Background Checks For Employees Who Make House Calls
all of you who have met and talked with the folks from The Sue
Weaver Cause, this is the exact scenario that they are trying
to bring attention too. They need our support and equally important
these laws need to be passed to save lives.
of cable customers spurs proposed law. Chicago businesses and
their subcontractors would be required to conduct criminal background
checks on employees who make house calls -- and bar home entry
by those convicted of sex crimes -- under a crackdown advanced
by a City Council committee Wednesday in response to two recent
murders. The Finance Committee approved a broad ordinance that
would require every company holding a Chicago business license
and its subcontractors to conduct criminal screening of employees
who make house calls.
More Information Go To: http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/206561,CST-NWS-cable11.article

Minorities Are Starting To Fight Employers Over The Use Of Credit
History In Hiring
BOSTON – Credit checks are
a growing factor in hiring, with 35 percent of employers checking
applicants' credit in 2003, up from 19 percent in 1996, according
to the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). Some privacy
and minority advocates are now seeing credit as a civil rights
issue as minorities start to fight employers and insurers who
base decisions on credit histories. "It's definitely a civil
rights issue because of the growing use of credit reports and
credit scores for hiring, renting an apartment, insurance, and
the fact that people of color have not been integrated into the
credit scoring system as much as traditional, white, middle-class
America," says Evan Hendricks, author of "Credit Scores
& Credit Reports: How the System Really Works, What You Can
Do." So far, there's a lack of data supporting a relationship
between bad credit and theft by employees. Eastern Kentucky University
conducted perhaps the only study published on the subject in 2003
and found no correlation between employee credit reports and negative
performance or termination for dishonesty. "Employers seem
to be assuming that somebody with a poor credit history is more
likely to steal, and I don't think there's any kind of evidence
that supports that," says Dianna Johnston, assistant legal
counsel with the EEOC.
More Information Go to: http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0118/p01s03-ussc.html

cracking Down on Illegal Workers
are showing interest in laws that would require employers to participate
in a controversial federal government system designed to verify
the work eligibility of employees. Legislators in Colorado and
Georgia have passed laws requiring government contractors to participate,
or attempt to participate, in the federal government's online
employment verification system. The program, known as the Basic
Pilot, is voluntary in most jurisdictions. It checks information
in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Social Security
Administration databases in an effort to ensure that new hires
are eligible to work in the United States.
states are also cracking down on illegal workers:
Effective June 23, 2006, SB 753 prohibits awarding state
contracts to employers who operate a Louisiana business of more
than 10 employees if they knowingly employ an undocumented foreign
national worker.
Effective Aug. 11, 2006, HR 2319 prohibits state contractors from
knowingly employing or knowingly permitting their subcontractors
to employ undocumented workers.
Effective Jan. 1, 2007, HB 111 prohibits companies from contracting
with the state without first attesting in writing that it will
not knowingly use the services of illegal immigrants or of any
subcontractor who will use illegal immigrants.
are pending in Alabama, Arizona, California, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland,
Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Utah, West
Virginia and Wisconsin, speakers said. In addition, many local
jurisdictions are cracking down on illegal hiring, the speakers
More Information Go To: http://www.shrm.org/hrnews_published/archives/CMS_019665.asp
(Full article only available to SHRM Members)

International Seeks Comments on Information Asset Protection Draft
VA - ASIS International (ASIS), the preeminent organization for
security professionals worldwide, through its Commission on Guidelines
and the Information Asset Protection Committee, today released
the Information Asset Protection Draft Guideline. The guideline
seeks to help organizations develop and implement a policy and
comprehensive risk-based strategy to protect their intellectual
property, proprietary information and other intangible assets.
The Information Asset Protection Draft Guideline is available
for a public review and comment period of 60 days, ending February
14, 2007.
For More Information Go To: http://www.asisonline.org/guidelines/guidelineiapdraft.pdf

the Perils of Electronic Data
Each time your employees edit a Word document or create an Excel
spreadsheet, they unknowingly leave behind vital hidden electronic
data. These data can include, for example, text that a manager
added or deleted to a performance review, formulas employees used
for making spreadsheet calculations, and information regarding
which individuals accessed a file, when they accessed it and how
they changed it. These records can be so important in legal proceedings
that courts increasingly are requiring employers to maintain and
track such hidden data, which do not exist in paper records. For
HR, the unique challenges posed by maintaining and tracking such
hidden electronic data require working with IT staff, legal counsel
and business units to formulate an effective electronic data retention
policy. The need for such policies has never been greater. See
suggestions for how to create a Document Retention Policy.
For More Information
Go To: http://www.shrm.org/hrmagazine/articles/0107/0107roberts.asp

Insider Threat - Attack Risks In The IT Department
Thirty percent
of insiders who launch system attacks have criminal records, says
Dawn Cappelli, a senior member of Carnegie Mellon University's
CERT security response team, citing a 2006 study. In that study,
73% of companies did background checks, compared with just 48%
in the 2005 study. Companies just starting to do checks on job
candidates should go back and check on current employees, too,
says Ken van Wyk of information security consulting firm KRvW
For More Information
Go To: http://www.informationweek.com/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=

PROTECTION: continued |
Steps To Follow When Data Leakage Strikes
At a recent
summit on "data leakage," Experian Corp. chief information
security officer James Christiansen provided a very useful rundown
of what to do before, during, and after a data breach or a court-issued
subpoena for data. As states continue to pass laws that hold companies
accountable for lost or stolen data, federal legislation on this
subject is making its way, albeit slowly, through Congress. The
courts have also tightened their reins on data discovery by amending
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to compel companies to produce
any and all available data pertinent to a court case.
Click Here
to Read About Christiansen's Cardinal Rules: http://www.informationweek.com/blog/main/archives/2006/12/you_might_want.html

would like to tap into the collective brain trust of the industry
to see what people think the future holds for the background industry.
Please go to http://www.surveyz.com/TakeSurvey?id=62363
and answer the following question: All responses will be anonymous
and unknown to me.
- What
are the top five issues that you think will have the most impact
on background screening within the next 5 years?
will summarize the findings in the February edition.
Abruptly Fires Longtime Workers
employees of H & M International Transportation – many
of them members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters
labor union – were fired in November from jobs at the Union
Pacific Railroad without the hearing required by union bylaws.
The men, convicted felons who have served their sentences and
re-entered society, disclosed this information completely when
they were hired. Last March, they did so again when told under
threat of firing that they must complete forms characterized as
credit checks. After submitting the required information, the
workers also completed an Internet test on railroad safety and
security. Eight months later, they were notified by telephone
or letter that H&M was instituting an “involuntary separation
of their employment,” apparently as security risks. None
of the workers has been involved in criminal cases since employment;
nor is misconduct on the job been alleged. On the contrary, some
of them have received raises and promotions. All have worked overtime,
some 14 days straight, before being fired.
More Information Go To:http://www.rainbowpush.org/FMPro?-db=rp5h%2fdata06%2fdetailpress.htm
above situation illustrates the problems that firms can run into
if Post Hire Screening of employees is not done well. Infinity
Screening Services was started to help firms avoid these kinds
of issues and to implement post hire screening without causing
a lot of headaches and pain. Let’s us help you sell your
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more information call Barry Nixon at 949-770-5264

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resumes of people with industry experience and industry
employers seeking industry experience.
- your one stop source to quickly and easily find people
in the background screening industry. Go to backgroundscreeningjobs.com

Current Legal Framework Of The Data Privacy And Personal
Information Protection In Mexico
governing the access and protection of personal data in
credit bureaus and public government files, were introduced
and passed by the Federal Congress while President Fox (2000-2006)
was in office. The purpose of this paper is to describe
the current legal framework of the Data Privacy provisions,
established in an array of pieces of federal legislation,
which will be analyzed hereinafter. As will be noted, new
federal legislation has also covered broader protection
to consumers, both "on line" and "off line,"
as established in the recent amendments to the Federal Consumer
Protection Act. In spite of the opposing voices to the approval
of data protection legislation, our conclusion is that in
our globalized world, companies in Mexico, should implement
corporate data privacy policies and procedures, in order
to comply with foreign recommendations and local laws and
More Information Go To: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=45282

Officer Recruits, Community Support Officers And Special
Constables Should Have DNA Checks
Kingdom - The Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)
advocates DNA checks for recruits, community support officers
and special constables to ensure they have no criminal record.
Tony Lake, ACPO lead on forensic science and chief constable
of Lincolnshire Police, told Police Review that we should
go run a specific search on the national DNA database to
see that they are not only who they say they are, but that
they are not linked to any outstanding crimes.”
More Information Go To: http://www.personneltoday.com/Articles/2007/01/05/387

Alerting the Industry to Terrorists and other High-Risk
September 13th, 2006. World-Check, the leading provider
of risk-related intelligence on heightened risk individuals
and entities, is proud of its record of being ahead of the
sanction-list curve. During the last 18 months, the U.S.
Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
augmented the OFAC List with some 330 individuals and entities.
Through its continued research and expertise, World-Check
had identified 89 of these prior to their inclusion on OFAC.
Of even further note, 21 of these 89 are in relation to
terrorism. Once again World-Check has proven its worth as
an early-warning system in protecting the financial community
from adverse risk. Over 2,000 institutions, including 45
of the world’s 50 largest financial institutions and
hundreds of government agencies, rely on the World-Check
database of known heightened-risk individuals and businesses
to efficiently screen their customers, associates, transactions
and employees for potential risk.
More Information Go To: http://www.world-check.com/media/d/content_pressrelease_reference/OFAC20061218.pdf

the leading provider of risk-related intelligence on heightened
risk individuals and entities can now be accessed via the
International Recourses Center.
intent is to continuous add relevant information to create
a valuable resource that will be used over and over by anyone
looking for information on doing international background
verifications, vetting or verifications. It includes information
on EU countries data protection and other laws, Canada,
terrorist searches and much more. Also included is very
practical information on time zones, locating cities, etc.
Check it out and I am sure you will want to Bookmark it
so you can use it over and over. To view the International
Section go to www.PreemploymentDirectory.com and look under
the line in the middle of the page:

Background Buzz MEDIA RATES: |
have added some NEW
advertising Options to The Background Buzz!
here for more information about advertising in The Background
Buzz and PreemploymentDirectory.com (Sections: US Provider,
International, Vendor Showcase.)

of the true test of any association or organization
is the added value it gives to its members. In today’s
fast pace environment busy professionals have to make
choices about how to spend their time and which organizations
they want to be associated with. The following is one
person’s experience that clearly demonstrates
the value that NAPBS has contributed to him. |
membership has been the greatest networking opportunity
for Backgroundchecks.com. It has provided our company a
platform to address one of our biggest challenges, educating
the marketplace about databases. We have been able to share
detailed information concerning national databases and we
have been successful in partnering with other companies
to teach end users best practices.
Alice Jones, ajones@backgroundchecks.com,

Looking for the Top
Suppliers in the Industry? Need to find a new Supplier?
PreemploymentDirectory.com’s VENDOR SHOWCASE
which features suppliers to the Background Screening Industry
(go to www.PreemploymentDirectory.com,
click on ‘Click Here’ and then scroll down to
Showcase for Background Screening Industry Suppliers)
Place! Many Suppliers!

Partners with BRB Publications to Streamline Education Verifications
GA – ClearStar.net, a leading service provider
for the employment screening industry, announced today the
formation of a new partnership with BRB Publications. Under
the terms of the arrangement, members of the ClearStar.net
distribution network will now be able to gain direct access
to the educational institution information as well as the
state Motor Vehicle Records information in the BRB Publications
database. "Historically, education verifications have
been a relentless job for background screening firms,"
explained R.J. Vale, CEO of ClearStar.net. "By integrating
the BRB Publications database, we've eliminated many of
the tedious steps and streamlined the verification process
to save time and money for our members." With ClearStar.net's
new education service, suppliers or processors can search
for colleges and technical schools in the BRB Database by
name or location then view degrees granted and capture the
contact information necessary to secure alumni verifications.
More Information Go To: www.ClearStar.net

Microbilt Corporation Names New
Chairman, CEO And President
MicroBilt, the industry leader in risk management
information, providing credit bureau data access and retrieval,
providing credit, collection and data sources names Walter
Wojciechowski to the role of Chairman, CEO and President.
Wojciechowski comes to MicroBilt after serving as Sr Vice
President of the CBA Information Solutions division of First
Advantage Corporation/Experian North America where he managed
the day-to-day operations of this business unit as well
as the Eastern region sales and customer relations for First
American Credco. Previously, Wojciechowski held CEO, COO
and CFO positions at CBA Information Services and spearheaded
the strategic sale of the company to Experian North America.
Wojciechowski is admired and respected throughout the industry
and has served on the board of directors of the CDIA (Consumer
Data Industry Association). In addition to his role in overseeing
MicroBilt operations, Wojciechowski will be responsible
for planning MicroBilt’s overall strategic direction,
executing complementary acquisitions and structuring key
industry alliances to accelerate MicroBilt’s market
More Information Go To: www.MicroBilt.com

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MOVES - continued |
Expands Applications For Fortune 500 Customers Through Acquisition
Of Intellisense Corporation
WA -- Intelius, Inc., a leading company empowering consumers
and businesses with online information for intelligent decisions,
today expanded the size and scope of its employment screening
business with the acquisition of IntelliSense Corporation,
an employment screening firm based in Bothell, Wash.
More Information Go To: http://www.intelius.com/corp

World Security Corporation Buys Kroll Security International
Garda World Security Corporation,
a global leader in security and investigations services,
acquired Kroll Security International,
a London-based leading international provider of high-risk
market security services from Kroll, Inc., a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. Kroll
Security generates annual revenue of approximately US$42
More Information Go To: http://www.garda.ca/news.display.php?lang=en&id=625935

Check Software Launched
an Experian company, has launched Temp Check, a background
checking service specifically designed for the fast and
efficient checking of temporary workforces. There is a perceived
inability to perform timely and cost effective checks on
individuals who are temporary employees, and even a tendency
to ignore the risk and hope that no problems occur. Temp
Check provides an automated and rapid overnight service
for background checking temporary workers. Once candidates
give their consent to a background check, BackgroundChecking.com
can provide reports to the HR department or recruitment
agency the next day.
More Information Go To: http://www.recruitermagazine.co.uk/Articles/332443/Temp+Check+software+launched.html
a Platinum Member and Join the High Achievers

Mate - Background screening process is drastically
changing for companies
The article takes a glimpse at some of the key issues that
will likely impact background screening in the future.
in Suits
When Psychopaths Go to Work
You are about
to hire somebody for a position in your company. Your corporation
wants someone who's fearless, charismatic, and full of new
ideas. Candidate X is charming, smart, and has all the right
answers to your questions. Problem solved, right? Maybe
not. The book is a compelling look at exactly how psychopaths
work in the corporate environment: what kind of companies
attract them, how they negotiate the hiring process, and
how they function day by day. http://shrmstore.shrm.org/shrm/product.asp?pf%5Fid=48%2E53503&dept%5Fid=10 |
for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Annual Conference,
Las Vegas, NV, June 24-27, 2007, http://www.shrm.org/conferences/annual/
For Details
on State Conferences, go to http://www.shrm.org/conferences/state/CMS_004287.asp

National Conference & Expo 2007,
November 8-10, 2007, http://www.cupahr.org/
For Details on Regional Conferences go to http://www.cupahr.org/newsroom/news_template.asp?id=1982
Federation of Personnel Management Associations (WFPMA), World
Congress, For Details on International events by date
go to http://www.wfpma.com/dates.html

2007 Events (Click
Here to View full list of 2007 Events)