Is It Safe To Hire Someone With a Criminal Record?New Carnegie
Mellon Study Provides Empirical Basis For Employers To Use in
Assessment of Prior Criminal Records
Mellon University researchers have created a model for providing
empirical evidence on when an ex-convict has been “clean”
long enough to be considered “redeemed” for employment
purposes. The new study, which appears in the current issue of
Criminology, estimates that after five years of staying clean
an individual with a criminal record is of no greater risk of
committing another crime than other individuals of the same age.
The research comes at a time when President Barack Obama’s
crime agenda includes breaking down employment barriers for people
who have a prior criminal record, but who have stayed clean since
their earlier offense.
More Information Go To: http://www.cmu.edu/news/archive/2009/May/may27_crimeredemptionstudy.shtml
Social Networking Profiles More Accurate Than Resumes
the debate about whether to search for candidates online before
they’re hired, here’s another reason hiring managers
may consider doing so: Candidates are often more honest in their
LinkedIn profiles than in the resumes they send employers. At
least that’s what LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman said at
the Social Recruiting Summit held recently at Google’s headquarters
in Mountain View, CA.
More Information Go To: http://www.hrtechnews.com/social-networking-profiles-more-accurate-than-resumes

Berg Report - SHRM 2009 Annual National Conference
expected, attendance this year at the conference was significantly
off from 2008. SHRM reported attendance of only 6,800 vs. 12,000
for 2008, off 44% (does this sound similar to your year-to-year
sales volume drop off?). It’s interesting that they also
reported 3200 exhibitor personnel this year, equating to 2.1 attendees
for every exhibitor person working their booth. Surprisingly the
number of pre-employment exhibitors was up from last year. 2008
had 36 companies concentrating on background checks and 41 this
year. Plus there were a couple of drug screeners and several assessment
testing companies. It seemed like some of the larger pre-employment
screening companies not only downsized their booth space, but
they also downsized the number of employees they brought to the
More Information or To Read The Full Report: http://www.bergconsultinggroup.com/id78.html

Findings Of KPMG Background Screening Survey
background screening industry has matured and providers have experienced
substantial growth over the past several years. Participants have
increased revenue and become vital partners with their customers
in the overall screening process – whether related to employees,
customers or tenants. Many of the survey questions this year focused
on financial performance, outlook and challenges in light of the
current economic climate.
The following chart depicts Actions Taken by Screening Providers
as a result of the economic situation:

order to place the results in context, note that respondents completed
the survey during March 2009 so full year 2008 results were known
and Q1 2009 was partially complete.
More Information or To Read The Full Report Click Here

Find Common Contractor Screening Solution
the years since 9-11, the transportation sector has gone a long
way toward mitigating potential threats within its own work force,
most often under government mandates like the Transportation Worker
Identification Credential and the requirement for criminal background
checks of hazmat truck drivers. Yet, one major personnel security
initiative was industry-driven and has grown into a best practice:
the e-RAILSAFE program. North America’s Class I lines, which
are the larger operations, use this program not only to vet and
credential contract workers, but also to administer security awareness
training that is mandated by federal regulators. E-RAILSAFE’s
other participating railroads include Canadian National Railway,
Canadian Pacific Railway and CSX, Inc.
security vendor e-VERIFILE.COM developed e-RAILSAFE. Participation
in e-RAILSAFE is a condition of the railroads’ contracts.
Applicants are flagged for denial sectorwide if they have outstanding
criminal warrants, felony charges, or a felony conviction within
the prior seven years; served a prison sentence within the prior
five years; or raise Social Security fraud alerts. Higher criteria
may be imposed by individual railroads or based on the nature
of contracts. Participating workers are rescreened at least once
every two years, says e-RAILSAFE spokesman Tony Cooper.
More Information Go To: http://www.securitymanagement.com/article/railroads-find-common-contractor-screening-solution-005673

System Catching Immigrants With Criminal Records Through Secure
Communities Program
Secure Communities,
which debuted in the fall, aims to target the “most egregious”
of the estimated 300,000 to 450,000 suspected illegal immigrants
eligible for deportation each year from the nation's prisons and
jails, said Richard Rocha, an ICE spokesman. The system works
by simultaneously checking suspects' fingerprint submissions against
the FBI's database of criminal records and DHS' master immigration
database. When a suspect has a “match” in the system,
ICE officials are electronically notified, and can file paperwork
to detain suspects before their release from local custody. Local
and federal authorities say the system has significantly helped
identify suspected illegal immigrants, particularly those who
have multiple fake identifications and aliases. “We have
the capability now of identifying foreign-born inmates that have
committed a crime within minutes if they're in the ICE system
— versus waiting for hours or missing them altogether.”
For More Information
Go To: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/special/immigration/6526211.html

Jobless Jump Worse Than Expected; More Economic Turbulence Ahead
employers in the U.S. slashed 467,000 jobs in June, the Labor
Department reported, far worse than the 363,000 that economists
expected and a grim signal that the path to recovery will be bumpy.
The national jobless rate rose to 9.5 percent from 9.4 percent
in May, a 26-year high. The report—one of the most closely
watched economic indicators—disappointed investors who had
become encouraged by positive signs recently that key areas of
the economy including housing and manufacturing were showing modest
signs of improvement. Nationally, the June jobs report was the
latest blow to the market’s confidence about the economy.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.workforce.com/section/00/article/26/52/84.php

States: Latest Developments In Employment Verification Enforcement
The Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has announced that it will begin
to investigate workplaces in all 50 states to identify employers
who are hiring undocumented workers. Specifically on July 1, 2009,
ICE launched a comprehensive audit initiative and issued Notices
of Inspection (NOIs) to 652 businesses nationwide. ICE did not
issue that many NOIs in all of 2008 ICE reported that the 652
businesses that were presented with a NOI on July 1 for a Form
I-9 audit were apparently selected as a result of leads and information
obtained through other investigative means. The names and locations
of the businesses have not yet been released. ICE's actions are
directly in line with President Barack Obama's pledge to fight
illegal immigration by going after employers who hire undocumented
workers. States are also apparently beginning to enforce their
state immigration compliance provisions.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=82906&email_access=on

Assault at Virginia Assisted Living Facility Ends in Huge Verdict
De Neige Home for Adults assisted living facility was hit with
$750,000 damage verdict after charges were brought against a former
certified nursing assistant (CNA) who was accused of sexually
assaulting a mentally disabled man. The lawsuit accused the facility
and its owner of failing to exercise "reasonable care"
when they hired the CNA, Junious Boyd Batten by failing to conduct
an adequate pre-hiring background search before hiring a CNA.
According to claims made in the lawsuit against Cote De Neige,
Batten had been charged with thirteen criminal offenses before
and during the time he worked at the facility. The lawsuit claims
Batten was charged with 13 criminal offenses-- including four
criminal convictions (public intoxication, two assault and battery
charges and one contempt of court charge) during the course of
his employment as a CNA. The lawsuit alleged that the facility
"knew or should have known that (Batten) was unfit, unsuitable,
untrustworthy, and incompetent for the position...and was likely
to cause injury and harm to residents.”
More Information Go To: http://www.nursinghomesabuseblog.com/2009/06/articles/litigation/failure-to-conduct-adequate-preemployment-criminal-background-search-costs-assisted-living-facilty-750000/

Screening Announces Safe Harbor Recertification
Screening has achieved Safe Harbor Recertification from the United
States Department of Commerce, which signifies that Corporate
Screening's international background screening services are in
compliance with the data protection principles set forth by the
European Union. "Our Safe Harbor Recertification means that
we can continue to provide our clients with access to background
information on European job candidates," said Dennis Drellishak,
President of Corporate Screening. "We are well-positioned
to serve our clients in this respect as the demand for international
talent has increased." The United States Department of Commerce
and the European Commission developed the Safe Harbor framework
in order to allow for the safe transfer of personal data from
European countries to the United States. Safe Harbor bridges the
gap between the different approaches to privacy adopted by the
European Union and the United States.
For More Information
Go To: www.CorporateScreening.com

to the Legal Challenge Question! |
Sponsored By:
2009 Marketing Portfolios for:
Specialize in Promoting the Products and Services of businesses
in the Background Screening Industry. Click on the specific Marketing
Portfolio above that fits your business.

the background screening industry continues to get more competitive
the firms that will ultimately succeed will be those that create
competitive advantage through their people by offering continuous
learning opportunities to heightened their knowledge and capabilities.
We believe that having employees that are very knowledgeable about
the legal landscape of background screening is essential to continued
We are grateful
to Pam Devata, Seyfarth
Shaw LLP for providing the expertise for this valuable
endeavor. For information regarding the answers to the Legal Challenge
Questions, please contact Pamela Devata at Seyfarth Shaw LLP at
or 312-460-5000 or visit www.seyfarth.com.
Please choose
your answer by clicking on it:

(continued) |
Chooses deverus as Software Provider
deverus, Inc.,
a leading provider of software and hosted support services for
background screening companies, announced today that S2Verify
has selected deverus’ Verocity 2009 software platform to
provide an enterprise- level solution for its background screening
services, pre-employment screening division. S2Verify, located
in Roswell, GA and Chicago, IL, is a full-service background and
pre-employment screening company. Jim Zimbardi, President of S2Verify,
stated, “deverus’ enterprise Verocity 2009 platform
fits our strategic needs better than anything in the marketplace
today. It is a user-friendly professional platform and tool that
allows us to market to the largest of clients without concern
for normal enterprise system challenges. It will also accommodate
our smaller clients as well without overwhelming them. Simply
stated, deverus provided us with software that is very intuitive
and sophisticated but simple to use.”
For More Information
on Verocity 2009 Go To: www.deverus.com

Selects Matrix As One of India’s 50 Emerging Companies
Matrix Business
Services India Private Ltd (Matrix), one of India’s leading
employee background screening companies and a member of NAPBS,
has been included by NASSCOM in the “Emerge 50” –
a list of India’s 50 “Emerging Companies.” NASSCOM
(www.nasscom.org) is the
premier trade body and chamber of commerce for the IT & BPO
industry in India. Matrix helps mitigate business risk through
its verification services by providing its clients a suite of
services including (i) Audit
and Assurance Services in the supply chain space (ii) Employee
Background Check Services in the HR domain and (iii) Financial
Risk Management Services for Banking & Financial services
For More Information
Go To: www.matrixbsindia.com
or contact R. Swaminathan at r.swaminathan@matrixbsindia.com

Launches OffenderScan™ Sex Offender Screening
Enterprises, Inc. announced the release of its OffenderScan™
sex offender screening utility. Developed in consultation with
the firm's industry-leading consumer reporting agency partners,
OffenderScan™ significantly bolsters existing efforts to
identify registered sex offenders who may be attempting to gain
access to vulnerable populations. Traditional sex offender searches
use simple name matching logic in an attempt to identify matches
and close matches to the name being searched, resulting in a "double
downside." False positives, cases in which records are returned
that don't belong to the subject being searched, and false negatives,
whereby relevant records are missed, are common. This has always
made the process of screening for sex offenders a very imprecise
science, at best. "The logic behind OffenderScan™ is
much different," clarified Ryan Chesney, Innovative's Chief
Technology Officer. "We've built a matching process that
attempts to view the records as a human researcher would, so that
rather than dealing in black and white absolutes, OffenderScan™
considers probabilities and similarities. By doing so, we overcome
many of the obstacles that stump traditional matching logic such
as name variations, hyphens, apostrophes, periods and spaces,
and other common errors such as transposed, duplicated, inserted
and deleted characters." OffenderScan™ is available
to select professional employment screening agencies, private
investigators performing background investigations and tenant
screening firms doing background checks on prospective renters.
For more information,
please visit http://www.offenderscan.com

Background Checks Everywhere
The article
"Sweep snares 169 fugitives" reported that Frank Bempong,
an employee of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
and a wanted felon, was being arrested by the U.S. Marshals Service.
He passed a fingerprint background check when he was hired. That's
great. The problem is that in all the years he worked there, he
was never rerun through the fingerprinting database. Another July
article was "Caregiver mum on charges" reported that
an in-home health-care employee, Tristan J. Quintero, was charged
with raping a patient's neighbor. His initial background check,
five years ago, was clean. Yet, he was convicted of weapons-related
charges in 2008 that would exclude him from even working in this
field. Quintero was supposed to report these convictions to his
For More
Information Go To: http://www.dispatch.com/live/content/editorials/stories/2009/07/19/Clemens__SAT_ART_07-19-09_G4_GQEG3CJ.html?sid=101

Dumb Ways To Get Fired
Luckily for
managers, Twitter, a popular new Web tool makes it easier to catch
lying and rule-breaking employees. Here are some examples of most
ridiculous workplace Twitter gaffes, according to the online resume
service ResumeBear:
1. “I used a new Autosend email feature last night on my
boss. Completely fooled him! He called me this a.m. to thank me
for working so late!”
2. “I’ve been sleeping with my boss for years and
haven’t gotten a promotion yet. It’s not worth it.”
3. “Work was crappy today, my boss is a stupid idiot.”
I am really sure the boss will be real happy about the second
item being posted online.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.hrmorning.com/6-dumb-ways-to-get-fired-online/

Fraud And Misconduct
The recession
has brought more than just layoffs and losses; it is increasing
employee fraud and misconduct. As senior management teams have
focused on reevaluating 2009 by restructuring departments and
business units, and in many cases dramatically reducing the size
of the company, employees have increasingly become cynical about
the ethical culture of the typical corporation. That cynicism
has translated directly into a lack of respect for the company
and its rules and a rise in fraud and misconduct. Based on a survey
of more than 125,000 employees in 75 countries over the past five
quarters, the Corporate Executive Board has seen startling trends
in this area, including:
• A
20% increase in observations of misconduct from the first to the
second half of 2008;
• A
5% decline in frontline employee perceptions of senior management's
commitment to integrity;
the Corporate Executive Board's research shows that business units
with the weakest cultures have experienced five times the amount
of misconduct as those with the best. In other words, when employees
perceive a weak ethical culture, misconduct significantly rises.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.businessweek.com/managing/content/jun2009/ca20090612_156983.htm

are Seeking Revenge
evidence seems to indicate that employees are increasingly reacting
to their layoffs and terminations with varying degrees of revenge.
HR leaders need to create processes and procedures that minimize
that risk.
- A woman,
anticipating an impending layoff, makes claims of sexual harassment
against her supervisor and sends them off in an e-mail to corporate
headquarters. An investigation later determines the claims are
- A terminated
IT employee embeds a virus into the company's computer system
-- timed to go off two weeks after his departure so it wouldn't
look like he did it.
- An employee
-- permitted to pack up his belongings after being terminated
-- flips a switch behind a panel that everyone else had forgotten
about and shuts down the business' operations for about three
days, while company leaders try to address what they thought
was a "virus."
These are
all actual examples of employee sabotage and retaliation that
took place after terminations.
"This stuff happens and I think it's just a question of employers
not appreciating where people can do harm -- identifying where
their risk is, anticipating it and preventing it," says Merrily
Archer, a labor and employment attorney in the Denver office of
Fisher & Phillips.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.hreonline.com/HRE/story.jsp?storyId=227739627

and TransUnion Launch Co-Branded Tenant Screening Services
The National Landlord Tenant Guide http://www.rentlaw.com and
TransUnion today announced the launch of a co-branded website
http://RentLaw.MySmartMove.com, an affordable online solution
to help independent landlords and multi-family operators better
evaluate prospective applicants' rental applications. The solution
comes at a time in the rental market when there is a greater need
to verify a person's credit history in a timely, cost effective
manner. While tenant screening is becoming widely adopted by independent
rental owners, it is often time consuming and expensive to manually
order credit reports or there has been no easy method to conduct
background checks, sometimes taking days to receive this information.
In addition, many owners have no processes in place to maintain,
store or protect this type of information as required by Federal
Law. TransUnion's SmartMove provides a new level of security for
consumers as they do not have to share their personal information
with the landlord - while landlords improve efficiencies because
of the instant online screening process.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.transunion.com
or http://www.rentlaw.com

Reports July Hiring Expectations at a 5 Year Low Although Evidence
Shows That The Job Market May Be Improving
Hiring expectations
for July are still far behind the levels of one year ago, but
compared with the first few months of 2009, a growing number of
companies in the manufacturing and service sectors are starting
to take on new employees, according to the Society for Human Resource
Management’s (SHRM) Leading Indicators of National Employment
(LINE) survey.
a recent trend, July hiring expectations are at a five-year low.
Though hiring is down in July compared with the same time in 2008,
more companies in both the manufacturing and service sectors will
add jobs rather than conduct layoffs. That is the first time this
has occurred since November 2008.
There is some
evidence that the job market is gradually improving. July marks
the highest level of hiring in the manufacturing sector since
November 2008. In the service sector in July, the hiring rate
will surpass the layoff rate for the third consecutive month.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.shrm.org/Research/MonthlyEmploymentIndices/line/Documents/Line%20Report_Jul09.pdf

Tips to Consider Before Placing an Order with a Record Retriever
Accurately communicating needs and expectations goes a long way
to avoid major misunderstandings between clients and retrievers.
Be clear at the outset on what you expect a record retriever to
do for you. Here are ten aspects of a search we think are essential
to review before you hire a retriever. Of course, the one big
question not on this list that you will want to ask the retriever
is “What is the cost?” This answer cannot be determined
until the ten items in this article series are clear to both parties.
# 3. Decide the Time Period to Search
When hiring a retriever to search public records, you need to
give specific instructions on how far back to make the search.
Better yet, ask what is the retriever’s norm or standard
search period for that particular county. Many local jurisdictions
have computerized an index to records, but the index may only
go back a limited number of years. If the date range of the index
does not meet your needs, the retriever will need to perform a
separate, manual search of the older records. This will trigger
a higher fee if the search entails looking at two docket locations.
Knowing this at the outset will eliminate possible billing disputes.
This article
is coming from the Public Record Retriever Network - PRRN
For More Information
Go To: www.prrn.us

Screening and Investigations: Managing Hiring Risk from the HR
and Security Perspectives
By Barry Nixon, SPHR, and Kim Kerr, CPP; Reviewed by
Peter Psarouthakis
risk in the hiring process can be a challenging task for
an organization’s human resources (HR) and security
departments. Having the right resources and experience to
properly conduct a background screening or an investigation
is vital. Fortunately, there is a growing amount of valuable
material available. Background Screening and
Investigations is one of them. Authors Barry
Nixon and Kim Kerr lay a good foundation by explaining the
risks posed by not having an appropriate screening process.
Next, they address how legal issues can affect background
screening and an organization as a whole. The authors then
explain how security and HR must collaborate in this important
The chapter titled “Background Checking Policy”
is one of the book’s many highlights. Nixon and Kerr
explain the importance of having a policy in place and the
laws governing background screening. |
The usefulness
of this chapter cannot be overstated. The reader could easily
use the authors’ detailed arguments in making the case to
management that a policy is needed. Later, the chapter provides
detailed examples of hiring policies, focusing on specific issues
the documents must address. Other chapters in this book are just
as detailed and informative. Those who conduct background screening
or investigations know the importance of keeping current on the
ever-changing environment of background screening. Background
Screening and Investigations is an important resource
that anyone involved in hiring or the background screening business
should keep close at hand.
with permission of Security Management magazine. This is not intended
to be an endorsement by Security Management magazine or ASIS International.

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Contact Barry
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for more information.

On Teacher Violence
West Australian
students who assault teachers have been put on notice. The State
School Teachers Union's Anne Gisborne says that from next term,
teachers who are assaulted by students will report attacks to
police. This goes to the heart of creating a safe workplace for
a teachers and a safe education environment for our students.
About 40 teachers have been seriously assaulted by students this
year at a cost to the government of an estimated $5 million in
workers compensation.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/07/17/2629399.htm

Employers From Insider Threats Initiative Launched (PREFIT)
a well known fact that employer organisations face an increased
threat when times are hard, and dealing
with their employees who may be struggling with mortgages and/or
bills to turn to low (and sometimes high) level criminality. To
combat this growing threat the Metropolitan Police has created
the PREFIT Initiative as part of Operations Sterling which is
designed to develop industry groups that eventually become self-sustaining
and self-sufficient. Areas that have already been tackled include
recruitment, property, the construction industry, motor vehicle
advertisers and the travel and hotel sectors.” PREFITS inaugural
kick-off event’s welcoming address was given by Peter Burns,
Metropolitan Police, who is the chief architect and implementer
– and self-confessed “honest broker” –
of the Sector Fraud Forums run from the Yard. “Today is
an historic day for the vetting and screening profession,”
said Burns. “In co-operation with Operation Sterling that
sits within the Economic and Specialist Crime Unit at New Scotland
Yard, I can validate what is being done with PREFIT.” Peter
Hurst the chief executive of CIFAS, the UK’s Fraud Prevention
Service also spoke and he noted that “ background screening
is a first line of defence against fraud.” (source: Control
Risk Screening). David Chernick, senior manager for KPMG Forensic,
is the chairman of PREFIT and has garnered the support of Dr Bernard
Herdan, executive at the National Fraud Authority. Herdan said:
“By bringing together lots of agencies with industry we
can start to create a very strong anti-fraud network.”
What will PREFIT do with that network?
To help delegates in that regard, the CPNI produces several guideline
documents. These include Personnel
Security Risk Assessment, the Good Practice Guide to Pre-Employment
Screening, the Good Practice Guide to Ongoing Personnel Security
and Personnel Security in Offshore Locations (http://www.cpni.gov.uk/Docs/personnel-security-offshore.pdf)
For More Information and to Read The Full Article Go To: http://www.info4security.com/story.asp?sectioncode=10&storycode=4122524&c=1

Director Guilty Of Working Without Licence
A Blackburn
woman has been found guilty of working as a security director
without holding a licence from the Security Industry Authority.
Tracy Brownridge was a director of Universal Security Solutions
Limited, based in Accrington, Lancashire. This week she appeared
at Accrington Magistrates Court and pleaded guilty to five counts
under Section 3 of the Private Security Industry Act 2001 –
working without an SIA licence and one count under Section 9 –
failing to adhere to licence conditions. This is a classic situation
where had the business conducted a credentials verification it
would have save them a lot of time, money and reputational issues.
For More Informationi
Go To: http://www.workplacelaw.net/news/display/id/21607

Checks On The Rise
checks are increasing in their importance to recruitment, according
to candidate verification service Experian Background Checking.
Experian has revealed that the volume of recruitment background
checks carried out in the first quarter of 2009 has increased
by 3% against the same period in 2008, despite a sharp drop in
recruitment levels.
More Information Go To: http://www.recruiter.co.uk/background-checks-on-the-rise/1002224.article

Sees Little Evidence That Rate Of Redundancies Is On The Decline
to the CIPD' "Our data offers little comfort that there will
be any significant let-up in the redundancy rate in the next few
months . . . moreover, with 300,000 redundancies recorded in the
first quarter alone and, as our helpline data suggest, more on
the way throughout the remainder of the year, one should probably
avoid putting too positive a spin on the impact of this recession
on the workplace."
More Information Go To: http://www.hrmagazine.co.uk/news/bulletin/weeklyupdatebulletin/article/917632/?DCMP=EMC-Dailynewsalert

Testing On The Rise
to drug charity Release, there has been a significant increase
in the numbers of employees being subjected to drug testing by
their employers, and that more workers are being dismissed from
their jobs as a direct result. Many employers now carry out random
drug tests on their employees, particularly in areas where health
and safety are of paramount concern. Any employer who wishes to
put a drug testing scheme into effect should first have a clear
policy in place which sets out the circumstances in which they
can ask an employee to take a test and also the implications of
a refusal to comply.
For More Information Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=82482&email_access=on

Market Shows Early Signs Of Recovery
Green, chief executive of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation
(REC), stated "The UK jobs market shows signs of life."
The jobs market is beginning to show signs of improvement as the
number of people gaining employment has declined at the slowest
rate for more than a year. The Report on Jobs by REC and KPMG
showed that the index reading for the number of people placed
in permanent positions in June was 48.6 - on a scale where 50
indicates no change - which was the slowest rate of decline in
13 months. In May, this figure was 41.7. The number of vacancies
available in June also declined at a slower rate with an index
reading of 39.2 - compared with 34.4 during the previous month.
Meanwhile the sharp increase in the number of people looking for
work has slowed. The rise in availability of permanent staff rose
to an index reading of 74 - compared with 75.1 in May - which
was the smallest rise in nine months. The rise in temporary and
contract staff was indicated by an index reading of 76.7. But
Mike Stevens, partner and head of business services at KPMG, warned
it was still too early to talk of a recovery in the jobs market.
He said the continued improvements could be attributed to employers'
attempts to seek alternatives to redundancies.
More Information Go To:

invite you to pull up a chair, grab your latte and take a break
while you join us for this month’s issue of The Background
Bistro. This week’s guest is Pattie Annunziata, National
Sales Executive for Merchants Credit Bureau located in Savannah,
Pattie focuses on new sales with resellers. She
spends a lot of time making sure that a new client fully understands
and complies with legal permissible reasons for having access
to personal identifiable information. She takes this portion of
her job very seriously.
She has been with Merchants Credit Bureau going
on four years and knows she made the right decision to join them
after her previous employer, Credit Data Services of Florida,
was purchased by Experian. She has been in this segment of the
industry for more than 5 years and the credit industry for 12
She loves being in the background screening part
of the business and thoroughly enjoys working with and helping
people. She smiles as she says despite having a business relationship
with her clients many of them also want to know about their own
personal credit situation and generally have a lot of questions
which she is happy to answer.
When I asked her ‘what led her to get into
the background screening industry’ she reflected for a moment
and thought it was the right place and right time. She then shared
that once her daughter, who plays softball in the under 12 years
old league, started playing organized softball she recognized
the critical importance of coaches and volunteers that work with
the girls having background checks. The beaming mom shared that
her daughter plays shortstop, third base and pitches. Her team
recently won a travel tournament in South Carolina and placed
2nd for the state of Georgia.
When asked about her observations of the industry
she noted that customers are wanting to get more educated and
appreciate the focus on compliance and adhering to regulations
such as the new ‘Red Flag’ rules. Pattie emphasized
that by educating her clients many of them have revisited their
approaches and she sees many of them ‘going back to basics’
as oppose to just relying on a lot of databases. She sees herself
as a coach and feels very positive about being able to take this
role. She noted that the protection of the consumer must always
be at the forefront and the attentiveness to details is extremely
important because something that on the surface may appear to
be minute may be something that needs to be paid close attention
to. She also made a point of mentioning that ‘there is always
a reason for rules” and they need to be followed. She recalled
an example of when someone had sent sensitive credit information
in an email and it got intercepted by a scam artist in Nigeria.
There is a reason why we should not send sensitive information
via email as was learned in the situation she mentioned.
On the personal side she loves to cook and likes
to cook a variety of foods. She has been thinking about signing
up for a culinary course. She loves sushi and authentic Mexican
She also likes to travel and two of her favorite
places are the Caymen Islands and Costa Rica. She likes their
serenity and simple beauty. In the future she is looking at vacationing
in Navarre Beach along the Panhandle of Florida.
She likes sport and was definitely routing for
Orlando during the recent NBA Champions Series and the Los Angeles
Lakers. Maybe next year she will be able to cheer them onto victory.
She also enjoys spending time with her family
which includes her daughter, 12 years old and her son who is 18
months old. She is reading ‘Twilight’ with her daughter
and mentioned she recently had re-read “The Little Red Book
of Selling.” She also mentioned she is gearing up for the
terrible twos and wishes there was some way to skip over that
Although originally from Hawthorne, CA she considers
Orlando, Florida home. This is where she grew up. She graduated
from Oviedo High School and attended University of Central Florida.
on her company and where she sees the industry going she believes
there is a lot of opportunity for growth in the industry and that
we should also expect a lot more regulations. She applauds NAPBS
and the leadership role they have played in the industry and she
is expecting bigger and better things from them in the future.
She thinks that customers need more education because on many
issues they are ‘out in left field’ so they need a
more detailed understanding of the mechanics of how things work.
She was also excited about a new sales agent program initiative
in her company that she believes will expand opportunities for
her company and clients. In essence, the program allows clients
to refer business to MCB to take on opportunities that may be
to complex or large for the client to handle. The client will
earn a commission on the business, thus, they do not lose out
on the opportunity and still will earn money from it. She sees
a bright future of MCB and the industry.
For More Information
On MCB Go To www.mcbusa.com
or contact Pattie at p.annunziata@mcbusa.com.


Events (Click
Here to View full list of 2009 Events) – Updated Monthly
State Conferences, visit http://www.shrm.org/Conferences/StateAffilliateConferences/Pages/default.aspx
and Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA), 2008 Training
Course Schedule, visit http://datia.org
Association for Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS),
2009 Webinar Schedule, visit www.napbs.com |
Federation for Personnel Management, Events, http://www.wfpma.com