Kress Employment Services -2007 Background Screening Trends
in July 2007, the “Background Screening Trends” survey
includes online responses from 277 HR professionals and executives
who interact with the background screening process regularly.
- More information
leads to better hiring decisions
- Better
background screens yield better employees
- The intricacies
of the laws affecting background screening are not fully understood
In addition,
the survey revealed an important change in the selection criteria
HR Professionals are using to select background screening provides:
HR professionals
value three components of the background screening process: accuracy,
turnaround times and customer service. This is a significant change
from the past, when the primary selection criterion was cost.
This is evidence of a maturation of the background screening industry
in that HR providers are evaluating quality. Accuracy, turnaround
times and customer service are the top selection criteria for
respondents from all company sizes, selected by 90.6 percent,
87.4 percent and 69.3 percent, respectively.
was ranked as the single most important criterion by 64.8 percent
of respondents, and 94.2 percent of respondents completely agree
that the accuracy of each screen is important. Respondents also
indicated that accuracy is worth the time it takes; 77.3 percent
of respondents said they believe further research is necessary
to locate complete and accurate information in case of a discrepancy.
For More Information
or to Get the Complete Survey Results Go To
or contact

Crime Reports Up 1.9 Percent In 2006: New FBI Data
Violent crime reports in the U.S.
increased 1.9 percent last year compared with 2005, the FBI reported
today. The rise was greater than that reported in the FBI's preliminary
report for last year issued in June, which gave the figure as
1.3 percent. The new volume includes data from more law enforcement
agencies. While the rate of violent crime-473.5 per 100,000 inhabitants-rose
for the second straight year, it is the third lowest total in
the past two decades. Property crimes rates dropped to their lowest
level since 1987.
The FBI report showed murders up
1.8 percent, from 16,740 to 17,034. The preliminary report had
murders up .3 percent from 2005. Robbery reports jumped 7.2 percent,
from 417,438 to 447,403. Property crimes were down 1.9 percent.
Of specific property crimes, motor vehicle thefts dropped 3.5
percent and larcenies 2.6 percent but burglaries increased 1.3
percent. The full data report can be accessed on the FBI's Web
More Information Go To:

Scientists Sue Federal Government and Caltech for NASA's Background
his four decades at the California Institute of Technology's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, Dennis Byrnes worked on the Apollo
7 spacecraft, set the Galileo probe on a course to Jupiter and
received a NASA Exceptional Engineering Achievement Award. But
because Byrnes won't let federal investigators snoop into intimate
details of his personal life, he could lose his job. Byrnes is
one of 28 Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) senior scientists and engineers
who today sued NASA, the Department of Commerce and CalTech over
background checks required of all federal employees by the Department
of Homeland Security. "We're talking about the best and brightest
scientists in the world. We're talking about jet propulsion, the
Mars probe, the lunar landing, Galileo, the comet landing project,"
said Dan Stormer of Hadsell & Stormer, the civil rights law
firm representing the scientists. "And they're being asked
to give up their constitutional rights in order to keep their
jobs." At issue is Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12,
issued in 2004 but only recently implemented by NASA. It requires
all federal employees to sign a broad privacy waiver before being
approved for government work.
More Information Go To:

of Universal Background Screening Appointed to Big Brothers Big
Sisters Board of Directors
Todd, president and founder of Universal Background Screening
(, was recently named to the board
of directors of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona. The
appointment builds on a long history of personal and corporate
support for the youth mentoring organization. “The connection
between our two organizations spans four decades,” reflected
Todd. Todd received the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona
Barry Starr Award in 2002 for his support of the agency. Last
month, he was honored to expand that commitment to the organization
in a leadership capacity. “It is a privilege and honor to
serve Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona as a member
of the board of directors,” said Todd.
more information:

Wins USPS Contract
United States Postal Service (USPS) has awarded a national contract
to General Information Services, Inc. (GIS) to provide background
investigation pre-employment screening services. The initial award
is effective through September 2009 and has three two-year renewal
options that can be exercised at the discretion of the USPS. Terms
of the contract were not released. GIS is a provider of total
workforce management and security solutions since 1966 and is
a leading provider of solutions to the retail, financial services,
government, and healthcare industries. The company said it processes
more than eight million screening components annually. GIS is
headquartered in Chapin, SC and offers services in all 50 states
and internationally.
more information go to:

and ExcellerateHRO Sign Global Agreement
a provider of on-demand employment screening, has signed an agreement
to provide employment background and drug screening solutions
to ExcellerateHRO, the jointly owned human resources (HR) outsourcing
business of EDS and Towers Perrin. “Today’s HR outsourcing
customers are looking for a full-service provider with market-leading
solutions, global reach and HR industry expertise," said
Iris Goldfein, vice president, global offerings for ExcellerateHRO.
ExcellerateHRO offers a flexible portfolio of HR outsourcing services
on a global basis, including benefits administration, payroll,
workforce development, recruiting and staffing, relocation and
assignment, compensation management, absence management and workforce
administration services. “HireRight is pleased to be ExcellerateHRO’s
employment screening partner,” said Eric Boden, president
and CEO, HireRight, Inc. “We’ve seen more and more
Global 500 companies outsourcing many of their human resources
functions for improved processes and cost savings, and we’re
focused on working closely with HRO leaders like ExcellerateHRO
to ensure our employment screening offerings meet their high quality
standards, as well as those of their customers.”
more information go to:

ANNOUNCEMENTS: (continued) |
Inc. Announces Partnership with Omni Data Retrieval
— deverus, the leader in background screening technology,
today announced a partnership with Omni Data Retrieval, a reliable
source for nationwide criminal record researching. Omni’s
services will enhance deverus’ already robust vendor network.
This streamlined integration will provide faster turnaround times
and competitively priced county criminal research services for
deverus clients. Since 1999 Omni Data Retrieval has provided reliable
criminal record research to employment and tenant screening companies
and is a trusted resource in the background screening industry.
“Omni Data Retrieval is a leader in selling wholesale background
checks. They have a solid reputation for providing high quality
service using the latest technology. We are excited to extend
their value to our clients through seamless integrations,”
stated deverus CEO, Shawn Rucks.
For more information
go to:

States: DHS Publishes Final "Safe-Harbor" Procedures
For Employers Who Receive SSA "No-Match" Letters And
DHS Notices
After more
than a year of anticipation, the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) has at last issued a Final Rule addressing an employer's
obligations in response to receipt of a mismatch notice from the
Social Security Administration. The final rules are materially
similar to the draft published for comment in June 2006. (See
DHS Publishes Proposed "Safe Harbor" Procedures
for Employer Who Receive "No-Match" Letters)
On Friday, August 10, 2007, DHS published the Final Rule ("Safe-Harbor
Procedures for Employers Who Receive a No-Match Letter"),
with publication in the federal register expected this week. The
Final Rule states that receipt of a Social Security Administration
(SSA) no-match letter can be evidence that the employer has constructive
knowledge that an employee lacks work authorization; however the
Final Rule also creates safe harbor procedures for employers to
avoid liability. It is anticipated that the regulations will take
effect 30 days after publication in the Federal Register. The
new safe harbor rules benefit employers in two ways. First, following
the rules may protect an employer from immigration fines and penalties
even if the employee subject to the safe harbor procedure is actually
an unauthorized alien. Second, the rules provide a limited defense
from government claims of discrimination predicated on the employer's
conduct in following the safe harbor process.
For more information
go to:

Latest U.S. State To Add Information Destruction Law
August 3rd, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick signed into law
a comprehensive identity theft prevention legislation requiring
businesses and governments to notify consumers when their data
is lost or stolen. The law also sets standards for the disposal
of records containing personal information. The law, which applies
to all businesses, government offices and individuals, requires
that paper and electronic information be destroyed prior to disposal.
This brings the number of states with secure destruction laws
to fifteen.
more information go to:

in 10 Managers Have Fired Employees for Theft
While only
one in 10 workers admit stealing from their employers, close to
40% of hiring managers say they have fired an employee for theft
at the office, according to a recent survey. The survey, conducted
by, found that the most commonly purloined items
were office supplies (15%), money (14%), and merchandise (11%).
Employers and those in the human-resources industry say employee
theft represents a significant challenge for business owners,
who often do not have the resources to devote to oversight. "When
it comes to hiring, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of
cure," he said. Yet, for small businesses, evaluating employees
can be a challenge. "They lack the people, processes and
technology dedicated to thoroughly evaluate new hires and manage
employee performance," Kevin Marasco, vice president of marketing
for Vurv Technology said. "This can result in the hiring
of workers who slip through the cracks in terms of ideal fit and
qualifications, and who could have a higher likelihood to steal."
For more information
go to:

Cheating Culture
do people cheat? Last week I read a book by David Callahan
called The Cheating Culture: Why more Americans are doing
wrong to get ahead. The book offered me a new perspective
on cheating. Taking what I have seen in the casino industry
in the last 20 years and what I have read, I thought I would
sit down and try and make some sense of it all.
more information go to:
in The
Background Buzz
here for rates
CSI Computer Crime & Security Survey Results Available
in Webinar
Some of the preliminary key findings from the 2007 Survey
The average annual loss reported more than doubled, from
$168,000 in last year's report to $350,424 in this year's
survey. Reported losses have not been this high in the last
five years.
Financial fraud overtook virus attacks as the source of
the greatest financial loss. Virus losses, which had been
the leading cause of loss for seven straight years, fell
to second place.
Of respondents who experienced security incidents, almost
one-fifth said they'd suffered a "targeted attack,"
i.e. a malware attack aimed exclusively at a specific organization
or targeted group.
more information on the webinar go to: |

The incidence
of fraud is now so common that its occurrence is no longer remarkable,
only its scale. Any entity that fails to protect itself appropriately
from fraud should expect to become a victim of fraud, or rather,
should expect to discover that it is a victim of fraud. The ACFE
Fraud Prevention Check-Up can pinpoint opportunities to save you
a lot of money. Fraud is an expensive drain on an entity’s
financial resources. In today’s globally competitive environment,
no one can afford to throw away the 6% of revenues that represents
the largely hidden cost of fraud. Those businesses that have identified
their most significant fraud costs (such as insurance and credit
card companies) have made great strides in attacking and reducing
those costs. If an entity is not identifying and tackling its
fraud costs, it is vulnerable to competitors who lower their costs
by doing so. Fraud is a common risk that should not be ignored.
For more information
go to:
Would You Like to Get More Sales Leads? |
Membership Just Got Better
have just added 5 new Platinum Members Only Web Sites
to promote our Platinum Members.

August 2007 Background Screening Industry Survey
Owners, Operators and Sales Professionals in the Background Screening
KPMG Corporate
Finance LLC is compiling information on companies that provide
services in the background screening industry. We have designed
a survey that should take less than 15 minutes to complete. While
we intend to make the results known to those companies that respond
to the survey, individual responses will be kept strictly confidential.
Please submit your completed survey to KPMG either via email to, facsimile at (410) 558-6862 or regular mail to
Cherie Homa, KPMG Corporate Finance, 111 S. Calvert Street, Baltimore,
MD 21202.
To complete
the survey online, please go to the following website link.

Good Screening Practices is a Group Effort
By Lucia Bone, The Sue Weaver CAUSE
Have you ever
wondered what the results might be if the background screening
industry got together and determined ‘good screening practices’
for the in-home service Industry? The Sue Weaver CAUSE, Consumer
Awareness of Unsafe Service
Employment, is embarking on a bold strategy to determine
these ‘good screening practices’ to increase consumer
safety in their homes and we want you to be a part of this historic
The primary
goal of CAUSE Certification is to increase the safety of consumers
and vulnerable populations. The second goal is to help businesses
that provide in-home service with a program to better manage their
risk, reduce their liability and prevent negligent hiring. The
third goal is to create a way that in-home service firms can build
a competitive advantage by distinguishing themselves as a high
quality service provider that has earned CAUSE Certification.
To achieve these goals, our first step is defining ‘good
screening practices’ for CAUSE Certification. We are reaching
out to experts in the pre-employment screening industry to complete
a short survey at
and clicking on Survey. Participants are asked to answer the questions
according to the minimum screening criteria they would want performed
on any worker entering the home of their elderly mother, their
teenage niece home alone, their pregnant wife, their disabled
friend, or their mentally challenged cousin and not by the services
their company may provide.
For more information
and to read the whole article click
here or call Lucia Bone at 214-450-5812.

the use of an online system too difficult for
your clients to use?
background screening software is so easy
to use that your clients will actually enjoy
placing orders!
your current applicant screening system is so
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it, you owe it to yourself to choose a system
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time by getting your clients to enter the orders
for you.
and powerful, InstaScreen™ is intuitive,
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(801) 572-7401 or visit
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Tips To Improve Your Advertising!
I am sure you have discovered as you have ventured into advertising
your products and services well written copy can be the difference
in a campaign that get results versus one that does not. We have
helped many of you enhance your copy and here are some tips that
are key to writing great copy that communicates and persuades
... to get results!
Here To Read More About Advertising Tips
Struggling With Writing And Publishing Your Newsletter
can help you have a high quality e-newsletter to help nurture
your relationship with your clients and attract new clients. Our
customized newsletter service will take over your newsletter task
or create a new one for you. We can manage the creation of your
newsletter for you.
are constantly researching information to use for The Background
Buzz and you can put our research to use for you. Using the
information rich content from The Background Buzz (minus
the ads and competitors information) we will create a custom newsletter
for you.
your staff’s time to do more valuable work and save all
the hassle of researching or writing articles, formatting and
managing all the other ezine tasks with our customized ezine process.Contact
Barry Nixon at 949-770-5264 or at
for more information.
Offer: Sign up before September 30th and we will create a customized
header for your newsletter at no additional charge.

26, 2007 |
Records |
Sankey |
Register Here:

which features suppliers to the Background Screening Industry
(go to, click on ‘Click Here’
and then scroll down to Vendor Showcase for Background Screening
Industry Suppliers). The VENDOR SHOWCASE now
includes BRB Publication’s PRRN Network the
dominant online portal for the public records industry
Out our newest web site to exclusively promote our Platinum Members
that are in our Vendor Showcase
Place! Many Suppliers!

Background Screening on a Global Basis
are only as good as the people who run them. The right people
with the right skills at the helm can help a company flourish.
Conversely, poor – or uninformed – hiring decisions
can cost a company not only financially, but also have a
negative impact on the organization’s reputation with
stakeholders. Operating on a global scale requires a firm
to consider a whole new set of issues including the following:
- Determining
what your company needs and wants from global background
screening. Understanding the organizational objectives
behind a background screening initiative will enable you
to find the ideal partner and program.
- Understanding
the culture, business environment and acceptance of background
screening in each country.
- Fully
understanding the regulatory environment in each country.
- Engage
key participants such as in-country human resources, security,
compliance, legal advisors, local work councils or trade
unions, as well as regulators before rolling out a background
screening program.
- Consider
best practices look at other companies in your industry
and discuss with background screening vendor companies.
- Establish
clear company policies and procedures with respect to
a global background screening program.
- Define
the kind of screening that should be done and customize
to meet your needs.
Define what type of data is legally permissible to be
collected, how it may be collected including getting candidate
consent and fully understanding how data may be used and
For more information go to:
Background Screening Firms Checks into Swansea
A Canadian-based
company which checks employees’ backgrounds is to
create 125 graduate jobs in Swansea over the next two years.
Checkwell Decision Corporation provides pre-employment screening,
which is common practice in North America. The company has
six offices in Canada and the US and it plans to use its
Swansea base to offer its services to the banking, insurance,
education and key business sectors across the UK and Europe.
Leuan Wyn Jones said, “Checkwell operates in a niche
market sector and focuses on pre-employment background screening
and, although relatively new to the UK, it is a tried and
tested business model in North America and the company is
confident they can replicate that success in the UK.
more information go to:
=50082-name_page.html |

Regulatory Impact Assessment for Private Investigation and Precognition
1 August 2007:
The partial Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for licensing private
investigation and precognition agents has been approved by the
Home Office and has been published. The Private Security Industry
Act 2001 sets out under Schedule 2, Part 1, that the Security
Industry Authority (SIA), has the remit to consider the licensing
of Private Investigation (section 4) and Precognition Agents (section
4A). The RIA sets out a series of options, for public and industry
consultation, on the potential approaches to regulation of the
Private Investigation and Precognition Agent sectors. These range
from doing nothing and allowing one or both sectors to continue
to self regulate, to extending the licensing remit of the SIA
to include both activities and establishing probity and competency
requirements as conditions of the licence.
For more information
go to:

United Kingdom’s Criminal Records Bureau (CRB),
The Criminal
Records Bureau (CRB), an Executive Agency of the Home Office,
provides wider access to criminal record information through its
Disclosure service. This service enables organisations in the
public, private and voluntary sectors to make safer recruitment
decisions by identifying candidates who may be unsuitable for
certain work, especially that involve children or vulnerable adults.
The CRB was established under Part V of the Police Act 1997 and
was launched in March 2002. Prior to 2002, access to police checks
was mainly confined to organisations in the statutory sector for
staff who had ‘substantial unsupervised access’ to
children. There were many other organisations that could not access
these checks and yet had staff with similar access to vulnerable
groups. The CRB enables many more organisations to access these
checks as part of good recruitment practice. Organisations wishing
to use the service can ask successful job applicants to apply
for one of two types of check. The type of check required will
depend upon the nature of the position. These are called Enhanced
and Standard Disclosures, both require a fee but are free of charge
to volunteers.
For more information
go to:

Services Industry Cleans Up Its Act
Job applicants
to the nation’s banks and financial institutions are less
likely to lie on their job applications compared to a year earlier,
according to research released today by pre-employment screening
firm Powerchex. The research revealed a turn-around in the trend
in applicant fraud. It recorded a 18% drop in major discrepancies
on CVs and applications submitted between July 2006 and June 2007
when compared to the same period the previous year. This indicates
that more stringent vetting procedures are at last having an effect,
not only in catching dishonest applicants, but also in deterring
them from being dishonest in the first place. That the trend is
now changing is good news for HR departments in the financial
For more information
go to:

Or Drugs Driving - Employers Can Be Held Liable
At a time
when the Government is considering a reduction in the drink drive
limit and introducing random roadside breath tests, as well as
cracking down even harder on drug drivers, there has never been
a better moment to introduce a drugs and alcohol policy at work.
Fact: if an employee has an accident caused by substance abuse
and someone is injured or killed, i.e. a member of the public
or a colleague, and if the company has no active policy and testing
regime, the company can be 100% liable for the actions of the
employee as it has done nothing “which is reasonable”
to prevent the accident from happening. However, if the company
has introduced a policy and is following testing regimes, it will
have done everything which is reasonable and, therefore, will
not be held liable. According to recent reports, the current UK
drink drive limit of 80mg per 100ml of blood may be slashed to
50mg and, rather than just stopping motorists who are driving
erratically or who have committed a moving traffic offence, police
may also be given the power to stop drivers at random.
Further information
is available from Simon Truelove, Grendonstar Distribution Limited,
Key House, The Embankment, Emery Park, Vale Road, Heaton Mersey,
Stockport, SK4 3GN. Tel: 0044 (0) 161 443 0000. Fax: 0044 (0)
161 443 0040.
New Information on Mexico’s Data Protection
Laws Added
have greatly enhanced our International Resource Center to be
a valuable resource for anyone looking for information on doing
international background verifications, vetting or verifications.
It includes information on international data protection and other
laws, terrorist searches and much more. Also included is very
practical information on time zones, locating cities, holidays
in different countries, etc.
International Training Resources
We have just added a new section, International Training Resources,
to the International Resource Center. We will update this section
as we identify new training and educational opportunities. ,Bookmark
this valuable resource so you can use it over and over. To view
the International Section go to
and look under the gray line, like the one below, in the middle
of the page:

a Platinum Member Today


Need for Infinity Screening is Real |
fraud-probe report finds multilevel breakdowns
at Broward County's labor agency didn't follow the rules they
had put in place to prevent fraud, allowing one clerk to steal
more than $2 million from the local employment agency, state investigators
found in a recent inquiry into Broward Workforce One. Former accounts
payable clerk Brenda Felder faces trial in three weeks on charges
that she wrote hundreds of checks to herself from the agency over
a period of four years. The theft, which investigators believe
began in 2002, was uncovered last fall by a teller at Felder's
bank. Workforce One, the agency tasked with helping Broward County
residents find jobs, is funded by government dollars, especially
from the state Agency for Workforce Innovation and the U.S. Department
of Labor. Both government agencies have investigated the theft
and how it occured. State investigators from the Agency for Workforce
Innovation found breakdowns in financial controls in multiple
levels of the organization, according to a report recently released
to The Miami Herald following a public records request.
more information go to:
Barry Nixon at (949) 770-5264 today to find how Infinity Screening
Solutions (Reoccuring Post Hire Screening of Employees) consulting
can contribute to increased sales, revenue and increased customer
satisfaction for your background screening firm.

States: California Courts Warn Employers: Train Your Managers!
series of recent California state and federal decisions emphasize
the urgent need for proper management training and the importance
of preventive employment practices. These decisions highlight
the top five employment liability issues for California employers:
disability leaves; sexual harassment; workplace violence; arbitration
and employment agreements; and unfair competition.
should you respond when an employee reports an threat of potential
workplace violence? The Court of Appeal in Franklin v. The Monadnock
Company (5/24/07) held an employer has a legal responsibility
to provide a safe place of employment for its employees and must
respond to allegations of workplace violence. Franklin alleged
a coworker had threatened to kill him and three other employees.
The company did not take action. A week later, the co-worker attempted
to stab Franklin with a screwdriver and another metal object.
He complained again to the company and reported the incident to
the police department. Shortly thereafter Franklin was terminated
from his employment. He sued the company for wrongful termination
in violation of public policy. The Court of Appeal found Franklin
could maintain his wrongful termination claim as there was a public
policy in providing a safe workplace. California Labor Code §
6400 and Code of Civil Procedure § 527.8 create an obligation
for the employer to provide a safe and secure workplace. Specifically,
the court emphasized the employer’s obligation to respond
where the employee has a reasonable belief of a threat of violence
or fear for his or her safety, which creates a "credible
threat of violence."
more information go to:

You Tired of Hiring Other Peoples Rejects? - 12 Mistakes Recruiters
Make and How To Avoid Them
When John
applied for a job at Oakland Company, his resume looked fabulous,
showing tremendous talent and advancement. His qualifications
were beyond question and he built immediate rapport with everyone
in the interview process. Every one of his references checked
out. Six months later, you were wondering why you hired this clown.
Today's hiring professionals seem to prefer recruiting candidates
from the ranks of the employed. It is a logical approach assuming
others have recognized their talent and retained them while untalented
people were sent to the unemployment line by their frustrated
past employer. The reality being overlooked in this scenario is
that most employers fail to deal effectively with underperformers.
The secret in effective recruiting today is to understand the
twelve mistakes commonly made by hiring professionals and recruitment
For more information
go to: at

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is a super concept. Thanks for helping the industry." - RK
Looking for candidates with industry experience!

Guide to Fact Finding on the Internet"- 3rd Edition by Carole
A. Levitt and Mark E. Rosch
More information
regarding "The
Lawyer's Guide to Fact Finding on the Internet" can be
found online at the Internet Fact Finder Web site.

Screening of Healthcare Personnel: Understanding the Interplay
of Laws
This is a
must read article for Human Resource departments that handle background
screening internally or for firms that handle this as a service
provider. The article artfully walks the reader through the myriad
of laws that healthcare facilities must adhere too. From JCAHO
Standard 1.20 which mandates that hospitals have a process
to ensure a person’s qualifications are consistent with
their responsibilities to HIPAA guidelines which provide
that when a healthcare facility performs its own drug screening
utilizing its medical personnel and collection or lab facilities,
the results may be considered protected health information, to
American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) guidelines
for screening medical student screening and appropriate state
For more information
go to: HR Pulse, Summer 2007, The Official Publication of the
American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration

National Association
for Professional Background Screeners Mid-Year Conference (NAPBS)
2007 Mid-Year Meeting, September 9 through 11, 2007, Chicago,
Ill, see

HR-XML Global Partnering & Integration Summit, September 26-28,
2007, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Annual Pre-Employment Screeners Conference, November 11 - 14,
2007, Clearwater, Florida

Forums International’s 9th Annual Workplace Drug & Alcohol
Policy Summit, London, Friday 28 September 2007Now in
its ninth year, this vital summit is still the UK's ONLY event
for corporate and public sector drug and alcohol policy makers
- get up-to-the-minute policy and practice,
Personal Data Integrity Summit 2007, London, Thursday 4 October
Protecting personal data within your organisation - A vital event
for both private and public sector organisations.
Forums International’s 11th Annual Pre-Employment Vetting
& Screening Conference, October 17, 2007, London, England,
Pre-employment Vetting & Screening Summit 2007,Amsterdam,
Friday 30 November 2007, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
Investigator’s India Pre-employment Screening Conference,
December 6-7, 2007, Bangalore, India,
Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA), World
Congress, For Details on International events by date
go to

2007 Events (Click
Here to View full list of 2007 Events) – The List is
Updated Monthly)