Fake-Degree Burns By Researching Academic Credentials
you’re a hiring manager or human resources professional,
chances are you review applications and resumes from people who
want to work for your organization or who want to be promoted.
Some applicants may list credentials — like a bachelor’s,
master’s, or doctoral degree, or a professional certification
— that sound credible, but in fact, were not earned through
a legitimate course of study at an accredited institution.
Federal officials caution that some people are buying phony credentials
from “diploma mills” — companies that sell “degrees”
or certificates on the Internet without requiring the buyer to
do anything more than pay a fee. Most diploma mills charge a flat
fee, require little course work, if any, and award a degree based
solely on “work or life experience.” According to
officials from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Department
of Education, and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) bogus
credentials can compromise your credibility — and your organization’s.
You could place an unqualified person in a position of responsibility,
leaving your organization liable if the employee’s actions
harm someone. You could hire a person who is dishonest in other
ways, exposing your organization and colleagues to potential damage.
And if the bogus degrees are brought to light, you risk embarrassment.
The agencies have teamed up, putting new tools in place to help
you weed out bogus academic credentials and insure the integrity
of your hiring process.
More Information Go To: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/buspubs/diplomamills.shtm

the W/MBE Opportunity: A Formula for Growing Market Share
of the challenges companies face in establishing W/MBE strategies
within the context of their business is that 1) there are a wide
range of W/MBE opportunities and 2)W/MBE opportunities are not
defined by specific products and services—but by the ownership
structure of the business entity that provides the product or
the relevance and significance of this channel to your business
requires careful consideration of the primary “targets”
that define the overall W/MBE opportunity within the overall U.S.
economy. W/MBE “set aside” programs exist within the
U.S. Federal Government, within 27 states, and in hundreds of
municipal, county, and regional governments. W/MBE “vendor
diversity” programs exist within 25% of the Fortune 500
and in thousands of other private enterprises. Altogether, W/MBEs
represent up to 7% of U.S. business receipts and are growing at
twice the rate of the U.S. economy. Supplier Diversity programs
suffer from a misconception: that they are a form of “corporate
charity,” designed to help disadvantaged persons and businesses
get a leg up in the marketplace. This is far from the truth. In
fact, while Supplier Diversity programs make good public relations,
the policies are designed to capitalize on an expanding pool of
consumers. For regulated companies or those that do business with
the government, political pressure demands a focus on diversity.
For companies that focus on the private sector, especially in
consumer products, Supplier Diversity programs are a marketplace
expectation; large companies without a such a program may well
be at a disadvantage.
More Information and to Download the Full Report Go To: http://www.franklynn.com/marketing/

Employers, Vendors Must Share Responsibility
If you
think it’s OK to forgo background checks on the overnight
cleaning crew or that contract IT guy from the company’s
software vendor, think again. Companies increasingly are hiring
more temporary, contingent or short-term employees. Screening
experts say HR departments need to be just as diligent in ensuring
that the backgrounds of those employees are vetted as thoroughly
as those of full-time employees. A recent benchmarking survey
conducted by screening company HireRight found that while 77%
of organizations said they screen all permanent hires, fewer than
half (45%) screen temporary labor. Just 30%screen contractors,
and only 11 percent screen vendor employees. Some experts contend
that there may be even more reason to be concerned about the background
of part-time or contingent workers than full-time employees. For
example, Todd Owens, Intelius Inc said, industry statistics show
that temporary workers are more than 50% more likely than full-time
workers to have a felony or drug-related record. “They are
more transient workers and it is very well known that for criminals
with a tainted past, often the best way to get back into the workforce
is to take a temporary assignment through a temporary organization
or as an independent contractor,” he said. That means that
companies should develop a companywide policy for extended workforce
screening. “If [temporary employees] cause a hostile workplace,
hurt a member of the public or attack a co-worker, arguably employers
are just as liable as they would be if this were a full-time,
regular employee,” said Les Rosen.
More Information Go To: http://www.shrm.org/ema/library_published/nonIC/CMS_024438.asp#TopOfPage
Threat From U.S. Extremists May Be Greater Than From Foreign Terrorists
When it
comes to fears about a terrorist attack, people in the U.S. usually
focus on Osama bin Laden and foreign-based radical groups. Yet
researchers say domestic extremists who commit violence in the
name of their cause – abortion or the environment, for example
– account for most of the damage from such incidents in
this country. These homegrown groups are seven times more likely
than overseas groups to commit some kind of violence in the United
States, a panel reported Sunday at the annual meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science. Kelly R. Damphousse,
University of Oklahoma noted that researchers have compiled an
international Terrorism Knowledge Base – www.tkb.org –
listing incidents around the world. The section on the United
States lists such organizations as Animal Liberation Front, Environmental
Liberation Front, Anti-Castro Cubans and the Black Revolutionary
Assault Team among others.
More Information Go To: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/nation/20080217-1124-domesticextremists.html

States: Spring Rush For Fiscal Year 2009 H-1B Is Approaching
The Rush?
The governmental
Fiscal Year begins on October 1st and 65,000 + 20,000 H-1B visa
numbers become available on October 1 each year. However, due
to the high demand for H-1B visa numbers, the United States Citizenship
and Immigration Services (USCIS) now accepts employers’
H-1B applications starting April 1st . Last April, the USCIS received
130,000 H-1B applications for the 65,000 slots on the first date
of the Fiscal Year. In other words, all of 65,000 H-1B visa numbers
(except for those reserved for nationals of Singapore and Chile)
disappeared on DAY ONE of the application period. As of today,
the USCIS has not published new policy directives with respect
to this year’s H-1B filing. Under the same filing system,
it is expected that this year the H-1B competition may be as fierce
as, if not worse than, the last year.
you are a US employer wishing to employ an eligible foreign professional
worker in the H-1B visa category, and if it is not a cap exempt
organization, it is essential that an H-1B petition be filed with
the USCIS on April 1, and no later than April 1. (Otherwise, the
next chance to submit an H-1B petition for the individual may
not be until April 1, 2009 for H-1B employment starting October
1, 2009.)
More Information Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=57444&email_access=on

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Month’s Challenge is sponsored by:
2008-2009 Background Screening Industry Buyers Guide
Click Here For More Information on the Buyers Guide
As the background
screening industry continues to get more competitive the firms
that will ultimately succeed will be those that create competitive
advantage through their people by offering continuous learning
opportunities to heightened their knowledge and capabilities.
We believe that having employees that are very knowledgeable about
the legal landscape of background screening is essential to continued
We are grateful
to Pam Devata, Seyfarth
Shaw LLP for providing the expertise for this valuable
endeavor. For information regarding the answers to the Legal Challenge
Questions, please contact Pamela Devata at Seyfarth Shaw LLP at
or 312-460-5000 or visit www.seyfarth.com.
Please choose
your answer by clicking on it:

Offers Businesses Comprehensive Risk Prevention
Background Data (NBD), LLC, the leading provider of criminal history
database information announces CrimWATCH, a post-hire criminal
screening solution. CrimWATCH regularly scans nationwide criminal
databases and notifies organizations when criminal records are
found for active employees. By monitoring employees’ post-hire
criminal activities, CrimWATCH enhances risk prevention measures
which help minimize workplace crimes, create a safer work environment,
and improve business performance. Crime in the workplace can endanger
employees and cause business performance issues such as legal
liability, turnover, financial loss, and unfavorable publicity.
The United States Chamber of Commerce reports that $50 billion
are lost annually due to employee theft and fraud. And, the Bureau
of Labor Statistics reports that on average 1.7 million violent
victimizations were committed per year against people at work
or on duty. Pre-employment criminal background screening is one
preventative measure organizations use to avoid losses such as
these. While pre-employment screening can serve as an effective
tool, this practice falls short on identifying criminal misconduct
of employees after they are hired. CrimWATCH alleviates this shortcoming
by providing on-going post-hire screening that monitors current
employees for criminal behavior.
More Information Go to: www.NationalBackgroundData.com
or contact Bill Bollinger at wjb@NationalBackgroundData.com
or (866) 234-4455

Background, Inc. Announces Record Breaking Growth
Background, Inc., a leader in the background screening industry,
recently announced that nationwide sales continue to exceed expectations;
2007 numbers show sales increased by over 150% from 2006. The
company has also already experienced record-breaking sales in
January 2008, generating more new clients in the single month,
surpassing the entire first quarter of 2007. Vice President of
Sales & Marketing Aaron Charbonnet commented that, True to
form, we are beginning 2008 at an amazing, almost unbelievable
pace showing nearly a 300% increase in closed sales over the same
period last year.”
more information about Accurate Background, Inc. and its products,
call (800) 784-3911 or visit the Company's web site at www.accuratebackground.com.

Testing Systems, Inc. Integrates Background Screening Services
With Taleo’s Industry Leading Talent Management Platform
Testing Systems, Inc., the leading provider of pre-employment
screening services, announced today that it has entered into an
alliance with Taleo (NASDAQ: TLEO), the leading provider of talent
management solutions. Under the terms of the agreement, Sterling’s
background screening services will be integrated with Taleo’s
leading on demand recruiting solution, Taleo Enterprise Edition.
Sterling’s certified integration with Taleo Enterprise Edition
7.5 will allow customers to quickly and more efficiently initiate
background screens from the Taleo talent management platform.
With this integration, applicant data can be securely and automatically
transferred to Sterling, eliminating the need for faxing or redundant
data entry. The result is a more efficient, accurate and timely
screening and on-boarding process.
More Information Go To: http://www.sterlingtesting.com/News/Press.aspx?prId=50

the use of an online system too difficult for
your clients to use?
background screening software is so easy
to use that your clients will actually enjoy
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your current applicant screening system is so
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time by getting your clients to enter the orders
for you.
and powerful, InstaScreen™ is intuitive,
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clients specialized needs.
(801) 572-7401 or visit www.tazworks.net
and demo our easy-to-use technology first hand.

Anyone Care or Even Notice If You Went Out of Business?
would your company fare in the harsh glare of self-examination?
Do you provide such a unique product or service that customers
would be saddened to see you go?
· Have you forged an emotional connection with your customers
that another company couldn't duplicate?
· Could your employees find an employer that treated them
as well as your company?
Po!nt: "How does your company rank?" asks Moore.
"Can you answer YES with conviction? Or, do you have to concede
by answering NO?" If the latter, it's time to work on drumming
up support.
Source: John Moore, Brand Autopsy, http://www.brandautopsy.com/
John can be reached at john@brandautopsy.com

You Like To Get Introduced to More Than 20,000 Human Resource

A Part Of History And Join Us In the First Background Screening
Industry’s Buyers Guide!
business cannot afford to miss this unique opportunity to
promote your business to thousands of human resource managers.
Don’t miss this chance to showcase your firm in our
Buyers Guide that will serve as a reference tool for the
background screening industry throughout the year.
Let Your Competitors Get Business That Could Have Been Yours.
Guide is going to debut at the 2008 SHRM Annual Conference
to showcase background screening industry firms at the premier
event that is attended by more than 20,0000 human resource
professionals. We will also distribute the Gude at other
HR and Security conferences as well as thru mailings.
Reserve Your Space Today Click
Here or contact Barry Nixon at wbnixon@aol.com

employee deletes 7-years worth of architectural drawings
As businesses worry about natural disasters and act of terrorism,
they should also be mindful, and prepared for, spiteful, angry,
and vengeful employees. Marie Cooley of Jacksonville, Florida,
came across a job announcement in the classified section of a
local paper -- a job which looked like hers. She admits she was
certain she was about to be fired. So police say that late Sunday
night she crept into the Mandarin office where she worked at Steven
E. Hutchins Architects. "She decided to go and mess up everything
for everybody," said Jacksonville Sheriff's Office spokesman
Ken Jefferson. Jefferson says Cooley accessed the company's server
with her own account, and with a handful of mouse clicks and keystrokes
she deleted seven years' worth of architectural drawings. Seven
years of work were gone in but a few seconds. The company put
the value of the deleted files at $2.5 million.
More Information Go To: http://hsdailywire.com/single.php?id=5419

You Protected Against Misconduct By Your Network Administrator?
everyone's worst nightmare: You arrive at the office on a Monday
morning, and your network administrator has vanished. Maybe she
took off for Tahiti, got hit by a bus, or got a better offer.
Worse yet, maybe he was not managing at a level that was expected
of him, and walked off in a huff when called to the carpet. No
one wants to believe that, upon leaving, a network administrator
would ever do anything to negatively impact your firm. Far too
many firms reject the notion of a written employment agreement,
arguing that they never had one in the past, and nothing bad has
happened. "It won't happen to us." At some time in the
life cycle of every firm you will replace your network administrator
— whether due to performance issues, retirement, illness,
or other unforeseen circumstances. And keep in mind that your
network administrator maintains the "keys to the kingdom."
Your network is the heart of your legal organization — it
contains essential data about your firm and your clients. Anticipate
these departures with adequate planning and procedures. In fact,
your organization should have departure protocols in place for
every key IT staff member — as well as outside consultants
and programmers. Here are tips on how to protect your firm:
More Information Go To:


ID Theft Spreading The Pain
patient data can threaten lives, ruin credit and assault health
insurers with bogus claims
Possibly the fastest-growing
and least-understood form of identity theft: medical identity
theft. Up to 500,000 Americans have been victimized and may not
know it, says the World Privacy Forum, which published the definitive
review of the subject in 2006. Individuals made nearly 19,500
complaints of medical ID theft with the Federal Trade Commission
from January 1992 to April 2006. “We’re seeing a larger
volume of theft reports, and those reports are coming in more
frequently,” says Byron Hollis, national anti-fraud director
for the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, which represents the
39 Blue Cross Blue Shield health plans.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.insurancefraud.org/fraudFocus.htm

Reminder for New York Employers: Focus on Employee Privacy and
Data Security
Identity theft has
become one of the fastest growing crimes in America. To combat
identity theft, many state legislatures have been enacting legislation
focused on privacy and data security of personal information.
The New York legislature has been in the forefront in this effort.
The scope of state legislation impacts all New York businesses
in their capacity as employers, among others. The privacy and
data security laws enacted in New York in the past few years prescribe
the manner in which New York business must handle personal information,
including employee information. We summarize three (3) enactments
that all New York employers should know and comply with: Social
Security Number Protection, Data Destruction and Data Breach Notification.
Compliance with these requirements involves various levels of
management and legal counsel. Multi-state employers may have to
address separate laws in different jurisdictions. These issues,
with their potential for class action claims, negative publicity
and significant liability, should be at the top of any chief executive's
corporate compliance agenda.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.jacksonlewis.com/legalupdates/article.cfm?aid=1293

Survey Shows Illicit Drug Users
Are in the Workplace |
One in 12 fulltime workers in the US
has used illegal drugs some time within the past month, according
to the Worker Substance Use and Workplace Policies and Programs
Study. |

Numbers Of Data Theft Occurred In '07, Groups Report
The loss or theft of personal data such as credit card and Social
Security numbers soared to unprecedented levels in 2007, and the
trend isn't expected to turn around anytime soon as hackers stay
a step ahead of security and laptops disappear with sensitive
information. While companies, government agencies, schools and
other institutions are spending more to protect data with more
sophisticated firewalls and encryption, theinvestment often is
too little, too late. Foley's group lists more than 79 million
records reported compromised in the United States through Dec.
18. That's a nearly fourfold increase from the nearly 20 million
records reported in all of 2006. Another group, Attrition.org,
estimates that more than 162 million records were compromised
through Dec. 21 - both in the United States and overseas, unlike
the other group's U.S.-only list.
For More
Information Go To:

Will Pay $50,000 Penalty for Tossing Consumers’ Credit Report
Information in Unsecured Dumpster
A mortgage
company that left loan documents with consumers’ sensitive
personal and financial information in and around an unsecured
dumpster has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges
that it violated federal regulations. The FTC’s complaint
alleges that Northbrook, Illinois-based American United Mortgage
Company violated the Disposal, Safeguards, and Privacy rules by
failing to properly dispose of credit reports or information taken
from credit reports, failing to develop or implement reasonable
safeguards to protect customer information, and not providing
customers with privacy notices. “Every business, whether
large or small, must take reasonable and appropriate measures
to protect sensitive consumer information, from acquisition to
disposal,” FTC Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras said. “This
agency will continue to prosecute companies that fail to fulfill
their legal responsibility to protect consumers’ personal
More Information Go To: http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2007/12/aumort.shtm

Your Company Against Network Administrator Nightmare
It's everyone's worst nightmare: You arrive at the office on a
Monday morning, and your network administrator has vanished. Maybe
she took off for Tahiti, got hit by a bus, or got a better offer.
Worse yet, maybe he was not managing at a level that was expected
of him, and walked off in a huff when called to the carpet. No
one wants to believe that, upon leaving, a network administrator
would ever do anything to negatively impact your firm. Far too
many firms reject the notion of a written employment agreement,
arguing that they never had one in the past, and nothing bad has
happened. "It won't happen to us." At some time in the
life cycle of every firm you will replace your network administrator
— whether due to performance issues, retirement, illness,
or other unforeseen circumstances. Anticipate these departures
with adequate planning and procedures. In fact, your organization
should have departure protocols in place for every key IT staff
member — as well as outside consultants and programmers.
For More Information Go To:
27, 2008 |
Relations; Taking Client Calls; Understanding HR Manager;
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Register Here:

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your relationship with your clients and attract new clients. Our
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are constantly researching information to use for The Background
Buzz and you can put our research to use for you. Using the
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your staff’s time to do more valuable work and save all
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Barry Nixon at 949-770-5264 or at wbnixon@aol.com
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up before March 30th and we will create a customized header for
your newsletter at no additional charge.

Marijuana Held Not To Be Defense Against Employers Taking Adverse
Action in Hiring
The initial Decision
in Ross, published subsequent to the U.S. Supreme Court Decision
Gonzales v. Raich, held that employers were not required to hire
an applicant that tests verified positive on a pre-employment
drug test but provides a medical marijuana explanation for the
positive laboratory test result. The lower court's Decision was
upheld on appeal to the California Court of Appeal. The Court
of Appeal held that employers have legitimate interests in not
employing persons who use illegal drugs. The Court of Appeal further
held that such use had resulted in, among other things, increased
absenteeism from work, diminished productivity, greater health
costs, and increased problems with respect to safety in the workplace.
132 Cal. App. 4th 590, September 7, 2005. Ross v. Ragingwire Telecommunications,
Inc. was thereafter appealed to the California Supreme Court,
was argued to the Court on November 6, 2007 and decided on January
24, 2008.
Source: SAPAA,
January 28, 2008

Place! Many Suppliers! |
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VENDOR SHOWCASE which features suppliers to the
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click on ‘Click Here’ and then scroll down to Vendor
Showcase for Background Screening Industry Suppliers)

Important To Verify The Credentials Of
Domestic Help
India - Employers in Kanpur are becoming targets of innovative
yet devious designs of their domestic help to rob them.
Ready to make money by hook or by crook, they are resorting
to poisoned massage oils, fatal drug injections for fruits
and cigarettes which emit poisonous smoke to rob their employers!
Businessman Raman Patel narrates tales of how domestic help
have easy access to cigarettes that emit poisonous smoke,
making the inmates of the house unconscious. "Thus,
it becomes a cakewalk to loot them. The trick works because,
though you might be trying to keep an eye on the suspicious
activities of your domestic help, you obviously cannot avoid
inhaling the smoke!" he says. Here's what DIG Police,
Mukul Goel has to say about the issue: "I would suggest
that employers do a thorough investigation of a person's
background before appointing him or her at work. The police
department makes investigations regarding domestic help
if his/her picture and address is provided. This procedure
is neither tedious nor expensive and can be done for a mere
Rs 20! It is very important to verify the credentials of
the person you are employing in your house and make sure
that he is not a member of any criminal gang."
For More Information Go To: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com

Crime In India On Rise
New Delhi: With corporate crime on the rise, here's an emerging
trend that India Inc is not particularly keen to talk about;
white collar crime. The Ernst and Young global fraud survey
finds that the threat from within is worrying corporates
to death.There is a sudden spurt of cases of employees accused
of fudging account books or cheating customers. The Ernst
and Young fraud survey finds that corporate India is experiencing
a wave of white-collar crime like never before. Close to
half the respondents have said that corporate crime is up
substantially and 24 per cent felt it was at an alarming
level. And the threat is mostly from within. 36 per cent
of the respondents said that internal fraud in collusion
with a third party was the greatest risk to their companies.
For More Information Go To:

To Prepare Employee Database To Counter Attrition
New Delhi/Gurgaon:
Facing huge productive manpower crunch in a labour-intensive industry,
BPO companies are now pinning their hope on the education system
which could produce productive manpower. Nevertheless, considering
the fact that attrition in the industry has been worsening and
hitting the sector adversely, key players have chalked out a plan
to get the background investigations done of all employees and
thereby creating a data bank for reference for the employers.
Giving details of the initiative, Business Process Industry Association
of India (BPIAI) president Samir Chopra said that they are going
to hire an investigation’s company to carry out this task.
"It’s unacceptable to the industry that people who
join companies desert them within few weeks. Then the companies,
which have invested so much into the training, lose the man and
also the investment for no fault of theirs. We intend to stop
this by initiating this step," Chopra added.
More Information Go To: http://www.Timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Business/India_Business/

Checking On Foreigners
– Thai: Police are making background checks on more than
1,000 foreigners, mainly teachers, working in Thailand after a
spate of arrests for alleged child sex abuse, a senior officer
said yesterday. ''It shouldn't be enough to wear white shirts
and have a university degree. We need to know their backgrounds,''
said Pol Col Apichart Suribunya, head of the liaison office for
Interpol. Police would seek records of any convictions in home
countries and from Thai immigration police before foreigners were
hired as teachers. ''We are scrutinising more than 1,000 foreign
teachers working in Thailand,'' he said. ''Until now, educational
institutions would only look at their academic qualifications,
but that is not enough.''
More Information Go To: http://teakdoor.com/thailand-and-asia-news/20647-thai-police-checking-foreigners-mainly-teachers.html

To Check Immigrant Security Guards
- Thousands of immigrants licensed by the British government to
work as security guards will soon face more stringent background
checks.Government ministers ordered the increased security checks
after learning the Security Industry Authority did not determine
whether those individuals were entitled to work inside Britain's
borders, The Sunday Telegraph reported.
More Information Go To: http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/Top_News/2007/11/11/britain_to_check_immigrant_security_guards/9641/

For Criminal Records Checks Are Frozen Again
for criminal record checks have been frozen for the second year
running. The Criminal Records Bureau, CRB, is able to freeze its
fees as a direct result of year-on-year efficiency savings and
increasing demand for its service. Over the last 12 months, the
CRB has made significant improvements to its service delivery
and has continued to make internal efficiency savings to keep
the cost of a Disclosure to a minimum.
More Information Go To: http://www.crb.gov.uk/Default.aspx?page=4959

Kingdom Police Association Calls For Domestic Violence Register
Kingdom -- Men and women who abuse their partners should be identified
on a domestic violence register, the Association of Chief Police
Officers (ACPO) said on January 22nd. Chief Constable Brian Moore,
ACPO's spokesman on domestic violence, said dozens of lives could
be saved if the perpetrators of domestic violence were tracked
in the same way as sex offenders. He told MPs that, while the
charity Victim Support helped more than 400,000 victims of domestic
violence a year, research indicated that the true level of abuse
amounted to a "huge" 13m incidents a year. In 2006-07,
142 people were killed in domestic violence attacks - including
38 men.
More Information Go To: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,2245048,00.html

have greatly enhanced our International Resource Center to be
a valuable resource for anyone looking for information on doing
international background verifications, vetting or verifications.
It includes information on international data protection and other
laws, terrorist searches and much more. Also included is very
practical information on time zones, locating cities, holidays
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United Kingdom’s Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
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We have added International Training Resources to the International
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this valuable resource so you can use it over and over.
view the International Section go to www.PreemploymentDirectory.com
and look under the gray line like below in the middle of the page:


Market Flashing Recession
unemployment rate jumped up to 5% last month, and non-government
payrolls fell by 13,000, in a far weaker job report than was expected,
according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report on the labor
market for December 2007. Total payrolls rose by 18,000 the weakest
month for job growth since August 2003, the last month of the
jobless recovery. Though one month of particularly weak jobs data
does not necessarily signal a new, negative trend, a broad set
of indicators throughout today's report suggest the weakening
economy has finally reached the job market:
More Information Go To: http://www.epi.org/content.cfm/webfeatures_econindicators_jobspict_20080104

2008 Employment Expected To Remain Steady
U.S. employers are reporting that
they plan to maintain a steady hiring pace during the first quarter
of 2008, according to the seasonally adjusted results of the latest
Employment Outlook Survey released by Manpower Inc.
“Our survey data suggests it will be a solid start to the
year when it comes to hiring in the United States,” said
Jeffrey A. Joerres, chairman and CEO of Manpower Inc., in a prepared
statement. “Overall, employers anticipate only marginal
changes compared to three months ago, with the brightest job prospects
reported by employers in the mining and services sectors. On the
other hand, finding job opportunities in the construction and
education sectors is expected to be more challenging for job seekers.”
For More Information Go To: http://www.manpower.com/press/meos.cfm

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