnel Management, Events, http://www.wfpma.com/dates.html