United States: Connecticut Becomes Only The Second State To Mandate
An Employee Data Protection Policy
the State of Connecticut reeling from a series of massive security
breaches that have exposed the personal information of hundreds
of thousands of state residents, Connecticut's Governor and General
Assembly joined forces in mid-June to make Connecticut only the
second state (after Michigan) to mandate that private employers
publish a policy on the protection of employee Social Security
numbers (SSNs). The new Connecticut law — entitled, "An
Act Concerning the Confidentiality of Social Security Numbers"
(the "Act"), and effective October 1, 2008 — also
imposes on private employers a statutory duty to safeguard, and
properly dispose of, personal information more broadly defined.
The Act requires the creation of a "a privacy protection
policy" by any entity that collects SSNs in the course of
its business. Consequently, the Act requires employers to promulgate
a policy that, at a minimum, (1) protects the confidentiality
of SSNs; (2) prohibits unlawful disclosure of SSNs; and (3) limits
access to SSNs.
More Information Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=62408&email_access=on

United States: An Immigration Dashboard For Human Resource
Professionals - Part 1
maze of immigration laws governing employment authorization for
foreign nationals is Perplexing and Perilous. This article will
provide employers with key elements and information to help understand
and navigate the maze:
Practical information concerning basic principles of work-related
immigration law
- Eligibility
criteria for the most popular work-visa categories.
- Best
practices when hiring or continuing to employ foreign and domestic
- Recommended
procedures to follow after receipt of a "no-match"
- Useful
tips to make sure that foreign workers maintain lawful immigration
status throughout the employment relationship and are not prevented
from working by delayed security clearances or restrictions
on travel abroad and reentry to the United States.
- Guidance
on ways to limit or minimize liability, or negative, unintended
immigration-related outcomes affecting the workforce and the
employment relationship.
More Information Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=60772&email_access=on

States: President Bush Signs Amended Executive Order 12989 Requiring
Federal Contractors To Use The E-Verify Employment Verification
June 6, 2008, President Bush signed an amendment to Executive
Order 12989, which now requires federal contractors to use the
E-Verify employment verification system to confirm the employment
eligibility of all new employees hired during a contract term
and all existing employees assigned to work on a federal contract.
Until now, private employers were invited to use the E-Verify
system, but enrollment was voluntary. Depending on the number
of government contracts issued in the coming years, Department
of Homeland Security ("DHS") Secretary Michael Chertoff
stated that this executive order could potentially affect as many
as 1 million workers.
More Information Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=62266&email_access=on

South Carolina Illegal Immigration Reform Act Affects All Employers
in State
South Carolina Illegal Immigration Reform Act, a comprehensive
reform law deemed the "strongest in the nation" by state
legislators, was signed by Governor Mark Sanford on June 4, 2008.
The Act, H. 4400, requires both public and private employers to
verify the work authorization of all new employees, either through
the use of the free federal online E-Verify system or by checking
the employee's driver's license. The E-Verify online employment
verification system is administered by the Department of Homeland
Security and the Social Security Administration and lets employers
know whether information presented by a new employee matches government
For More Information Go To: http://www.jacksonlewis.com/legalupdates/article.cfm?aid=1401
Voice Analysis Enhances the Pre-Employment Screening process
information provided by job candidates can lead to wrong hiring
decisions and cause numerous negative outcomes including loss
of business, law suits and an unsafe working environment. Determining
the accuracy of information provided by job candidates and having
the ability to minimize risks involved when recruiting new staff
members, is a constant challenge human resources professionals
are faced with.
Insights into a candidate's ethical inclinations
is an assessment tool based on automated interactive questionnaires
for pre-employment screening and employees' periodical checks,
providing an unprecedented level of perception of the integrity
and risk potential of employment candidates and employees. LVA-i
uses voice analysis in order to estimate a candidate’s liability
potential, by analyzing the emotional content of his or her voice
when responding to specifically designed questions, divided into

more information please visit www.nemesysco.com.

Fraud: Prevention Really Is Better Than Cure
Fraud prevention is very similar to having a good quality
health insurance scheme in place. Just as the body may suffer
aches and pains, the corporate world can suffer from changes
in market or stakeholder demands; fall in shareholder confidence;
lack of trained staff; or incidents of fraud, corruption
or malpractice. As long as there is money, fraud and corruption
will be a fact of business. But it doesn’t have to
be something that causes life-threatening damage to your
company. Fraud prevention is not a complex subject that
requires a degree or endless training, like medicine. Unlike
cancer or heart disease, it is not difficult to detect if
awareness and reporting lines are in place within an organisation
and everyone in that organisation knows what their responsibilities
are. The end result of an investigation is often cathartic.
Most importantly, however, it can prevent a total breakdown
and the end of a company's profitable life.
More Information Go To:

a Data Breach Occurs, What Do Consumers Expect?
are cordially invited to attend a complimentary Webinar
hosted by Javelin Strategy & Research and Debix on Tuesday
July 15th, 2008 at 1:00 p.m. EDT (10:00a.m. PDT) Javelin’s
President & Founder, James Van Dyke, will outline the
latest consumer research findings that includes the significant
implications security breaches represent to businesses once
consumer trust is compromised, as well as recommendations
about how institutions should respond. Sponsor and co-presenter,
Julie Fergerson, VP of Emerging Technologies of Debix, will
present its Identity Protection Network, which is setting
new industry standards for building solutions that prevent
identity theft and publishing metrics to prove the solution
your Webinar seat now at:

To Reduce Employee Theft
a third of all business failures each year can be traced to employee
theft and other employee crime, according to the U.S. Department
of Commerce. That's a large number, and it's on the rise. The
present economy increases the chances of internal theft because
more people are in desperate need of extra cash. Internal theft
dwarfs the losses of external theft. What can businesses do to
protect themselves? No. 1 is to perform thorough background checks,
which should include criminal and credit history, education verification
and reference checks. Too often the hiring process is hastily
conducted. Sometimes you are in desperate need of someone and
take shortcuts in hiring.
More Information Go To: http://www.southtownstar.com/business/998616,061108pvteyecol.article

to the Legal Challenge Question! |
the background screening industry continues to get more competitive
the firms that will ultimately succeed will be those that create
competitive advantage through their people by offering continuous
learning opportunities to heightened their knowledge and capabilities.
We believe that having employees that are very knowledgeable about
the legal landscape of background screening is essential to continued
We are grateful
to Pam Devata, Seyfarth
Shaw LLP for providing the expertise for this valuable
endeavor. For information regarding the answers to the Legal Challenge
Questions, please contact Pamela Devata at Seyfarth Shaw LLP at
or 312-460-5000 or visit www.seyfarth.com.
Please choose
your answer by clicking on it:

Provides Award-winning PeopleClues® Assessments Seamlessly
Through Talent Edition
In today’s
environment, HR staffs must focus their limited resources on the
best talent—they need to find quality candidates and retain
valued employees. Abso®, a leading provider of talent management
and screening solutions, has partnered with PeopleClues® to
offer award-winning personality, cognitive, and attitude assessments
through Abso’s Talent EditionTM application. Now HR managers
can seamlessly initiate and evaluate the results of PeopleClues
assessments within a single interface, helping them hire the best
candidates more efficiently. Pre- and post-hire, integrated assessments
enable HR staffs to identify candidates or employees with the
required personality characteristics and cognitive abilities.
and Reliant Live Partner to Help HR Teams Work Smarter - Integrated
Skills Testing Improve Workflow for HR Staffs Doing More with
Fewer Resources
a leading provider of integrated talent management solutions,
and Reliant Live, an innovator of online assessments and learning
environments, have partnered to help HR teams maximize their organizations'
talent. Reliant Skills testing are now fully integrated into Abso
Talent EditionTM, helping HR evaluate candidates and existing
employees, all while helping manage workload more efficiently.
Reliant Skills tests are content-valid and comply with Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines.
For more information,
visit abso.com, or call 800.943.2589
Background Inc. Announces Taleo 7.5 Certification
Accurate Background
Inc., a leader in the background screening industry announced
completion of its Taleo 7.5 certification for their comprehensive
web based solution. Certification of the current version of Taleo
offers clients of Accurate Background and Taleo a pre-built solution
which facilitates a quicker implementation process. In addition
to Accurate Background's existing Taleo integrations, the successful
7.5 certification allows clients access to advanced navigation
tools. "Accurate Background prides itself on offering a custom
tailored solution developed with each client's specific requirements
in mind. The integration solution eliminates redundancy offering
a more efficient recruiter and applicant experience," said
Catherine Aldrich, executive vice president of Accurate Background.
For More Information
Go To: www.accuratebackground.com
or call call (800) 784-3911

Integrates Its Pre-Employment Background Checks Into On-Demand
Recruiting And On Boarding Solution
a Berea, Ohio-based background checks and employment screening
firm partners with Candidate Resources, Inc, a Dallas, Texas-based
applicant tracking software and employee assessment testing provider.
Crimcheck.com will integrate its pre-employment background checks
into Candidate Resource Inc's, on-demand recruiting and on boarding
solution, allowing clients to more quickly and efficiently initiate
background checks by eliminating the need for fax or redundant
data entry.
For More Information
Go To: www.Crimcheck.com

USIS to Merge With HireRight
USIS, a privately
owned company that is a leading provider of employment/drug testing
screening solutions and the largest provider of security investigations
to the federal government, has signed an agreement to merge with
HireRight, Inc. (NasdaqGM: HIRE), a leading provider of on-demand
employment background and drug screening solutions. The transaction
is valued at approximately $195 million. Under terms of the agreement,
which was approved by both companies’ boards of directors,
USIS (www.USIS.com) will pay HireRight stockholders $15.60 per
share in cash, which represents a 54% premium over HireRight’s
closing share price of $10.12 on Friday, June 6, and a 65% premium
over the weighted average trading price of the company’s
shares for the past three months. Upon completion of the merger,
HireRight will be combined with the USIS Commercial Services Division.
For More Information
Go To: www.USIS.com

Trusted Identity and Credential Verification Enters Beta Testing
Inc. announced today that they have begun Beta testing the Crederity
Trusted service, a web-based trust-building offering that provides
online identity and credential verification to people-powered
companies. The company is working with consulting and recruiting
firms in its initial US tests of the Internet service through
what the company calls Trust Facts. When companies are Crederity
Trusted, their clients know that the personnel at those companies
are genuine -- they are who they say they are and they have done
what they say they have done." People-centric firms, such
as consulting, recruiting/staffing and outsourcing, depend on
communicating the competence and trustworthiness of their team
members. Crederity's Trust Facts confirm the truth of credentials
of employees or potential hires, including identity, citizenship,
education, work experience and certifications or licenses. For
companies that hire outside consulting firms or freelancers, this
reassurance will make the decision-making process more clear because
they can be sure of a vendor and its staff.
For more information,
visit www.crederity.com

Screen a Resume Again: Hire Insight Enables Companies to Outsource
Most Tedious Steps of Hiring Process
Although most
hiring managers would agree that selecting the right employees
is the key to building a successful business, nearly all wish
they could avoid the time, costs and frustration required to screen
and evaluate suitable candidates. In response, Hire Insight Group
has developed a program that allows employers to outsource all
of the most tedious steps in the hiring process and receive a
shortlist of only those with the best potential to become top
performers (i.e., those who contribute 48% to 120% more than the
average employee). The program was developed in response to common
employer complaints and research that showed the considerable
time and cost required to find and shortlist a pool of applicants
using traditional methods -- anywhere from nine to 15 weeks for
professional, managerial and executive positions, with the entire
process costing between $17,000 and $43,000. Hire Insight solution
allows employers to outsource most of their hiring process to
a team of assessment experts who will run all applicants through
a proven screening and evaluation program, tailored to client
needs. The result is a shortlist of only the most capable individuals,
with comprehensive information on candidate success and potential
provided by people who can best predict employee performance.
For more information,
visit www.hireinsightgroup.com

Debate Over Reference Checks: What To Share About Former Employees
Last month,
an appellate court ruling fueled an ongoing debate in healthcare:
What is a hospital's responsibility when responding to a reference
check? In essence, the court validated a widespread practice:
Providing merely "name, rank and serial number" does
not subject the former employer to a lawsuit by the new employer
if the employee turns out to be a "bad apple." Despite
the ruling, questions remain regarding the extent of a hospital's
duty to disclose negative information about former staff physicians
and other healthcare employees. In 2001, Kadlec Medical Center
(Kadlec), a hospital in Washington State, hired anesthesiologist
Dr. Robert Berry, who formerly had staff privileges at Lakeview
Medical Center in Louisiana. After his hire by Kadlec, Dr. Berry
was involved in a botched routine surgery in which a patient
was seriously injured. The patient sued, and her claim ultimately
settled for $7.5 million.
For More
Information Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=62422&email_access=on

Screening and Investigations
Managing Hiring Risk from the HR and Security Perspectives
By W.
Barry Nixon, SPHR and Kim Kerr, CPP
352 pages 16 ills
Copyright 2008
USD 49.95, Reference
ISBN: 978-0-7506-8256-5
To Order
Go To www.PreemploymentDirectory.com
and click on the book cover

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Barry Nixon at 949-770-5264 or at wbnixon@aol.com
for more information.

Place! Many Suppliers! |
for the Top Suppliers in the Industry? Need to find a new Supplier?
Visit PreemploymentDirectory.com’s
VENDOR SHOWCASE which features suppliers to the
Background Screening Industry (go to www.PreemploymentDirectory.com,
click on ‘Click Here’ and then scroll down to Vendor
Showcase for Background Screening Industry Suppliers)

Are you interested
in keeping up with the latest developments on the world wide web
and with web site technology from a business owner or business
development perspective? If so you may want to sign up for Web
Site Magazine. It is complimentary and written in a straightforward,
easy to read and understand manner. It is published in hardcopy.

NAPBS International
Europe Goes Live
European Union has established the first international alliance
group with NAPBS. The group is officially designated as
NAPBS International Europe. Under the leadership of Co-chairs
Eyal Cohen, Alexandra Kelly and Steve Bailey it is expected
that 20 or so EU firms will become members of the newly
formed organization. Members will help shape the focus and
direction of the new group and will be able to use the logo
to show their affiliation with NAPBS which increasingly
is becoming a symbol of ethical practices and adherence
to industry standards that end users are demanding. |

Around the Globe
Zealand is the most angelic nation and Ukraine, the most dishonest
-- at least when it comes to being truthful in the job seeking
process, according to an international workplace survey by Kelly
Services in the U.K.

Borderless Workforce Survey Global Results
Manpower Inc. (NYSE: MAN) surveyed over 28,000 employers
across 27 countries and territories to determine the extent
to which companies are utilizing foreign talent to fill
positions where they are experiencing skill shortages, and
to determine the impact on the labor market from talent
leaving their home country to go and work in another country.
The survey also asked employers if they felt governments
and businesses were doing enough to slow the outward migration
of talent and attract these people back to their home country.
To Read
The Full Survey Go To:
MAN/2281 91699x0x208357/41b8de87-06
orce%20Sur vey_Global%20Results_FINAL.pdf
Conducting Reference Checks Without Violating Privacy Laws
Reference and background checks are a good way to ensure
you have the right person for the job, but they are not
always straightforward. Conducting simple reference checks
on prospective employees has become complicated by privacy
legislation. Private sector employers in British Columbia,
Alberta and Québec and federally regulated employers
are subject to personal information protection legislation.
This legislation imposes obligations on employers regarding
the collection, use, disclosure and retention of personal
information. Even if an organization is not subject to such
legislation, Canada has a growing privacy culture and many
employment candidates will expect employers to take special
care with their personal information. For that reason, all
employers are well-advised to take the developing privacy
laws into account in all their employment practices, including
reference checking.
For More Information Go To:

Random Alcohol And Drug Testing In Safety-Sensitive Positions
Violates Québec’s Charter Of Human Rights And Freedoms
Alcohol and
drug testing of employees remains controversial and subject to
numerous legal challenges. On December 28, 2007, the Alberta Court
of Appeal upheld an employer's right to perform mandatory pre-employment
alcohol and drug screening for safety-sensitive positions. In
contrast, on December 6, 2007, only a few weeks earlier, the Québec
Court of Appeal struck down the portion of an arbitrator's award
that would have permitted an employer to conduct random alcohol
and drug testing of its employees who work in safety-sensitive
positions. The court held that such testing is contrary to Québec's
Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms (the Charter).
For More Information
Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=62238

Advantage Releases Inaugural "Background Screening Trends
– India" Report
The Employer Services segment of First Advantage Corporation (NASDAQ:
FADV), Asia-Pacific''s largest background screening and talent
acquisition solutions provider, has released its pioneering quarterly
report "Background Screening Trends – India."
Background screening is rapidly gaining acceptance across different
industry verticals. First Advantage, credited as the pioneer of
background screening in India, has assimilated the best practices
prevalent globally to the Indian context. "Background Screening
Trends – India" sets another precedent by providing
employers with data that can be used to benchmark their background
screening experience against industry standards. It also highlights
the need for employment and education checks to be part of the
background verification process as against the usual practise
of limiting it to reference checks. The inaugural "Background
Screening Trends – India" report, based on employment
background checks conducted by First Advantage from January 2007
through the first quarter of 2008, observes:
More Information Go To: http://www.mynews.in/fullstory.aspx?storyid=6153

Past Difficult To Verify
Employees, it is estimated, are responsible for around 60 per
cent of losses due to fraud, information and property thefts.
Yet, searching for an employee with a criminal record or fake
credentials in India is akin to searching for a needle in a haystack.
Over 98 per cent of all registered Indian firms do not conduct
any background screening. Inquiries related to fraud get restricted
to internal audits in most cases. Even for the 2 per cent that
do, nearly 80 per cent of the information that is verified by
third-party investigators is not reliable, asserts Kunwar Vikram
Singh, chairman, Central Association of Private Security Industry
and The Association of Private Detectives and Investigators. The
problem is deep-seated. Pre-screening players allege that ‘fake
degrees' can be obtained and verified in India with ease. A First
Advantage study suggests that about 29 per cent of all discrepancies
are related to educational qualifications. Of these, 85 per cent
of candidates submit fake documents. Almost 70 per cent of all
discrepancies are related to previous employment.
For More Information Go To: http://www.business-standard.com/common/news_article.php?autono=327194&leftnm=5&subLeft=0&chkFlg=

the following code BGS2008
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We invite
you to pull up a chair, take a break and join us in the Background
Bistro to sip a latte and chat with this weeks guest:
week we had the pleasure of speaking with Caryl McMains,
Vice President of Marketing, ClearStar.net..
Caryl started her career selling wholesale records in 1985
for a company called Rent Port. "We launched the first
online database that sold criminal and eviction records,
called Veri Facts. It was a lot of work because most of
the research was done on Microfiche and the records went
all the way back to 1971.” The introduction of computers
has meant everything, creating efficiency and time saving
procedures. Caryl reflected on the days when we use to use
DOS, it was not user friendly at all and there was no interface.
Things have certainly changed for the better.”
While McMains’ job is highly technical, she has quite
the life outside of the office. The Oregon resident loves
seafood and wine. "I am a seafood girl. Give me seafood,
wine, bread and I’m there." She also loves to travel
and recently spent time in the Florida Keys and snorkeling
in the Cayman Islands. "I’m stuck on snorkeling,
I just love the ocean" she said with a big smile on her
face. Caryl also travels extensively for her job and really
gets to see a lot of this beautiful state (Oregon). I am 45
minutes from the beach and 35 minutes from the mountains,
so I get the best of both worlds" For a mother of four
children and a grandmother of two she surely gets around a
Aside from traveling, Caryl does a considerable amount of
volunteer work for the YMCA. She also puts on a classic wine
auction, where high-end wines are auctioned off. In addition
to wines, they also auction off vacations and cars. The money
goes to local organizations to help kids in the community.
" I like to help out at the local Vancouver Wine and
Jazz Festival. Last year we had Kenny Loggins and B.B. King,
about 40 different wineries came, it was a great time."
She loves a wide range of music stating that including Jazz,
Blues, Rock’n Roll. I am not too much into hip/hop or
alternative. I like artists such as; Steely Dan, Billy Joel
or any good Temptations song. I also love Diana Ross, "Lady
Sings the Blues" is one of my favorite CD’s of
all times. Music goes with my mood, depending on where I am
and what I am doing. She indicated that she would rather listen
to music than watch television."
Since ClearStar.net
is a technology-based company, our priority is to stay on
top of the latest and greatest technology. New Technology
ensures that our clients stay compliant at all times. Many
of the issues that our clients deal with are government regulated
so staying compliant is critical to their success. "As
we update our files, database and systems, it automatically
updates our clients as was well. Our technology opens the
door for our clients to operate and have a foundation that
they would not otherwise have." Clearstar.net
is able to obtain 3rd party information and security certifications.
With over forty suppliers they are able to save their clients
a considerable amount of money." Caryl also emphasized
that ease of use when it comes to technology is paramount.
Client relations and the sharing of confidential information
must be handled with great care and responsibility. Deficiencies
in any of these areas can lead to loss of contracts and a
reduction in revenue. For those looking to implement a technology
infrastructure with training and first class support, ClearStar.net
is a firm fit for the job.
As technology moves ahead, ClearStar.net
is committed to being in the forefront and Caryl is focused
on diligently finding ways to continue saving money for its
clients and building better infrastructures.
If you would like more information on ClearStar.net
visit their website
or contact Caryl McMains at 877-976-2559.

Bergs' Report on SHRM's Annual Conference - Click

2008 Events (Click
Here to View full list of 2008 Events) – Updated Monthly
State Conferences, visit http://www.shrm.org/conferences/state/CMS_004287.asp
and Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA), 2008 Training
Course Schedule, visit http://datia.org/
Association for Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS),
2008 Webinar Schedule, visit http://www.napbs.com/content.php?id=289
Federation for Personnel Management, Events, http://www.wfpma.com/dates.html