Oklahoma Supreme Court Rescinds Controversial Records Rule Restricting
Public Access To Court Records
Oklahoma Supreme Court today rescinded its controversial rules
that would limit public access to court information on its Web
site and in court files, saying it wanted to give the issue further
study and consideration. The rule change was heavily criticized
after the court issued the new rules March 11.
More Information Go To: http://www.newsok.com/article/3220553

Guards' Pasts Not Probed: State Does Not Regulate In-House
Hiring Procedures
City Beach, FL - The Sandpiper Beacon security guard accused of
sexually assaulting a teenage spring breaker last week was exempt
from a state law requiring at least a week's training and a nationwide
criminal history check. State officials said Shawn Wuertley did
not have a Florida security license and would not have qualified
for one because of his prison record. But, because he worked for
the hotel and not a security company, a license was not necessary.
"If a private entity such as a motel wants to use one of
its own staff members, and not carry a gun, the person does not
undergo any special training or any background investigation,"
said Terry McElroy, spokesman for the Florida Division of Licensing.
It is not clear whether the hotel conducted its own background
check when he was hired.
More Information Go To: http://www.newsherald.com

are continuing to create boutique criminal records databases.
Baltimore, Maryland recently approved legislation that would create
a public Gun
Offenders Registry, requiring those convicted of gun related
offenses register their name, address, and photograph with the
police department. As yet, a Web database is not available.
For More Information On Other Boutique Criminal Records Database
Go To:

Second Chance Through Expungement Program
Second Chance Through Expungement program, launched by County
Executive Robert Ficano, seeks to eliminate a barrier that often
keeps previously incarcerated people from getting a job. Under
the program, Wayne County residents who have had one nonviolent
offense and have not gotten into trouble in the past five years
will be eligible to get the conviction set aside. County dollars
will help fund expungements, which can cost as much as $1,200.
Expunging convictions has been legal in Michigan since 1965. A
partnership with Legal Aid and Defenders, Michigan State Police,
the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office and judges will help oversee
the process. There are about 8,500 nonviolent offenders in Wayne
County, but it's unclear how many of them are out of work and
eligible for the program, director Jones said. About 1,000 people
showed up for the meeting to find out about getting their records.
More Information Go To: http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080319/METRO/803190419/1409/METRO
Time To Go Back To School With employeescreenIQ
launches employeescreen
University , a first-of-its-kind interactive, educational
learning resource for human resource, security and risk-management
professionals, which features regularly updated, free background-screening
information aimed to help you make better hiring decisions. employeescreen
University is pioneering - an interactive learning tool designed
specifically for your use. The Web site provides you with the
opportunity to learn how to enhance your background screening
procedures with best practices, as well as important information
that affects your use of background checks. Click on this link
for your trip back to school! university.employeescreen.com
monitors current employees for criminal behavior.

Announces Newest Software Advancement For Professional Background
has launched its latest and highly anticipated online software
advancement called the InstaScreen Premiere 2.0.
The InstaScreen Premiere 2.0 is a full-featured, user-friendly,
Internet-based software, allowing background screening companies,
consumer reporting agencies and investigative industries to exceed
their clients’ expectations with the most simple and powerful
software on the market. The background screening industry is moving
rapidly away from manual transcription and data entry towards
electronic data exchange. InstaScreen Premiere 2.0 has been developed
to facilitate this transition with its Data Exchange Gateway.
For Additional
information Go To: www.tazworks.com

Inc. Enhances Electronic Fingerprinting Solution
Inc., a leading provider of global
employment screening and applicant
management services, and technology partner Advantage Biometrics
Group, a leader in Live Scan technology, today announced the release
of Verifications’ enhanced electronic
fingerprinting solution that allows employers to electronically
submit fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
or applicable state agency. The solution combines a nationwide
network of electronic
Live Scan devices with a web-based management interface that
enables employers to initiate, track and manage the electronic
fingerprinting process right from their desktop.
For More
Information Go To: http://www.verificationsinc.com/enhanced-electronic-fingerprinting-solution-press-release.html

This Month’s Challenge is sponsored by:
2008-2009 Background Screening Industry Buyers Guide

Here For More Information on the Buyers Guide
As the background
screening industry continues to get more competitive the firms
that will ultimately succeed will be those that create competitive
advantage through their people by offering continuous learning
opportunities to heightened their knowledge and capabilities.
We believe that having employees that are very knowledgeable about
the legal landscape of background screening is essential to continued
We are grateful
to Pam Devata, Seyfarth
Shaw LLP for providing the expertise for this valuable
endeavor. For information regarding the answers to the Legal Challenge
Questions, please contact Pamela Devata at Seyfarth Shaw LLP at
or 312-460-5000 or visit www.seyfarth.com.
Please choose
your answer by clicking on it:
Question #3
I am assisting my employer client with the adverse
action process, what is the best practice for sending
a notification to the applicant/employee?
a) If
it is an applicant, send two letters, one stating
they are not hired along with a copy of the report,
and one stating they can dispute the information in
the report.
b) If
they are an employee, send a letter notifying them
that they are terminated from employment, but you
do not need to send a copy of the report.
c) Regardless
of the employee is an applicant or employee, send
a copy of the report, summary of rights, and a letter
telling them they are not hired or are terminated.
d) Regardless
of the employee is an applicant or employee, send
one letter with a copy of the report, summary of rights
and information stating the company is thinking about
taking adverse action and the consumer can dispute
the report, then send a second letter taking the adverse

United States and European Union Negotiating Personal-Data
Sharing Treaty
nation's precarious economy seems to be having dissimilar
effects on hiring. High-level and highly skilled workers
remain in demand while some U.S. employers are beginning
to think about hiring freezes and downsizings. A survey
conducted by New York consulting firm Mercer found that
33 percent of U.S. employers may implement hiring freezes
or downsize their staffs due to the current economic slump.
In addition, according to Milwaukee-based Baird Equity Research,
an international asset management firm, the rate at which
the economy is adding jobs has slowed.
More Information Go To: http://www.hreonline.com/HRE/sto

To Do When The Competition Heats Up And The Market Slows
By Bruce Berg |
is me, my sales are down 10% and my profits are slipping
away. What should I do?”
Maybe you are
not facing this quite yet, however, if the economic forecasts
are correct, you will be in 2008. Classic marketing theory
says, in a down economy, you should increase your expenditures
for marketing and sales. You ask, “How can I increase
my expenditures when I anticipate my sales will drop; how
will I pay for these?” Well, there are some options.
To Read
the Full Article Go To: http://www.bergconsultinggroup.com/id60.html
in 100: Behind Bars in America 2008
report by Pew's Public Safety Performance Project details
how, for the first time in history, more than one in every
100 adults in America are in jail or prison http://www.pewcenteronthestates.

You Like To Get Introduced to More Than 20,000 Human Resource

Guide is going to debut at the 2008 SHRM Annual Conference
in June in Chicago. We will be showcasing firms in the background
screening industry and distributing copies to more than
20,0000 human resource professionals at conferences as well
as thru mailings.
is Running Out For You To Be In This Landmark Publication!
have a price point to fit every size budget.
More Information Click
Here or to reserve space contact Barry Nixon at wbnixon@aol.com
Would Require Drug Tests For Welfare Recipients
County’s representative in the Missouri Senate, Sen. Jason
Crowell, R-Cape Girardeau, Wednesday filed legislation that would
require public benefit recipients to pass a drug test in order
to receive state benefits. The bill would require the Department
of Social Services to develop a screening program for those receiving
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. "This program provides
an important outreach to help families in some dire situation
in Missouri," said Sen. Crowell. "This legislation will
assure that the people utilizing these funds are not abusing this
service, and are really trying to improve their quality of life."
More Information Go To: http://www.semissourian.com/story/1315061.html

TazWorksNew ad

Employees Steal: Five Reasons Your Business Could Be Vulnerable
To Fraud
last thing you want to discover is that one of your employees
is stealing from your small business. Not only is it a total violation
of your trust, but internal fraud also has the potential to put
you out of business. According to the Association of Certified
Fraud Examiners, businesses lose an average of 5% of revenues
each year to fraud. Could your company survive if an employee
stole 5% of your revenues? The new book, Essentials of Corporate
Fraud, details many of the red flags that may point to fraud in
your company. There are literally hundreds of warning signs that
might indicate an employee is engaged in a fraud scheme. Here
are a few:Is an employee struggling with personal problems? Employees
with financial troubles, addictions, chronic legal problems, instability
in their personal lives, or unusual work habits might be more
likely to commit the fraud. Are accounting errors popping up?
A company's accounting process and financial records might also
point to an ongoing fraud. Some of the best business software
will alert you if bookkeeping entries don't line up the way they
should.For More Information Go To: http://www.walletpop.com/2008/03/17/when-employees-steal-five-reasons-your-business-could-be-vulner/

Background, Inc. Announces Record Breaking Growth
Background, Inc., a leader in the background screening industry,
recently announced that nationwide sales continue to exceed expectations;
2007 numbers show sales increased by over 150% from 2006. The
company has also already experienced record-breaking sales in
January 2008, generating more new clients in the single month,
surpassing the entire first quarter of 2007. Vice President of
Sales & Marketing Aaron Charbonnet commented that, True to
form, we are beginning 2008 at an amazing, almost unbelievable
pace showing nearly a 300% increase in closed sales over the same
period last year.”
more information about Accurate Background, Inc. and its products,
call (800) 784-3911 or visit the Company's web site at www.accuratebackground.com.

the use of an online system too difficult for
your clients to use?
background screening software is so easy
to use that your clients will actually enjoy
placing orders!
your current applicant screening system is so
cumbersome it discourages end-users from using
it, you owe it to yourself to choose a system
your customers will actually use. Imagine receiving
more orders and saving your processors valuable
time by getting your clients to enter the orders
for you.
and powerful, InstaScreen™ is intuitive,
easy to use, and flexible to accommodate your
clients specialized needs.
(801) 572-7401 or visit www.tazworks.net
and demo our easy-to-use technology first hand.

Testing Systems, Inc. Integrates Background Screening Services
With Taleo’s Industry Leading Talent Management Platform
Testing Systems, Inc., the leading provider of pre-employment
screening services, announced today that it has entered into an
alliance with Taleo (NASDAQ: TLEO), the leading provider of talent
management solutions. Under the terms of the agreement, Sterling’s
background screening services will be integrated with Taleo’s
leading on demand recruiting solution, Taleo Enterprise Edition.
Sterling’s certified integration with Taleo Enterprise Edition
7.5 will allow customers to quickly and more efficiently initiate
background screens from the Taleo talent management platform.
With this integration, applicant data can be securely and automatically
transferred to Sterling, eliminating the need for faxing or redundant
data entry. The result is a more efficient, accurate and timely
screening and on-boarding process.
More Information Go To: http://www.sterlingtesting.com/News/Press.aspx?prId=50

Anyone Care or Even Notice If You Went Out of Business?
would your company fare in the harsh glare of self-examination?
Do you provide such a unique product or service that customers
would be saddened to see you go?
· Have you forged an emotional connection with your customers
that another company couldn't duplicate?
· Could your employees find an employer that treated them
as well as your company?
Po!nt: "How does your company rank?" asks Moore.
"Can you answer YES with conviction? Or, do you have to concede
by answering NO?" If the latter, it's time to work on drumming
up support.
Source: John Moore, Brand Autopsy, http://www.brandautopsy.com
John can be reached at john@brandautopsy.com

employee deletes 7-years worth of architectural drawings
As businesses worry about natural disasters and act of terrorism,
they should also be mindful, and prepared for, spiteful, angry,
and vengeful employees. Marie Cooley of Jacksonville, Florida,
came across a job announcement in the classified section of a
local paper -- a job which looked like hers. She admits she was
certain she was about to be fired. So police say that late Sunday
night she crept into the Mandarin office where she worked at Steven
E. Hutchins Architects. "She decided to go and mess up everything
for everybody," said Jacksonville Sheriff's Office spokesman
Ken Jefferson. Jefferson says Cooley accessed the company's server
with her own account, and with a handful of mouse clicks and keystrokes
she deleted seven years' worth of architectural drawings. Seven
years of work were gone in but a few seconds. The company put
the value of the deleted files at $2.5 million.
More Information Go To: http://hsdailywire.com/single.php?id=5419

You Protected Against Misconduct By Your Network Administrator?
everyone's worst nightmare: You arrive at the office on a Monday
morning, and your network administrator has vanished. Maybe she
took off for Tahiti, got hit by a bus, or got a better offer.
Worse yet, maybe he was not managing at a level that was expected
of him, and walked off in a huff when called to the carpet. No
one wants to believe that, upon leaving, a network administrator
would ever do anything to negatively impact your firm. Far too
many firms reject the notion of a written employment agreement,
arguing that they never had one in the past, and nothing bad has
happened. "It won't happen to us." At some time in the
life cycle of every firm you will replace your network administrator
— whether due to performance issues, retirement, illness,
or other unforeseen circumstances. And keep in mind that your
network administrator maintains the "keys to the kingdom."
Your network is the heart of your legal organization — it
contains essential data about your firm and your clients. Anticipate
these departures with adequate planning and procedures. In fact,
your organization should have departure protocols in place for
every key IT staff member — as well as outside consultants
and programmers. Here are tips on how to protect your firm:
More Information Go To:

ID Theft Spreading The Pain
patient data can threaten lives, ruin credit and assault health
insurers with bogus claims
Possibly the fastest-growing
and least-understood form of identity theft: medical identity
theft. Up to 500,000 Americans have been victimized and may not
know it, says the World Privacy Forum, which published the definitive
review of the subject in 2006.
to 500,000 Americans have been victimized and may not know it”
Individuals made nearly
19,500 complaints of medical ID theft with the Federal Trade Commission
from January 1992 to April 2006. “We’re seeing a larger
volume of theft reports, and those reports are coming in more
frequently,” says Byron Hollis, national anti-fraud director
for the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, which represents the
39 Blue Cross Blue Shield health plans.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.insurancefraud.org/fraudFocus.htm

Reminder for New York Employers: Focus on Employee Privacy and
Data Security
Identity theft has
become one of the fastest growing crimes in America. To combat
identity theft, many state legislatures have been enacting legislation
focused on privacy and data security of personal information.
The New York legislature has been in the forefront in this effort.
The scope of state legislation impacts all New York businesses
in their capacity as employers, among others. The privacy and
data security laws enacted in New York in the past few years prescribe
the manner in which New York business must handle personal information,
including employee information. We summarize three (3) enactments
that all New York employers should know and comply with: Social
Security Number Protection, Data Destruction and Data Breach Notification.
Compliance with these requirements involves various levels of
management and legal counsel. Multi-state employers may have to
address separate laws in different jurisdictions. These issues,
with their potential for class action claims, negative publicity
and significant liability, should be at the top of any chief executive's
corporate compliance agenda.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.jacksonlewis.com/legalupdates/article.cfm?aid=1293

of Certified Fraud Examiners |
average organization loses more than $9 a day per employee
to fraud and abuse.
The average organization loses about 6% of its total
annual revenue to fraud and abuse committed by its own employees.
Fraud and abuse costs U.S. organizations more than $400
billion annually.
The median loss per case caused by males is about $185,000;
by females, about $48,000. |

26, 2008 |
- Purpose, Function Committees, Accreditation |
Poquette |
Register Here:

can help you have a high quality e-newsletter to help nurture
your relationship with your clients and attract new clients. Our
customized newsletter service will take over your newsletter task
or create a new one for you. We can manage the creation of your
newsletter for you.
are constantly researching information to use for The Background
Buzz and you can put our research to use for you. Using the
information rich content from The Background Buzz (minus
the ads and competitors information) we will create a custom newsletter
for you.
your staff’s time to do more valuable work and save all
the hassle of researching or writing articles, formatting and
managing all the other ezine tasks with our customized ezine process.
Barry Nixon at 949-770-5264 or at wbnixon@aol.com
for more information.

Place! Many Suppliers! |
for the Top Suppliers in the Industry? Need to find a new Supplier?
Visit PreemploymentDirectory.com’s
VENDOR SHOWCASE which features suppliers to the
Background Screening Industry (go to www.PreemploymentDirectory.com,
click on ‘Click Here’ and then scroll down to Vendor
Showcase for Background Screening Industry Suppliers)

Screening for
Hazardous Employees – Taking Screening to the Next Level
Infinity Screening comes of age with the feature story in Security
Management magazine. This is a must read for background screening
firms considering offering on-going screening and reprints would
be a great sales aid for educating prospects about the concept.
The article gives insightful tips on setting up a policy, addressing
internal issues and how to deal with some of the sticky legal
considerations for screening current employees.
Source: Security Management, March 2008. See www.SecurityManagement.com
for more information.

Pre-employment Screening – Special Report
HR Magazine did an extensive spread on Background Screening in
the February edition with a considerable focus on the implementation
of standards for quality and ethical operations as well as advances
in technology. A positive article packed with insightful information
for HR Managers.
Source: HR Magazine, February 2008 edition

Forges Ahead with Development of Global Alliance of Background
Screening Firms
United Kingdom
Meeting - 33 screening professionals accepted the invitation
of the NAPBS International Committee and met in the UK to discuss
the future of the global background screening and vetting industry.
Bob Capwell, said, “At this point, I hope that everyone
understands there is a need for a global screening alliance not
only in the U.K. and the U.S. but all around the world. It was
great to hear everyone’s opinions, ideas and even oppositions.
We must all come together to establish a common ground of best
practices and start the process of holding our members to a higher
standard within our industry.”
Meeting - 11 screening professionals accepted the invitation
of the NAPBS International Committee and met in Singapore to discuss
the development of an international global screening alliance.
The meeting served as an opportunity for members of the Asia Pacific
Area Countries Sub-Committee to meet one another and other interested
parties. There was a robust dialogue between attendees and all
agreed that creating a global alliance of screening firms was
a very positive development.
Drug and Alcohol Policies vs. Human Rights: The Latest Chapter
Safety policies
in Alberta have been in constant friction with human rights legislation
ever since drug and alcohol testing was implemented. Under the
Occupational Health and Safety Act, employers have a duty to ensure
the health and safety of workers. To minimise harm caused by impairment
at the worksite, owners and contractors in Alberta, particularly
in the oil sands, have been incorporating drug and alcohol policies
into their safety programs. While it is a laudable goal to have
a safe worksite, owners and contractors have faced numerous legal
challenges to drug and alcohol policies brought pursuant to the
Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturism Act. The December
28, 2007 decision of the Alberta Court of Appeal in Alberta (Human
Rights and Citizenship Commission) v. Kellogg Root & Brown
(Canada) Company1 is the latest chapter in understanding the fine
balance between drug and alcohol policies and human rights. The
Court of Appeal stated that there was no evidence that Mr. Chiasson
was addicted to marijuana or that his termination by KBR was based
on a perception that he was addicted to marijuana. Given these
findings, the Court of Appeal determined that the KBR policy could
only be discriminatory if the effect of it was that anyone testing
positive was perceived as addicted and therefore disabled. As
to the purpose of the KBR policy, the Court of Appeal said:
For More Information
Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=57236&email_access=on
United States and European Union Negotiating Personal-Data
Sharing Treaty
United States and the European Union (EU) are negotiating
a personal-data sharing treaty to make it easier to share
such information across borders. A “high-level contact
group”—composed of senior officials who hold
the rank of at least assistant secretary—to reach
a formal agreement on cross-border data sharing, DHS Chief
Privacy Officer Hugo Teufel told the Institute for Defense
and Government Advancement. The discussions are to facilitate
a “smoother process” for the sharing of that
data, he said, adding, “There’s going to be
a treaty.” Because more information will be flowing
across EU and U.S. borders, “we will have to find
ways to harmonize and work together,” Teufel said.
more information will be flowing across EU and U.S. borders,
“we will have to find ways to harmonize and work together”
treaty will have to work out the different approaches to
personal-data management that Europeans and Americans have,
Teufel said. The Europeans have a more comprehensive approach,
encompassing government and private enterprise, he noted,
while the American approach is usually more pragmatic, more
targeted, more ad hoc and more specific to particular areas.
But while the Europeans’ approach is different, “they
aren’t any better than the Americans” when it
comes to managing personal data and privacy issues, Teufel
For More Information go To: http://www.shrm.org/global/news_p
membership may be required)

To Prepare Employee Database To Counter Attrition
New Delhi/Gurgaon:
Facing huge productive manpower crunch in a labour-intensive industry,
BPO companies are now pinning their hope on the education system
which could produce productive manpower. Nevertheless, considering
the fact that attrition in the industry has been worsening and
hitting the sector adversely, key players have chalked out a plan
to get the background investigations done of all employees and
thereby creating a data bank for reference for the employers.
Giving details of the initiative, Business Process Industry Association
of India (BPIAI) president Samir Chopra said that they are going
to hire an investigation’s company to carry out this task.
"It’s unacceptable to the industry that people who
join companies desert them within few weeks. Then the companies,
which have invested so much into the training, lose the man and
also the investment for no fault of theirs. We intend to stop
this by initiating this step," Chopra added.
More Information Go To: http://www.Timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Business/India_Business/

Fined Under Data Protection Act
London law firms must pay £815 each after the Information
Commissioner sued them for not fulfilling their duties under the
Data Protection Act. The firms had failed to register as processors
of personal information. The Data Protection Act (DPA) demands
that organisations who deal with personal information must register
with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). Grier Olubi
of Adejobi Solicitors and Robert Bentley of Bentley's Solicitors
were fined £300 each and ordered to pay £500 in costs
and a victims' surcharge of £15 by Stratford Magistrates'
Court. The ICO said it had told both the lawyers a number of times
that they must register, but that the warnings were ignored.
More Information Go To: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/22/lawyers_fined_4_data_breach/

Kingdom: Top Data Protection Issues For HR Managers
Gone are
the days when data protection was just to do with maintaining
employee confidentiality and updating contact details from time
to time. As busy HR managers are finding, employees now have a
much better awareness of their rights (though not necessarily
their responsibilities): they have the right to know what information
is being processed about them and why, they have the right of
access to most of that information and they have the right to
expect it to be held securely and not passed on to others who
have no legitimate right to see it. Employees also need to understand
their responsibilities towards other "data subjects"
(ie., those whose personal information is processed by the employer),
so as to ensure that they do not (unwittingly or otherwise) trample
on those other people’s rights. The following checklist
is meant to provide a practical guide to the key data protection
issues facing HR managers on a daily basis, and covers the following
four areas: Recruitment; Employee Monitoring; Disputes; and Overseas
data transfers and business disposals.
further information, visit:
www.ico.gov.uk (Information
Commissioner’s Office)
www.crb.gov.uk (Criminal Records
(Disclosure Scotland)
Source: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=57448&email_access=on

Workplace Survey Shows Honesty Is The Best Policy
A new
international workplace survey by Kelly Services, one of the UK’s
leading recruitment agencies, has revealed the UK is one of the
most honest nations when it comes to the job seeking process.
Only 8% of the UK admit to being untruthful on their CV or in
an interview situation. The most common lies were revealed to
be inflating previous salaries and omitting negative details from
past employment. Crossing the gender divide, the results reveal
UK women are marginally more honest than men, with only 1.8% of
females omitting negative details from past employment and 3%
inflating their salary. Of the men surveyed, 3% omitted negative
details from their past and 3.3% inflated their salary. “Telling
a deliberate untruth on your CV or in an interview situation is
illegal and counter productive,” according to Steve Girdler,
Director of Marketing for Kelly Services, “ as subsequent
checks by an employer will reveal the truth and result in the
candidate going no further. Even worse, you could end up facing
disciplinary action should an untruth on your CV be uncovered
once you get the job.
More Information Go To: http://www.kellyservices.co.uk/res/content/uk/services/en/docs/honesty_press_release.doc

10 Overseas Security Trends for the U.S. Private Sector in 2007
of trade secrets, cyber attacks, insider threats, “home-grown”
political radicalism, terrorism and political conflict were among
the top security challenges of 2007 confronting U.S. businesses,
nongovernmental organizations and academic institutions operating
overseas, according to a year-end analysis of trends reported
during the past year by the Overseas Security Advisory Council
(OSAC). “These growing threats are among the many consequences
— some good, and some bad — of increased globalization,”
said Todd Brown, a Special Agent with the Department of State’s
Bureau of Diplomatic Security and Executive Director of OSAC.
“As an increasing number of U.S. businesses, academic institutions,
and nonprofits expand the scope of their international operations,
they must learn to safeguard their facilities and personnel by
incorporating security and risk management into their core business
practices,” he said. Brown added, “Those U.S. entities
that take proactive security postures, manage their risks, and
develop an internal culture of resiliency often are better able
to survive and even thrive in riskier environments or in the aftermath
of disasters.”
More Information Go To: https://www.osac.gov/Reports/report.cfm?contentID=77971

have greatly enhanced our International Resource Center to be
a valuable resource for anyone looking for information on doing
international background verifications, vetting or verifications.
It includes information on international data protection and other
laws, terrorist searches and much more. Also included is very
practical information on time zones, locating cities, holidays
in different countries, etc.
United Kingdom’s Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
- The Fit and Proper test for Approved Persons
International Training Resources
We have added International Training Resources to the International
Resource Center. We will update this section as we identify new
training and educational opportunities.
this valuable resource so you can use it over and over.
view the International Section go to www.PreemploymentDirectory.com
and look under the gray line like below in the middle of the page:

Manpower Employment Outlook Survey Reveals Strong Hiring Outlook
for the First Quarter of 2008 in India, France, Italy and Netherlands;
Slight Softening Trend in the U.S.
Manpower Employment Outlook Survey released today revealed that
employer optimism in the global labor market is varied, with employers
in 16 of 27 countries and territories indicating softer hiring
plans compared to one year ago, but improved job prospects quarter-over-quarter
in 12 countries and territories. In the U.S., the outlook is relatively
stable from the fourth quarter, but slightly softer than one year
ago, reflecting the economic concerns that continue to weigh on
the minds of employers. German and Indian employers anticipate
a continued positive hiring pace, although slightly slower than
three months ago.
strongest first quarter hiring prospects reported globally were
in Peru, Singapore, India, Argentina, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, South
Africa, Australia, Japan and Norway. Meanwhile, Irish employers
reported the weakest hiring plans globally. The quarterly survey
by Manpower Inc. is the world's most extensive forward-looking
employment survey, with interviews of nearly 52,000 employers
worldwide. All reports are based on seasonally adjusted data,
where available.
More Information Go To: http://investor.right.com/ireye/ir_site.zhtml?ticker=**RHT&script=410&layout=0&item_id=1085993

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Location |
Software Engineer
CO, United States |
Regional Sales Representative
Pines, NC, United States |
Marketing/Sales Agent
Louis, Missouri, United States |
12/31/2007 |
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