Firm Ends Background Checks and Employee With Felony Kidnaps Customer
man previously convicted of a violent felony worked for an alarm
services company as a "promotions representative." After
a woman filled out a survey expressing interest in a home security
system, the rep came to her home on several occasions. On the
last of these, he entered the home without permission and kidnapped
the woman, returning her after she promised to pay $6,000. Later,
the victim sued the alarm services provider for failing to perform
a background check before hiring the felon. The company persuaded
a trial court to award it summary judgment, but the woman appealed.
Before a state appeals court, the alarm company argued it could
not be held liable because the promotions representative acted
outside the scope of his employment. The appeals court found enough
questions of fact remained on that argument to return the case
to the trial court. The appeals court noted that a very basic
background check would have uncovered the man's felony conviction.
Evidence showed the company formerly performed background checks
on all field agents but discontinued the practice due to high
More Information Go To:

Acquires Advantage Services, Inc.
a national leading provider of pre-employment background screening
services, acquired Advantage Services, Inc. (ASI). Atlanta-based
ASI offers pre-employment background checks to large and small
companies in the U.S. and Canada. Terms of the transaction were
not disclosed.
More Information Contact: Cherie Smith Homa, Managing Director,
KPMG Corporate Finance LLC at

Passes Segregation-Era Pardons
charged with crimes while protesting segregation-era laws can
have their records cleared beginning next month. Gov. Phil Bredesen
signed the Rosa Parks Act into law, which bill was unanimously
approved by the Senate and passed the House 88-6. Last year, Alabama
became the first state to pass a version of the Rosa Parks Act.
The Alabama law grants a pardon, but the criminal records are
kept in the state archives for use in museums or for other educational
purposes. A similar measure failed in Florida.
More Information Go To:

MBA Students Cheat on Exams Will They Lie on Their Resume?
recent cheating scandal involving students in Duke University's
MBA program should serve as a clarion call for colleges and universities
to wake up, smell the coffee and start emulating the ethics policies
of the private sector, according to at least one expert who closely
follows ethics-related issues. Yet, another ethics expert says
the university's response should serve as an example to colleges
and corporations alike -- in that the institution publicized the
infractions and its response to them, thereby reminding everyone
that it takes violations of its honor code seriously. Both agree,
however, that the episode illustrates the tendency by students
and business people to cut ethical corners when they're under
pressure -- a factor HR must be aware of as it seeks to build
ethical cultures in their own organizations.
For More Information Go To:

Test Put to the Test: LAFD Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
the liabilities that accompany the decision to hire someone, employers
are trying to reduce risk by learning more and more about job
applicants. Some of the approaches are crude: eliminating any
applicant who fails a drug test. Some are more sophisticated:
the use of credit and medical histories, psychological testing
and physical profiling (no obese people need apply). Ultimately,
all screening techniques boil down to a single issue: who is eliminated
and why? Firefighter Lima's lawsuit should serve as a reminder:
whatever tools and standards employers use to screen applicants,
they must strive for transparency. Establish reasonable criteria
and apply them uniformly. If the criteria have a disproportionate
impact on one segment of applicants, re-examine the criteria carefully.
Make sure that your standards are up to standard. This is not
easy, nor is it static. Today's accepted standard is tomorrow's
act of discrimination. As Lima's story clearly demonstrates, the
consequences for doing the "right thing" in the wrong
way are severe. His saga is a lesson for us all.
More Information Go To:
or see the article
on the case at,1,1324937.s

Firms Put Their Business ‘At Risk’ By Not Conducting
Background Screening
am sure that many staffing firms recognize the need to conduct
background screenings on employees that are being referred to
clients, while the following incidents illustrate that other staffing
firms are still not taking it seriously enough and are putting
their business at risk.
30-year old woman, high on crack, drove her vehicle into a crowd
enjoying the Unifest Food and Music Festival in D.C., causing
injury to 40 people including 7 kids. At the time of the incident,
Ms. Bell was employed by a DC temporary staffing company on a
receptionist assignment for the office of former mayor and now
D.C. council member Marion Berry. After hearing of the horrific
event, Berry’s office terminated the woman’s assignment.
They also terminated their contract with the staffing company
because “they may not have properly investigated her background
prior to placing her in office.”,2933,277779,00.html
appears that an Ohio medical staffing company sent Herman Brown,
a nurse aide, on an assignment to a hospital psychiatric ward.
While on assignment, he was charged with (and pleaded not guilty
to) “rape, kidnapping, gross sexual imposition and sexual
battery.” Not only was Mr. Brown alleged to not have the
credentials to do the job, the hospital officials are convinced
that the staffing company did not do the REQUIRED background checks
because “if the temp agency had done so, it would have found
(prior) charges of theft, forgery, aggravated burglary and drug
abuse.” The Ohio Hospital Association has severed ties with
the agency that hired the worker.” The hospital has dismissed
the other 15 temporary staff from their duties and severed its
relationship with the temp agency.”
above situations may be useful in helping to influence staffing
firms that are not doing background checks. We also came across
this webinar which you may want to refer staffing firms too which
could help convince them they need to use your services.
More Information Click

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25, 2007 |
Criminal Record Checks - Obtaining and Using |
Henry |

- 30 percent
of all business failures are caused by employee theft, according
to the American Management Association and U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
On average, in U.S. businesses, at least half of all new hires
"don't work out" according to Fortune.
- Vangent,
Inc. reported that according to a recent survey of retail establishments
representing over 13,000 stores with combined 2005 annual sales
in excess of $519 billion, one in every 26.5 employees (out
of 1.8 millions) was apprehended for theft from their employer.
- The Bureau
of Labor Statistics reports that approximately half of businesses
with more than 1,000 employees have had an incident of workplace
For More Information

have launched our newest web site to exclusively promote our Platinum
Members that are in our Vendor Showcase
are committed to finding new and innovative ways to create additional
sales opportunities for you.
tune for more exclusive Platinum web sites focused on driving
more traffic to you.

Body Drafts Guide On Preventing Data Breaches
National Institute for Standards and Technology has released a
draft of its new guide to better protect federal agencies from
data breaches. The 387-page guide
is designed to help agency technical teams evaluate whether the
security controls they have actually work as intended to protect
information systems from being compromised. It is designed as
a companion to an earlier publication on minimum security controls
for federal information systems. That guide, according to lead
author Ron Ross, defines the different security controls required
by the federal government -- including encryption, identification
and authentication of users, access control to systems, personnel
security and physical security. The latest publication lists the
different security measures and explains how to test them. For
example, for continuity of operation requirements, the report
outlines how to determine if an agency really has developed a
plan, if people understand it and if it has been distributed to
the right people within the organization.
More Information To Go:

Threat Research
IDC white paper looks at the growing problem of the insider threat.
It discusses the regulatory and other drivers that fuel the demand
for new security solutions in this area and outlines different
approaches towards mitigating associated risks, including the
emerging application-level user behavior tracking approach. Bolstering
this need is a study published by the Association of Certified
Fraud Examiners (ACFE) in 2004 which reported that almost 80%
of the fraudulent activity takes place on companies’premises
and during normal business hours. Company employees are responsible
for about 60% of this activity, while authorized partners or contractors
carry out about an additional 20%. The study estimates that the
typical U.S. organization loses 6% of its annual revenues to fraud
(with total GDP loss of $660 billion).
More Information Go To:

the use of an online system too difficult for
your clients to use?
background screening software is so easy
to use that your clients will actually enjoy
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your current applicant screening system is so
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Your Traffic in 30 Days
Three simple
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Have you
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There is a lot more to Blogging for Traffic than just adding a
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shares how he uses blogging to sell books and pc repair services.
He also reveals exactly how incorporating a blog into your site
will give you new online marketing possibilities.
For More Information
Go To:

for the Top Suppliers in the Industry? Need to find a new
which features suppliers to the Background Screening Industry
including the Public Retreivers
Records Network (PRRN) (go to,
click on ‘Click Here’ and then scroll down to
Showcase for Background Screening Industry Suppliers)
Place! Many Suppliers!
Reviews Lead To Resignation of Asia Pacific High Level Executive
Imbardelli is not the first top executive to leave his employer
over his CV and he will not be the last.The chief executive of
Intercontinental Hotels Group’s (IHG) Asia-Pacific unit
announced his resignation recently following a review of his academic
qualifications “as previously presented to the company.”
Many have fallen foul of reviews, and surveys suggest that significant
percentages of CVs, or resumés, are economical with the
truth. The issues at IHG appear to have been what Michael Whittington
of Kroll says is the commonest issue uncovered by the risk consulting
group’s background screening division – exaggerated
or misleading information on educational or professional qualifications.
IHG said Mr Imbardelli had told it he had degrees from three universities,
but had only attended classes at them without graduating.
More Information Go To:

on Strictly Carrying Out Background Investigations on Candidates
for the Olympics and Performing a Pre-Selection Screening
YORK, NY – In what may be its most audacious Olympic act
yet, China’s Ministry of Public Security has issued an incredible
directive that lists 43 categories of unwanteds who are to be
investigated and barred from the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Falun
Dafa Information Center has learned. Pariah groups include:
eerily vague key individuals in ideological fields
overseas hostile forces
counter-revolutionary figures
the Dalai Lama and all affiliates
members of religious entities not sanctioned by the state (e.g.
Roman Catholics)
individuals who instigate discontentment toward the Chinese
Communist Party through the Internet
and even certain types of “handicapped” persons.
at the very bottom of the directive does it identify “violent
terrorists” and members of “illegal organizations”
as targets for investigation and possible barring.To be investigated
are participating athletes, members of the media, Olympic staff
members, referees, sponsors, dignitaries, and the International
Olympic Committee itself, among others, to determine whether they
fall into any of the 43 categories.

Screening on a Global Basis
are only as good as the people who run them. The right people
with the right skills at the helm can help a company flourish.
Conversely, poor – or uninformed – hiring decisions
can cost a company not only financially, but also have a negative
impact on the organization’s reputation with stakeholders.
Apply this principle globally and you have a whole new set of
issues to consider each one with the potential to have an exponentially
greater impact.
the culture and business environment in each country. Consider
the acceptance and perception of background screening programs.
Although they are becoming more widely accepted, unique cultural
characteristics exist and must be respected.
For More Information
Go To:

Hiring:How it Affects Canadian Employers
The latest
poll by HRinfodesk indicates that employers are not being consistent
in performing background checks on potential candidates. The question
asked in the poll was: Do you check employee references? Specifically,
69.11% of respondents indicated that they do check employee references,
while 23.58% say sometimes. It's surprising how many employers
don't take this basic step to hire the best employees and screen
out the bad ones. Employers who conduct reference checks avoid
the risk associated with failing to properly screen employees.
This legal concept is called negligent hiring.
Canadian Courts
have recently recognized that existing employees are entitled
to expect employers to subject prospective employee to a thorough
reference and interview process so that they are physically, psychologically,
and financially secure in their contact with them. Employers are
expected to take all reasonable precautions during the screening
and hiring process to hire fit and safe employees. If they fail
to take these precautions, and an employee commits a crime while
on the job or a crime directed at a co-worker or client, the employer
may be accused of negligent hiring. As an employer, are you doing
enough in your screening and hiring process to reasonably ensure
that an employee is competent and doesn't pose a threat to other
employees or clients? Here are some guidelines you should follow
to ensure your company is protected from negligent hiring claims.
For More Information
Go To:

have greatly enhanced our International Resource Center to be
a valuable resource for anyone looking for information on doing
international background verifications, vetting or verifications.
It includes information on EU countries data protection and other
laws, Canada, terrorist searches and much more. Also included
is very practical information on time zones, locating cities,
etc. Check it out and I am sure you will want to Bookmark it so
you can use it over and over. To view the International Section
go to
and look under the line in the middle of the page:

Gets Offshore Cyber Crime Watchdog
is to finally get a data privacy watchdog to oversee the country's
IT and BPO offshore outsourcing industry and to address international
concerns about the security of customer records and data. India
does not have any data protection law equivalent to that in the
UK but has been under increasing international pressure to address
this in recent years due to a spate of high-profile security
breaches. The new body, which will be called the Data Security
Council of India (DSCI), is a self-regulatory member organisation
and is being set up by Indian IT industry group Nasscom. The DSCI
will develop common minimum standards for privacy and security
policies, offer certification, enforce a code of ethics and best
practice, and punish any breaches by Indian IT and BPO companies
- which could include expelling members or calling in police.
Nandkumar Saravade, director cyber-security and compliance for
Nasscom, said the DSCI will help improve security standards across
the vast number of companies below the big top-tier outsourcers
such as Infosys, TCS and Wipro. He told "The
aim is to lift the floor of the Indian IT and BPO companies because
the top companies already have best practice.",3800004865,39167417,00.htm

Job Prospects Rebound as U.S. Hiring Pace is Set to Remain Steady
Manpower Employment Outlook Survey released on June 12th revealed
that third-quarter hiring is expected to be positive in all of
the 27 countries and territories surveyed, with employers in Germany
and Norway reporting their most optimistic hiring plans since
the survey began in these countries in 2003, based on seasonally
adjusted data. Meanwhile, the Asia Pacific labor market is expected
to cool from three months ago, with the exception of India, where
employer demand has bounced back after a dip reported in the second
quarter. In the U.S., job prospects are expected to hold firm
in the next three months, but are softer compared to last year
at this time. The strongest third-quarter hiring prospects reported
globally were in Singapore, Peru, India, Argentina, New Zealand,
Australia, Norway, Costa Rica, Japan and Hong Kong. Meanwhile,
employers in Italy reported the least optimistic hiring plans.
Employers in 15 countries and territories are reporting weaker
hiring plans compared to the second quarter; however, year-over
Indian Job Prospects Rebound as U.S. Hiring Pace is Set to Remain
SteadyThe Manpower Employment Outlook Survey released on June
12th revealed that third-quarter hiring is expected to be positive
in all of the 27 countries and territories surveyed, with employers
in Germany and Norway reporting their most optimistic hiring plans
since the survey began in these countries in 2003, based on seasonally
adjusted data. Meanwhile, the Asia Pacific labor market is expected
to cool from three months ago, with the exception of India, where
employer demand has bounced back after a dip reported in the second
quarter. In the U.S., job prospects are expected to hold firm
in the next three months, but are softer compared to last year
at this time. The strongest third-quarter hiring prospects reported
globally were in Singapore, Peru, India, Argentina, New Zealand,
Australia, Norway, Costa Rica, Japan and Hong Kong. Meanwhile,
employers in Italy reported the least optimistic hiring plans.
Employers in 15 countries and territories are reporting weaker
hiring plans compared to the second quarter; however, year-over-year
those in 14 countries are reporting improved job prospects. The
quarterly survey by Manpower is the world's most extensive forward-looking
employment survey, with interviews of nearly 52,000 employers
More Information Go To:

Companies Are Making Background Screening Part of Their Business
outsourcing wave has necessitated verification for Indian companies
who are servicing global clients. Most of the Fortune 500 companies
have a formal policy of background screening their employees.
"Global players consider outsourcing service providers (Indian
companies) as their extension and would like them to have strong
business practices including background screening. Background
screening has become a part of the standard outsourcing contract
and therefore Indian companies have proactively adopted it as
a part of their business process," points out Dehade.
More Information Go To:

Long, Former CEO First Advantage Leaves for Screening Firm in
W. Long, former chief executive of St. Petersburg's First Advantage
Corp., is joining a company in Singapore that specializes in background
screening for governments, investment banks and multinational
corporations in developing countries. Long, 51, will be global
chief executive of IntegraScreen Group, splitting his time between
Singapore and St. Petersburg as he seeks to build the company
through acquisitions. Long, who built First Advantage to more
than 500 local employees during his four-year tenure, said he
expects to add key positions in St. Petersburg. "How many
and when is hard to say, " he said. "Although I do have
a reputation for growing things fast." IntegraScreen's recent
contracts include verifying visas for the British government and
health care workers' licenses in Abu Dhabi. Long will also be
making a "significant investment" in the company.

Inc. Launches LightSpeed Background Check Technology Performance
inc., the leading provider of software, integration technology,
and strategic services for the background screening industry,
today announced the latest breakthrough in background technology
with its new speed performance solution, called LightSpeed, geared
towards dramatically improving end user web experiences while
ordering background checks. A traditional background check pulls
a considerable amount of encrypted data from different sources,
compiles them into reports, and then stores them on security protected
systems for review. Encryption, web browser protection, and general
IP security has made this process slow and cumbersome for the
average user. Using the Internet, most end users of the data report
slow page loads and long delays in getting the right information
to make hiring decisions. It seems like a simple problem to fix.
However, due to the amount of data combined with the new strong
security measures around background checks, pulling up information
in a timely manner has been anything but easy. Large reports have
taken anywhere from 15 to 50 seconds to review. deverus has worked
diligently to improve the viewing time of reports realizing that
with 30,000 HR end users, a few seconds of time can result in
enormous inefficiencies in worker productivity.
More Information Go To:

a Platinum Member Today

Tolerance is Not Enough: How to Make Violence Prevention Really
The National
Institute for Prevention of Workplace Violence has re-released
its’ highly acclaimed information packed booklet on Zero
The booklet
includes tips on the important steps to take to implement your
workplace violence prevention program in an easy to read format
and with straight forward language. Some of the subject areas
covered include:
- how to
create a violence free workplace,
- understanding
the importance of treating employees in a respectful manner
throughout the employment process
- understanding
that how supervisors treat employees makes a difference,
- the early
warning signs of potential violence, · tips for handling
a potentially hostile situation
- supervisors
responsibilities and key steps to preventing workplace violence.
This is an
excellent resource to share with your clients.To Request a complimentary
copy or
For More Information

Screening Solutions |
With ‘Continuous Employee Screening’
tools now becoming available we believe this will be an invaluable
tool to assist firms to better manager their risk by knowing important
information about their employees and will also help to prevent
negligent retention. This tool will help firms to be able to identify
whether mandatory licenses or professional certifications are
current as well as derogatory issues such as DUI’s, criminal
warrants, convictions, etc. that could have an impact on an employee
continuing to qualify for their position or a proposed one.
Implementing a continuous screening program will require careful
consideration by organizations because of a number of potential
employee relations, organizational and legal issues that need
to be addressed. To begin with it will be critical that firm’s
have a comprehensive background screening policy in place that
addresses how problem situations will be handled. In addition,
the need to have pre-identified ‘sensitive jobs’ with
clear qualifications and prerequisites included in job descriptions
will become even more important than ever. Each company will need
to develop a decision tree regarding how potential issues will
impact employees. Because of these issues the National Institute
for Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc. has established Infinity
Screening Solutions, a new consulting practice, specifically focused
on addressing these issues and helping firms to implement continuous
Since overwhelming
employers use outsourced background screening firms to conduct
their background checks, we have decided to primarily offer this
consulting service through background screening firms. This will
be a value added service that you can offer to your clients when
you are selling them your ‘continuous screening’ tool.
We have developed a proprietary implementation process for assisting
firms with continuous screening that you can offer to your clients.
Contact Barry Nixon at 949-770-5264 or online at
for more information.
Barry Nixon at (949) 770-5264 today to find how the Continuous
Employee Post Hire Screening consulting can contribute to increased
sales, revenue and increased customer satisfaction

Background Buzz MEDIA RATES: |
Click here for more information about advertising in The
Background Buzz

A Success in Filling Industry Jobs
Phone Rings
on Bruce's Desk
Hi, this
is Bruce. Hi Bruce, this is your old buddy, John. I need some
help. I am looking for a really strong person to fill a critical
job opening as our________________(fill in the blank). Who do
you know? Will you headhunt for us? Where can we find this person?.
John, I would love to be able to help you but there is a little
problem. Since we consult to everyone in the industry (at least
potentially everyone), it would be something of a conflict for
me to headhunt a good employee away from a client or potential
client. It is just not something that I think will enhance my
reputation for neutrality and confidentiality. Yes, I could make
some nice fees this way (headhunters usually get 20-33% of the
comp package), but it has the potential to taint our reputation.
since we get asked to do this so often, we created a web site
where people looking for a job and companies looking for industry-experienced
talent can contact each other. The web site works like Monster
or CareerBuilder but is designed specifically for our industry
niche. You can go there and see people who have posted their qualifications
and/or you can post a job opening for a low cost.
But Bruce,
the web site is great. But I don't want anyone to know it is my
company seeking to fill this position and
requires me to post my company name.
resumes of people with industry experience and
industry employers seeking industry experience.

CUPA-HR National
Conference & Expo 2007, November 8-10, 2007,
For Details on Regional Conferences go to

World Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA),
World Congress, For Details on International events by
date go to

2007 Events (Click
Here to View full list of 2007 Events) – The List is
Updated Monthly)