Raises Pandemic Alert Level
the first time in its history the World Health Organisation (WHO)
raised its pandemic threat level to level five—just one
step below a full blown global pandemic. Signal to all countries
and businesses to immediately activate their pandemic preparedness
plans. The primary impact of a swine flu pandemic will be higher
levels of staff absences. Are you prepared to deal with this situation.
For Essential Advice On Dealing With A Potential Swine Flu Pandemic
Go To - http://www.strategicrisk.co.uk/story.asp?source=srbreaknewsRel&storycode=378183
The Berg Report On The NAPBS Conference
Bruce Berg, Berg Consulting Group
For 2009, there were 525 total attendees, down 20% from the 642
in 2008, which is no surprise given the state of the economy.
However the number of companies with at least one person attending
was only down 14%, from 261 to 224. Interesting that the number
of exhibitors was up 32% but the number of exhibitor attendees
was down 15% from 170 last year to 146 this year. Pretty obvious
that everyone was watching their expense dollars this year. This
conference serves the multi-purposes of education, organization,
reporting to the members, exhibitors with their offerings, and,
obviously a great opportunity for the industry to meet with each
other to exchange ideas, share experiences and solve problems.
There was much official and informal discussion on accreditation.
Beta tests are to start in about three months.
To Read The
Full Report Go To: http://www.bergconsultinggroup.com/id22.html
Business Loves Obama's Plan
$15 billion plan to loosen credit gets high marks from entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs and small-business owners who groaned about corporate
government bailouts bit their tongues when President Obama announced
a plan to inject $15 billion into the small-business loan market.
"For us, this is a different world than the one we were in
before . . .," says Chip Mahan, CEO of Wilmington, N.C.-based
Live Oak Bank, which lends primarily to veterinary businesses.
"I absolutely applaud the decision to buy up [the Small Business
Administration-guaranteed] loans. The main difference is in the
philosophy of the SBA, which used to be that it would pay for
itself. But if you want to stimulate the economy like this administration
is attempting to do, you have to try something different."
The $15 billion, coming from the U.S. Treasury Department, will
be used to purchase securities backed by the SBA-guaranteed loans
in an attempt to jump start the secondary credit market for small
businesses. Banks that offer SBA-guaranteed loans have hit a lending
wall in recent months, as the secondary market is frozen, so banks
can't get the old loans off their balance sheets to free up capital
for new loans. For small-business owners, the biggest change is
the amount of credit available to them. Loans unavailable last
week are likely to be attainable and with better conditions than
have existed since the start of this recession. "The advice
you got six months ago isn't relevant anymore," says Seiwert.
"It's time to talk to your banker and find out what's available
under the new conditions."
2009-04-09 16:18:41

Checks For Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Allegedly Falsified
a dozen investigators conducting security-clearance checks for
the federal government have been accused of lying in the reports
they submitted. Federal authorities said they do not think that
anyone who did not deserve a job or security clearance received
one or that investigators intentionally helped people slip through
the screening. Instead, law enforcement officials said, the investigators
lied about interviews they never conducted because they were overworked,
cutting corners, trying to impress their bosses or, in the case
of one contractor, seeking to earn more money by racing through
the checks. OPM's 1,540 staff investigators and 5,300 contractors
conducted more than 2 million background checks last year. Outside
experts cited the prosecution of George Abraham, an investigator
who worked for several firms hired by OPM, as an example of potential
problems in the agency's contracting practices. Abraham was compensated
by the case and raced through investigations to get more work,
authorities said. His motive, Epstein wrote in court papers, "was
simply greed."
More Information Go To: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/08/AR2009040803841.html

Resource Certification Institute Launching Online Searchable Directory
HR Certification Institute will be launching the Online Certificant
Directory. Employers will be able to search for certificants within
the directory to verify their certification status. Listed within
the directory will be:
· Certificant’s full name
· City, state and country certificant resides in
· Certification/designation held by the certificant
· Date that certificant became certified (Certified Since)
directory will include all HR professionals with a current certification
from the HR Certification Institute who have chosen to be included
in the directory.
More Information Go To: www.HRCI.org

Could Give Installers, Monitoring Companies Access To Federal
Criminal Database
National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association recently introduced
in congress legislation that could provide installation and monitoring
companies with the resources to ensure the employees they hire
aren’t a threat to the homes, businesses and families they’re
suppose to help protect. The bill, the "Electronic Life Safety
and Security System Federal Background Check Act of 2009"
(HR 1939), was introduced by Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.) and
would give these companies the ability to check a potential employee’s
criminal history against the National Crime Information Center
or NCIC, a federal criminal database.
More Information Go To: http://www.securityinfowatch.com/Dealers/1311120

Congratulations Platinum Member
Background Announces ISO 9001:2000 Recertification
service providers in the background checking industry have achieved
ISO certification. A recent audit was conducted as part of the
recertification process and Accurate Background was found to have
no non-conformities with the in-depth ISO Standard. The International
Standards Organization (ISO) assists in implementing and auditing
Accurate Background’s Business Management System. The goal
is to attain a variety of metrics concerning the quality of their
products and services through standardized and documented processes.
More Information Go To: https://www.accuratebackground.com/JSP/appdocs/mkt/pdfs/ISO_Recertification_Release.pdf

Congratulations Platinum Member
and HRsmart Integrate Background Screening with Applicant Tracking
a leader in on-demand employment background and drug screening,
has announced a strategic alliance agreement with HRsmart, a leading
provider of talent management software, employee performance management,
applicant tracking, and human resource software solutions. The
new HireRight Pre-integrated Solution for HRsmart will allow business
users to manage their background and drug screening programs through
the HRsmart Applicant Tracking System (ATS). The robust HRsmart
Applicant Tracking System includes a comprehensive dashboard tailored
to the individual user, an easy-to-use and innovative functionality
to help manage day to day activities, deep integrations for sourcing
talent, managing assessments, communicating with Human Resources
Information Systems, and now running employment background checks
and drug tests through HireRight.
More Information Visit The Company's Web Site At http://www.hireright.com/pressreleasedetail.aspx?dpid=44

Launches NationalWebRecords.com
real-time criminal record search product that accesses information
directly from online Ohio court systems, state sex offender databases
and a broad range of online public record sources BackgroundExpress,
a specialized public record research and online background screening
company, announces the launch of NationalWebRecords.com (NWR),
a real-time public record research system. Law firms, temporary
staffing agencies, industries that experience high employee turnover
and other background screening firms will be impressed by NWR’s
interface, where a single search request will initiate multiple
online public record searches of Ohio county and local court systems,
state sex offender databases and a broad range of online public
record sources. Results are available within minutes of initiating
a request through a single report interface. “We are excited
to offer an economic, streamlined and efficient way for searching
public records for our clients,” said BackgroundExpress
President Dennis Drellishak. NWR will be bringing 13 additional
states online shortly after comprehensive testing is complete.
for an up-to-date list of markets where NWR is offered ans to
get more information.

House Research and NH Background Investigations Merge
County House
Research, Inc., a leading provider of in-court public records
research for the mid-Atlantic, and NH Background Investigations,
a leading provider of in-court public record research for New
England, announced that they have merged to form a regional provider
of background information. The merger took effect on March 1,
2009. Both companies will continue to operate separately within
the County House family, maintaining offices in Philadelphia and
New Hampshire. Clients will find few changes on the day-to-day
level; researchers and contacts remain the same. Clients can expect
streamlined office operations, increased investment in technology
and improved turn-around times. By aggregating criminal record
searches directly to a regional research company, clients will
have access to more counties in more states from a provider renowned
for its commitment to expert service.
For More Information
Go To www.countyhouseresearch.com

to the Legal Challenge Question! |
Sponsored By:

the background screening industry continues to get more competitive
the firms that will ultimately succeed will be those that create
competitive advantage through their people by offering continuous
learning opportunities to heightened their knowledge and capabilities.
We believe that having employees that are very knowledgeable about
the legal landscape of background screening is essential to continued
We are grateful
to Pam Devata, Seyfarth
Shaw LLP for providing the expertise for this valuable
endeavor. For information regarding the answers to the Legal Challenge
Questions, please contact Pamela Devata at Seyfarth Shaw LLP at
or 312-460-5000 or visit www.seyfarth.com.
Please choose
your answer by clicking on it:

(continued) |
Dataplus Promotes Two Current Senior Executives To New Positions
ERC Dataplus,
a leading human resource technology company, today announced that
Peter Clarke has been appointed President and COO and Carla Knoll
was made Executive Vice President, Channel Management.
Peter Clarke,
one of the founders of ERC, joined ERC in 1994 as Chief Technology
Officer (a responsibility he will retain) and was the principal
architect of ERC's first application, an IVR-based employment
prescreening application. Under Peter's leadership the Selectech
application has been designed and implemented with a modular design
and industry-leading WizardDriveSM technology allowing clients
to only use those pieces that meet their specific needs. Beginning
in 2006, Peter began assuming more operational responsibilities
and this promotion recognizes his leadership role and contribution
to ERC's growth and development over the past 15 years.
Carla Knoll
initially joined ERC in 1999, and took a leave in 2005, to concentrate
on family. She rejoined ERC as its Vice President, Business Development
in February 2008 and was heavily involved in the development of
the industry's leading ATS reseller program. In addition to her
contribution to the development of the SelectechPoweredSM Reseller
Program, Carla has actively engaged with program partners in developing
strategic business plans to add new revenues to their organizations.
"I am
delighted to be able to recognize these two key executives with
promotions for their numerous contributions to ERC. I am extremely
proud of Carla and the entire ERC team," said Paul Rathblott,
ERC Dataplus CEO.
For More Information
Visit www.ercdataplus.com
or call 1-888-ERC-CORP (372-2677).

New Breed of Angry Ex-Worker
Shocking cases
of fired workers returning with guns blazing to their old workplace
has always made large layoffs a tense time for security teams.
The threat has always been tempered, however, because such cases
are extremely rare; only the most troubled individuals are a real
risk to exact such drastic, deadly revenge. On the other hand,
downloading a little data or planting some malicious code is a
pretty easy way for workers to get back at former employers, and
many seem to be doing it. On Jan. 30, federal prosecutors formally
charged a Fannie Mae contract worker with planting a virus on
the company's network after he was fired, but before he handed
in his ID badge and laptop at the end of the day. Had it not been
discovered, and the code executed as planned, it would have destroyed
and altered all (yes, all) of the data on Fannie Mae's 4,000 computer
servers nationwide, said the indictment. According to a new survey
of security experts and senior IT decision makers by McAfee, Unsecured
Economies: Protecting Vital Information, 42 percent said
that employees being displaced by the slumping economy have become
the biggest threat caused by the current crisis.
To Read The
Full Report Go To: http://resources.mcafee.com/content/NAUnsecuredEconomiesReport

Professionals And Recruiters Warned To Be On Their Guard As 24%
Of Jobseekers Are Prepared To Lie In Interviews And 15% Would
Exaggerate Their Skills And Qualifications.
to a report from talent assessment company SHL Group, 23% of job
applicants said the tough economic climate - plus the belief other
applicants would lie as well - led them to exaggerate in order
to stand a chance of being recruited. Men are more likely to lie
in job interviews - 26% compared with 22% of women - and staff
aged 18-24 are more likely to stretch the truth - 37% compared
with 26% of 35-44 year-olds. "Now is definitely not the time
to cut back on robust recruitment processes. More than ever recruiters
should be undertaking the necessary checks and references."
For More Information
Go To: http://www.hrmagazine.co.uk/news/bulletin/weeklyupdatebulletin/article/898787/

Economy: Money Disappears, Lies Reappear
thinking about cutting budgets for investigations and background
screenings should think again. National and international studies
recently show that job applicants at all position levels are more
likely to lie as the recession grows. In one study, by the Risk
Advisory Group, a shocking 64 percent of job applicants bent the
truth. They also reported that the percentage of discrepancies
had increased by 14 percent over the previous year. This year’s
research shows that job title is the most common lie, with 53
percent of people not telling the truth about their employment
history overall. But the biggest increase – 22 percent –
was in applicants lying about their educational grades. “No
business can afford to invest time and money in someone who is
not up to the job. The only way to know if they are is to check
their credentials independently.”
Top Five Lies
1. Job title
2. Dates of employment
3. Dates of academic qualification
4. Academic grades
5. Academic qualification type
For More Information
Go To: http://www.securitymagazine.com/CDA/Articles/Feature_Article/BNP_GUID_9-5-2006_A_10000000000000565937

Breach Threats From Within Growing
While the
external hacker is something companies have learned to defend
against, the internal data breach threat is growing. Insurance
and cyber security experts say a computer-savvy employee who thinks
his or her job may be in jeopardy may be more inclined to tap
the organization’s database for information that may be
useful in a new job with a competitor. Worse, the employee could
attempt to take revenge on his or her employer as job cuts abound
during the recession, experts say. "I think it’s safe
enough to assume that, as people are put under greater and greater
emotional stress, additional people may lose their moral compass
and do things and take data that, in normal circumstances, they
might not," said Alan E. Brill, New York-based senior managing
director of technology services at Kroll Ontrack, a division of
Kroll Inc., a consultant unit of Marsh & McLennan Cos. Inc.
Brian Lapidus, a colleague of Brill and the Nashville, Tennessee-based
COO of Kroll’s fraud solutions division, said there were
about 1,000 more data security inquiries to Kroll in December
than just last July. Tracey Vispoli, vice president Chubb Group
of Insurance Cos. added that she believes people need to be more
worried about [internal data breaches] than in the past. The trends
are changing and essentially you have a workforce that is more
disgruntled and more upset than in years past, and I think that
is something that will be a looming issue in the years ahead,"
she said.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.businessinsurance.com/cgi-bin/article.pl?articleId=27300

Ways to Build Your Brand Through Customer Service
When it comes
to brand building, customer service is often the last and most-ignored
piece of the puzzle. This is a big mistake--and big missed opportunity.
Aligning customer service and your brand is an essential, but
under used way to attract and retain customers, differentiate
the business, and boost brand loyalty. Done right, it can create
a truly sustainable competitive advantage. Here are six ways we've
seen to use customer service to reinforce brand identity. These
methods can be used to align customer service with established
brands or to build a brand through customer service.
For More Information
and To Read The Full Article Go To: http://blogs.harvardbusiness.org/cs/2009/04/six_ways_to_build_your_brand_t.html?cm_mmc=npv-_-WEEKLY_HOTLIST-_-APR_2009-_-HOTLIST0409

How Marketers Are Using Social Media
to Grow Their Businesses
Social media
marketing is an engagement with online communities to generate
exposure, opportunity and sales. It seems that many marketers
see the social media frontier as the next marketing gold rush.
Given the low cost of entry, many marketing pros are doing more
than just dipping their creative toes into this gold-laden water.
If you're in charge of marketing your business, you'll want to
closely read this study. My team turned over every rock, looking
for the "not so obvious" findings among this content-rich
data. We set out to uncover the "who, what, where, when and
why" of social media marketing with this report. Nearly 900
of your peers provided the kind of insight that previously has
not existed. This study set out to understand how marketers are
using social media to grow andpromote their businesses. On the
following pages you will discover:
- The
top 10 social media questions marketers want answered: We
analyzed nearly 700 open-ended responses and summarized all
the major questions that marketing pros want answered.
- The
time commitment: We examined the weekly hours marketers
invest in their social media efforts. This analysis will be
helpful for marketers just getting started.
- The
benefits of social media marketing: This rather beefy
section reveals all the major advantages marketers are achieving
with their social media efforts. We also looked at how time
invested and experience enhances the achieved benefits.
For More Information
And To Read The Full Study Go To: http://www.whitepapersource.com/socialmediamarketing/

of Contract Talent in US Continues to Grow
According to new research, the segment of the US workforce that
includes contract workers, such as independent contractors, is
growing at more than twice the rate of traditional employment.
Human Resources and Procurement professionals are collaborating
in order to maximize their organizations investment and manage
contract talent strategically. More than 90% of organizations
surveyed for the study, “The State of Contract Talent Management
and the Role of HR,” reported that they use contract talent.
Source: March/April 2009 Staffdigest, Volume 25, No.6
To Access the Actual Study Go To: http://www.mbopartners.com/components/CMS/files/Contract_Talent_Mgmt%20Jan092.pdf
Screening and Investigations: Managing Hiring Risk from the HR
and Security Perspectives
By Barry Nixon, SPHR, and Kim Kerr, CPP; Reviewed by
Peter Psarouthakis
risk in the hiring process can be a challenging task for
an organization’s human resources (HR) and security
departments. Having the right resources and experience to
properly conduct a background screening or an investigation
is vital. Fortunately, there is a growing amount of valuable
material available. Background Screening and
Investigations is one of them. Authors Barry
Nixon and Kim Kerr lay a good foundation by explaining the
risks posed by not having an appropriate screening process.
Next, they address how legal issues can affect background
screening and an organization as a whole. The authors then
explain how security and HR must collaborate in this important
The chapter titled “Background Checking Policy”
is one of the book’s many highlights. Nixon and Kerr
explain the importance of having a policy in place and the
laws governing background screening. |
The usefulness
of this chapter cannot be overstated. The reader could easily
use the authors’ detailed arguments in making the case to
management that a policy is needed. Later, the chapter provides
detailed examples of hiring policies, focusing on specific issues
the documents must address. Other chapters in this book are just
as detailed and informative. Those who conduct background screening
or investigations know the importance of keeping current on the
ever-changing environment of background screening. Background
Screening and Investigations is an important resource
that anyone involved in hiring or the background screening business
should keep close at hand.
with permission of Security Management magazine. This is not intended
to be an endorsement by Security Management magazine or ASIS International.

Season Offers Little Hope: Layoffs Surge, Hiring Expectations
Fall in April
the trend of recent months, April hiring expectations hit four-year
Hiring is down in April by two-thirds in the manufacturing sector
and more than one-half in the service sector compared with the
same time in 2008.
difficulty is nearly nonexistent in March.
Few employers in the manufacturing and service sectors report
having increased difficulty with recruiting in March compared
with March of last year.
Source: SHRM’s
Line Employment Report for April 2009

Site! Many Suppliers! |
Looking for the Top Suppliers in the Industry? Need to find a
new Supplier?
PreemploymentDirectory.com’s VENDOR SHOWCASE
which features suppliers to the Background Screening Industry
(go to www.PreemploymentDirectory.com,
click on ‘Click Here’ and then scroll down to Vendor
Showcase for Background Screening Industry Suppliers)

We can help
you have a high quality e-newsletter to help nurture your relationship
with your clients and attract new clients. Our customized newsletter
service will take over your newsletter task or create a new one
for you. We can manage the creation of your newsletter for you.
We are constantly
researching information to use for The Background Buzz and
you can put our research to use for you. Using the information
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and competitors information) we will create a custom newsletter
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Use your staff’s
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or writing articles, formatting and managing all the other ezine
tasks with our customized ezine process.
Contact Barry
Nixon at 949-770-5264 or at wbnixon@aol.com
for more information.

Warns Jobless Could Turn To Extortion
Rising unemployment
in developed nations tends to lead to more extortion. White collar
acts of extortion rise as jobless numbers mount. The Organisation
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reported that
unemployment in many developed countries will rise above 10% by
the end of 2010.
Extortion can take a number of forms involving physical threats
to property or people. A company reliant on its IT systems, such
as a financial institution, might see computer viruses being introduced
maliciously and more white collar workers with knowledge of their
former employers IT and operating systems turning to extortion
as a way of taking revenge or making money. Charlie Hanbury, special
risks underwriter at Hiscox added: ‘I would expect to see
insurance claims from companies experiencing extortion go up by
at least 25% in this current downturn and it is critical that
organisations thoroughly examine and test their risk management
procedures when it comes to dealing with incidents such as these.’
For More
Information Go To: http://www.strategicrisk.co.uk/story.asp?source=srbreakingnews&storycode=377932

Denied To Worker On Basis That She Lied On Pre-Employment Questionnaire
On 6 February
2009, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal affirmed Comcare's decision
to deny compensation to an employee who claimed that prolonged
periods of sitting in an inappropriate ergonomic setting in the
workplace had caused her to suffer from a "significant"
disc protrusion. The Tribunal found that the employee's injury
had not been caused or aggravated by her work. One of the factors
the Tribunal took into account in making its finding on the evidence
was the fact that the employee had falsely completed a pre-employment
questionnaire, by denying that she had previously suffered from
back pain.
The decision
highlights the useful role that pre-employment questionnaires
can play in the recruitment process.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=78228

Pray That Your Pilot Is Not A Terrorist! - Govt Orders Verification
Following Intel That Terrorists Plan To Hijack Chopper Ferrying
New Delhi: With a large number of politicians using private
aircraft and helicopters for electioneering, the Centre has directed
operators to verify the antecedents of all pilots and ground staff
following intelligence inputs that terrorists may try to abduct
VIPs. Home Ministry sources said the directive asked operators
to have a detailed background verification of the pilots and other
staff and whether they have any links with any person who is considered
as a security threat. Intelligence agencies had received an input
from West Bengal that Lashkar-e-Toiba and Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islamia
terrorists were trying to infiltrate and hijack a chopper ferrying
a VIP, sources said.
For More Information Go To: http://www.mumbaimirror.com/index.aspx?page=ar6041909358567ae3d4

Infoline Signs Up With First Advantage For Verifydirect
Mumbai, India,
- The Employer Services segment of First Advantage Corporation
announced that India Infoline has become the first company to
sign up for VerifyDirect™, Asia-Pacific’s first-ever,
contributory, database-driven, online background screening service.
Upon receiving the individual’s consent, VerifyDirect can
be used by any bonafide company for conducting background checks
on potential employees, contract/vendor staff or customers through
secure online transactions 24/7.
Ashish Dehade,
managing director (West Asia) of First Advantage, said, “The
signup with India Infoline reaffirms the faith of Indian corporates
in the need for a digitized database that has the potential to
optimize cost and time opportunities in the existing process of
verification of background information. VerifyDirect, aiming to
be the largest verification database in the country and the Asia-Pacific
for employment history and education records, will make available
data in the public domain and will be consent-driven. This will
add to the transparency and authenticity of the process.”
For More
Information Please Contact – Reshma Pai at reshmra.pai@FADV.com
China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center
(CDGDC) is responsible for evaluating and appraising the academic
degrees and graduate education and researching the degree equivalency
between China and foreign countries, mainland China and its special
regions Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, providing the counseling
for reciprocal degree acknowledgement agreements in this area.
Verifile has signed an exclusive agreement with China's Academic
Degrees and Graduate Education Development Centre (CDGDC) to provide
a more streamlined approach when verifying Chinese academic and
vocational qualifications. Organisations that employ individuals
with qualifications gained in China will now have one source to
verify the status of the Chinese educational institution and authenticate
the degree a candidate claims to have.
More Information Go To: http://www.verifile.cn/

Training Resources:
Federation for Personnel Management, Events, http://www.wfpma.com/dates.html
view the International Section go to http://www.preemploymentdirectory.com/
look in the middle of the page for the gray bar like the one below.

Background Investigations in the Middle East
Zafar I. Anjum, CFE, CEO, CRI Group, Dubai, UAE
the complex world of employee background screening, no two countries
are alike. In the Middle East technology is limited in many parts
of the region. Privacy legislation varies from country to country
and from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Cultural differences can
impact the flow of information. Language barriers can contribute
to inaccurate reporting. Instead of database-driven investigations
that are generally conducted in the United States, professionals
in the Middle East must conduct large parts of their investigations
literally on foot, traveling to remote regions to scour records
and interview sources.
biggest challenge to conducting background investigations in the
Middle East is collecting reliable information in the most efficient
manner. This requires a well-trained and diverse group of professional
investigators who are multilingual and multi-cultural, are familiar
with those geographic regions and can easily traverse the obstacles
that often impede international investigations. Those obstacles
- Working
with local customs offices;
Complying with data protection laws and mandates;
Knowledge level of local investigative researchers;
Lack of centralized information resources and databases; and
- The
proliferation of multicultural environments that are particularly
influenced by locals who vastly differ in their approaches to
investigative screening and public record searches, particularly
with information collected via database sources.
Read The Full Article Go To: Click

Should Not ‘Hide Behind’ Data Protection Act
Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has this week urged
organisations not to hide behind the Data Protection Act unnecessarily
when dealing with individuals. The ICO’s call comes as it
continues to encounter incidents where data protection is wrongly
used by organisations as a reason for refusing to give out any
personal information or for prevening them from dealing with certain
types of enquiries. The most bizarre instance they cite is an
incident involving a young lady who was refused service from a
clothes shop after she requested a shop assistant to check if
another store had her size in a bikini. The shop assistant refused
– citing the Data Protection Act.
More Information Go To: http://www.workplacelaw.net/news/display/id/19438

Warned Of Heightened Fraud Threat
businesses are being warned by the Fraud Advisory Panel (FAP)
to be extra alert to fraud risks during the recession. The Panel
has warned that the risk of fraud is at its worst during economic
hard times and that a fraud attack could see small firms go under.
The Panel, a registered charity established by the Institute of
Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, notes reported fraud
against British businesses has increased significantly over the
last year. Ros Wright explained that recession increases the potential
for businesses to fall victim to new frauds committed by opportunistic
criminals or previously honest people and companies under economic
pressure. She added that it often brings to light existing frauds
as credit lines run out and financial manipulation can no longer
be concealed.
Read About The Areas of Potential Risk Identified By The Panel
Go To: http://www.workplacelaw.net/news/display/id/19613

Specialize in Promoting the Products and Services of businesses
in the Background Screening Industry. Click on the specific Marketing
Portfolio above that fits your business.

invite you to pull up a chair, grab a latte and join us
in the Background Bistro. This week’s guest is Bob
Vale, CEO, ClearStar.net.
Before starting ClearStar.net,
Bob graduated from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh
and worked for the corporate office of UPS as their Manager
of Loss Prevention Technical Support. While at UPS, Bob
learned about background screening and in 1995 founded Compass
Clarity, Inc., along with Ken Dawson and William White,
who were colleagues at UPS. The initial system they provided
in the screening industry, Compass Clarity, was a client
server-based system and was transferred to the internet
in 1999 when it was apparent that the Internet was going
to be a substantial business medium. The new Internet version
was named ClearStar.net, as a play on Compass Clarity, which
revered to the north star. Although Bob’s company
was officially named Compass Clarity, the name ClearStar.net
was so powerful, that even customers using the Compass Clarity
product started writing checks to ClearStar.nett,
so in 2001, Compass Clarity, Inc. started using the dba
of ClearStar.net.
ClearStar.net is
a workflow management system for screening companies that
is being used on an international scale. The focus of the
software-as-a-service model is to empower screening companies
with an efficient and cost effective workflow management
system. The model of ClearStar.net
is to be “on the same side of the fence” as
their clients, with the revenue coming from overall increase
of business, instead of selling development or features.
“Our technology promotes both security and compliance,
while reducing costs. In the past several years, we have
had many of our customers ask us to take on more of the
backoffice infrastructure of their screening business, so
in 2008 we launched ClearStar Logistics, Inc, to meet the
demand” says Bob.
As CEO of the company, Bob sees his role in a unique way,
stating, "I see myself as the coach. I am very lucky
to have great players with a wealth of industry experience
that know their positions on the field. I do a lot of coordination
and have to see what is coming over the horizon, so I spend
a lot of time talking to people to see what their challenges
are and bringing ideas back to my team for discussion."
“We try to anticipate where the market is going and
our clients’ needs by redefining the playing field.
We also study the changing market dynamics so that we can
look for alternatives to offer in the future. In many instances
we are looking for new avenues that have direct impact on
changing the dynamics of the industry.”
On the
personal side, Bob is married and has three teenage girls.
of Bob’s passionate interests is Corvettes. His thoughts
on the American-made sports car run a little deeper than
most. He owns a Corvette and proudly states that he knows
a lot about them and has just about every book ever published
on them. He went on to say “I love them and to me
they are much more than just a car. To me, it’s a
piece of American history and not just something you drive,
it is something you have stewardship of, especially the
classics, I think that there is a connection between the
Corvette and the American Blue-collar worker. It is our
country’s only true sports car, and something that
is part of our fabric as a culture."
interest of Bob is photography, architecture and design.
He has a collection of about forty old cameras. He added
with a smile that his interest in photography goes back
to high school where he got involved in black & white
photography. He lamented over the hours in the dark room
and how he enjoyed bulk loading his own film and developing
it. Bob also enjoys watching football, a carryover from
having been the captain of his football team in high school.
He cites Terry Bradshaw, Deacon Jones and Alex Karras as
some of his favorite past players. He added that he has
difficulty really getting into professional sports now because
of the attitude of many of the players, stating, "Things
are just different now and not the same as when I was growing
up. Players are selfish and don’t play for the love
of the game. When I was growing up the players’ attitudes
were totally different and it made it easier to pull for
them. I mostly watch college ball now and enjoy going to
the University of Geogia games, where his oldest daughter
plays in the Red Coat marching band. Go Dawgs!"
His taste in music is quite eclectic and he listens to a
wide variety of musicians including Buddy Guy, Chuck Berry,
Bo Diddly, Mojo Nixon, Jerry Reed, Golden Earring and Louis
Prima. Bob indicated that he collects a lot of old music,
both released and unreleased, and that he can go from hard
rock to rap to blues. He also has a large collection of
Allan Sherman comedy recordings, which he loves to share.
An organization that is very dear to Bob’s heart is
The Sue Weaver C.A.U.S.E. Bob’s involvement in the
organization fits right in with the type of work that his
company provides. Along with his support of the Sue Weaver
C.A.U.S.E., Bob supports the USO, is a life member of the
American Legion and is an avid supporter of Forsyth Central
High School band, The Flash of Crimson.
asked about what does he foresee in the future - Bob’s
outlook for his company is very bright, stating, "I
think that the services that we provide will become more
vital. I think that our practices will become more ingrained
in people’s day-to-day lives. Not only will the ongoing
information that a company receives about an individual
before and during employment continue to become more and
more important, but how the individual consumer interacts
with and has input into that information about themselves
will be vital in the maintaining of their electronic identity."
You may contact Bob Vale at www.clearstar.net
or he may be reached at 1-770-416-1900.

Checks? Do They Measure Up In Your Staffing Service?
on Staffdigest's research 96.7% of respondents to their
survey of staffing firms perform background checks and 83.6%
use an outside service to do this work.
Source: Staffdigest, March/April 2009, Volume 25, No. 6.


Events (Click
Here to View full list of 2009 Events) – Updated Monthly
State Conferences, visit http://www.shrm.org/Conferences/StateAffilliateConferences/Pages/default.aspx
and Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA), 2008 Training
Course Schedule, visit http://datia.org
Association for Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS),
2009 Webinar Schedule, visit www.napbs.com |
Federation for Personnel Management, Events, http://www.wfpma.com/dates.html